majoy是什么意思 majoy的中文翻译、读音、例句


majoy是什么意思 majoy的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性: 'Major' 可以作为名词、形容词和动词。作为名词时,表示主修课程或高级军官,作形容词时,表示重要的、主要的,作为动词时,表示主修或突出某一特定领域。


- His major at university was economics.


- The major reason for our success is hard work and dedication.


- She decided to major in computer science because she loves coding.


2. 缩写:'MAJOR' 可以缩写为'MJ','MAJ','M',常出现在军事、商业、教育等领域中。


- The MJ of the army gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.


- The company's MAJ goal for this year is to increase revenue by 10%.


- To be considered for the scholarship, applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 and be a current M of the university.


3. 用法:'major'通常用于比较形式,如'更大的、更主要的',或表示'相当大或相当主要的'。


- The major difference between these two cars is their fuel efficiency.


- This project is of major importance to the company's future success.


- The major part of the population in this city works in the service industry.


4. 相关短语:'major in'表示主修某一学科,'major key'表示主调,'major league'表示第一流的、顶级的等等。


- She decided to major in biology because she wants to become a doctor.


- The song is in the major key, which gives it a cheerful and upbeat feel.


- He was drafted directly into the major leagues after he finished college.


5. 发音:'major'的发音为/'meɪ.dʒər/',其中'dʒ'的发音和'j'相似,需要注意。


- She had trouble with the unciation of 'major' because she was used to saying 'mayor'.


- It's important to get the unciation of 'major' right in order to be understood by native speakers.




1. Majoy是一个非常优秀的程序员,她的编程技术非常精湛。

2. Majoy在团队中扮演了一个非常重要的角色,她的工作态度也非常认真。

3. Majoy能够很好地解决问题,她的思维非常清晰,对团队的贡献很大。




例句:Lorainne Joy from Clements Holloway. (Lorainne Joy ClementsHolloway律所的)


例句:I don't like to think about it, old mate. (old mate. No joy there.)


1. Joy, we got a stairway coming up. (翻译:乐乐 有楼梯唉 Joy. We got a stairway coming up.)

2. Mr. Agos, I am your pretrial service officer Joy Grubick (翻译:Agos先生 我是你的审前服务官Joy Grubick)

3. Joy, there are no secrets in the family. (翻译:卓伊,我们家里没有秘密。Joy, there are no secrets in the family.)

4. My name is Jack Fuller. I am a friend of joy. (翻译:我是Jack Fuller Joy的一个朋友)

5. Oh, heh, I wept tears of joy. (翻译:我喜极而泣啊 {\3cH202020}I wept tears of joy.)

6. - Oh, change it back, Joy. (翻译:- Oh. Change it back, Joy.)

7. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea (翻译:Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea)

8. So we can see that "ma" equals "mg" and what do we know from this? (翻译:可以看出ma=mg 我们能得出什么结论呢?)

9. Find the Joy in your life. (翻译:找到你生命中的真谛 Find the joy in your life.)

10. - Get it out of there, Joy! (翻译:- 把这段记忆弄走啊 乐乐 - 弹出 - Get it out of there, Joy.)

11. ♪ I wanna live inside the moment ♪ ♪ Yo, Ma ♪ (翻译:- # I wanna live inside the moment # - # Yo, Ma #)

12. - Totally behind you, Joy. (翻译:完全支持你 乐乐 Totally behind you, Joy.)

13. Robbing grandparents of joy? (翻译:要我剥夺祖父母的欢乐? Robbing grandparents of joy?)

14. Need an MA for the new models! (翻译:新式电脑真麻烦 Need an MA for the new models!)

15. * This joy is something new * * my arms enfolding you * (翻译:This joy is something new My arms enfolding you)




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