legitimize是什么意思 legitimize的中文翻译、读音、例句


legitimize是什么意思 legitimize的中文翻译、读音、例句

Legitimize 是一个动词,意思是使合法或认可。它可以从四个方面进行解释:

1. :指一国或通过法律或其他手段来承认其存在和合法性,或者通过国际社会的认可来合法化其主张。


- The UN Security Council voted to legitimize the election of the new president of the country.

- The United States has not yet legitimized the new government of the neighboring country.

- The government of the country is trying to legitimize its control over disputed territories.

2. 经济:指通过法律、规定或其他手段来合法化某些经济活动,以便获得市场的认可和接受度。


- The government is trying to legitimize the informal economy by creating more jobs and providing social safety nets.

- The company is seeking to legitimize its operations by complying with environmental and labor regulations.

- The regulatory agency is working to legitimize cryptocurrencies by establishing clear rules and guidelines.

3. 社会:指通过法律、规则或风俗来使某些行为受到社会的认同和接受,以减少社会摩擦和矛盾。


- The government is trying to legitimize same- marriage by passing a law to recognize it.

- The campaign aims to legitimize the use of ouns other than "he" and "she" to be more inclusive.

- The movement seeks to legitimize the use of traditional clothing as a form of cultural expression and identity.

4. 语言:指使用某种术语或词汇来使某种观点或行为更加正当和合法。


- The use of the term "climate change" legitimized the scientific understanding of global warming.

- The phrase "collateral damage" is used to legitimize civilian casualties in war.

- The activists are trying to legitimize the term "femicide" to highlight the gender-based violence against women.


1. The government is trying to legitimize the informal economy. 正在试图使非正式经济合法化。

2. The company is seeking to legitimize its operations by complying with regulations. 公司正在寻求通过遵守规定来合法化其运营。

3. The campaign aims to legitimize the use of ouns other than "he" and "she". 这项运动旨在合法化使用“他”和“她”以外的代词。

4. The phrase "collateral damage" is used to legitimize civilian casualties in war. 短语“附带损害”被用来合法化战争中的平民伤亡。

5. The activists are trying to legitimize the term "femicide". 活动人士正在努力合法化“女性”这个术语。




1. The government is working to legitimize the use of renewable energy sources. (正在努力合法化使用可再生能源。)

2. He had to legitimize his son in order to ensure his inheritance rights. (他必须合法地承认他的儿子,以确保他的继承权。)

3. The company is trying to legitimize its controversial business practices. (该公司正试图使其有争议的商业做法合法化。)




例句:A further appeal to European courts is possible if British courts again reject Fidler's bid to legitimize his castle. (如果英国法院再一次驳回费德勒要求房屋合法化的请求,不排除上诉到欧洲法庭的可能。)


例句:nowadays , the army tries to legitimize its existence by offering emergency relief and auxiliary support at sporting events. (现在,瑞士的试图通过排除紧急事件、辅助运动会等服务来保持其合法性。)


例句:On the other hand, if God does not exist, we find no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct. (另一方面,如果上帝不存在,我们便找不到可参照的价值或可服从的命令来认可自己的行为。)


例句:The Kenyan government is hesitant to legitimize illegally squatted land. (翻译:肯尼亚一直犹豫着是否将非法占用的土地合法化。)


1. On the other hand, if God does not exist, we find no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct. (翻译:另一方面,如果上帝不存在,我们便找不到可参照的价值或可服从的命令来认可自己的行为。)

2. The Kenyan government is hesitant to legitimize illegally squatted land. (翻译:肯尼亚一直犹豫着是否将非法占用的土地合法化。)

3. In the Greece of the economic crisis the EU and the creditors will politically legitimize the far-right in order to bring to power a non-elected banker, Loukas Papademos. (翻译:在经济危机的希腊, 欧盟和债权人会合法化极, 以便给非选举的银行家带来权力。)

4. The reality is the International Whaling Commission does have a mandate to look at issues affecting dolphins, but the Japanese are trying to legitimize a practice that just about every country in the world has said no to. (翻译:事实是,国际捕鲸委员会 确实有训令 调查影响海豚生存的事件)

5. In a sense, competition actually is good-especially to legitimize new markets. (翻译:从某种意义上说,竞争实际上是很有好处的——特别是在开发新市场方面。)

6. The queen and I will sign a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. (翻译:我要女王和我签署一个协议 使我们在这里的行动合法化)

7. All of these factors serve to legitimize the lower pricing of bonds, rather than encourage their rebound. (翻译:所有这些因素都使得公债的定价更低,更没能促使它们反弹。)

8. The second part, it defined the criminal appeal review legitimize concepts and features of the program. (翻译:第二部分主要是对刑事申诉复查正当化程序的概念和特征的界定。)

9. You know, the strongest evidence for genuinely demonstrating a domestic partnership is to take a quick drive on up to Canada and legitimize your relationship. (翻译:你们要知道,表明同的 最有效的证据 就是赶快到加拿大)

10. In order to legitimize the neo-Nazi presence the media compare them with the moderate left by means of the theory of the two extremes. (翻译:为了合法化的存在, 媒体拿他们与温和左翼作对照, 通过两种极端的理论。)

11. You brought me here to legitimize this experiment, and there's nothing legitimate about this place, Phil. (翻译:你带我来这,给这次实验合法化 但这个地方没什么是合法的,菲尔)

12. It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling. (翻译:它将倒转国际间日渐形成的对于鲸鱼保护的共识并难以理解地使商业捕鲸合法化。)

13. Idaris is his former commander and legitimize this video. (翻译:艾德瑞斯是他的前指挥官并使这个视频合法化 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Idaris is his former commander and legitimize this video.)

14. In order to legitimize the presence of Mussolini and Hitler the political establishment places them within coalition governments. (翻译:为了正当化和的存在, 体制将他们置合中。)

15. When Loewe returned to China in 1999, he set up an office to legitimize make his status and goals. (翻译:1999年,回到中国的卢安克设立了一个办事处,以使自己服务的身份和目的合法化。)






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