incurvates是什么意思 incurvates的中文翻译、读音、例句


incurvates是什么意思 incurvates的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Forgive me, my king, I mean no disrespect but I don't want to see any more sons of Troy incur the gods' wrath. (原谅我,吾王我无意冒犯 不想再看到特洛伊的孩子 遭到众神惩罚)


例句:And if you interrupt her now, you will not only incur the wrath of the Klingons but that of Lieutenant Uhura as well. (螒谓 蟿畏 未喂伪魏蠈蠄蔚喂蟼, 未蔚谓 胃伪 蟺蚁慰魏伪位苇蟽蔚喂蟼 渭蠈谓慰 蟿畏谓 慰蚁纬萎 蟿蝇谓 螝位委谓纬魏慰谓... ...伪位位维 魏伪喂 伪?蟿萎 蟿畏蟼 违蟺慰蟺位慰喂维蚁蠂慰? 螣?蠂慰蠉蚁伪.)


例句:This enables you to ask "what-if" about a particular set of physical design structures before you incur the overhead of implementing them. (这样一来,您就可以在发生应用这些结构产生的开销之前,对一组特定物理设计结构组作出假设分析。)


例句:Being equipoised in happiness and unhappiness, profit and loss, victory and defeat; thereafter prepare for battle and in this way you will not incur sinful reaction. (翻译:在幸与不幸,得与失,胜利和失败之间保持平衡;然后准备战斗,这样你就不会引发恶报。)


1. This enables you to ask "what-if" about a particular set of physical design structures before you incur the overhead of implementing them. (翻译:这样一来,您就可以在发生应用这些结构产生的开销之前,对一组特定物理设计结构组作出假设分析。)

2. Being equipoised in happiness and unhappiness, profit and loss, victory and defeat; thereafter prepare for battle and in this way you will not incur sinful reaction. (翻译:在幸与不幸,得与失,胜利和失败之间保持平衡;然后准备战斗,这样你就不会引发恶报。)

3. Y. cpp is now compiled to managed code and calls from Z. cpp no longer incur the managed-to-native transition cost. (翻译:现在Y.cpp被编译为托管代码,从Z.cpp调用就不需要有从托管到本机的转换成本。)

4. Is only a minor wound luckily, but received frightened extremely, now speaks incurs three does not incur four, the laughter was variable. (翻译:幸好只是轻伤,但受了极度惊吓,如今说话招三不招四,嬉笑无常。)

5. One minor incident happened when a car was rear-ended, but the Skynet Google cars have yet to incur any points on their virtual licenses. (翻译:尽管有一次追尾的小事故发生,但并未对谷歌汽车驾驶资格造成任何影响。)

6. Buyers incur infrastructure costs as variable opex. (翻译:消费者所产生的基础设施成本作为可变的运营成本。)

7. Running the product does incur some overhead, but the firm claims it is small - in the region of 1-5%. Lindo explained that the product. (翻译:运行这个产品确实会产生一些负载,但是公司声明那会非常小——在1 - 5%的范围之内。)

8. The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail. (翻译:这是对纳税人将要承担之清理成本的经济补偿,不管这些金融机构是否获准倒闭。)

9. They had to know it would incur the wrath of Punisher fans. (翻译:他们不得不知道这样会激发惩罚者爱好者的怒火。)

10. 'It is clear we will incur some non-production time, ' the company said in a memo. 'The amount of non-production is still uncertain. ' (翻译:该公司在一份备忘录中说,很明显,我们将经历一段停工时间,时间的长短目前还不确定。)

11. The strategic regulation of evening body reserves is also likely to incur additional costs, as nightingales must spend more time foraging in order to build up larger body reserves. (翻译:晚间的身体储能的策略管理机制,也会产生额外的能量支出,这样夜莺就必须花更多时间找食物,来增加储能。)

12. What I can tell you is the president's decisions are more aggressive and incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept. (翻译:我要告诉大家的是,总统的决定比我原先准备接受的更加激进,导致更多危险。)

13. All "standardised" OTC derivatives would be cleared and traded on an exchange, and even large industrial firms would incur stricter margining and capital charges on their trades. (翻译:所有“标准化”的场外衍生品都将被清算,然后在交易所进行交易。而且那些大型工业企业在交易时,利差和资本支出都会受到更加严格的监管。)

14. But once it arrived, if no buyer was to be found, or if prices suddenly dropped, farmers would incur tremendous losses. (翻译:然而一旦货物抵港,如果没有买家, 或者价格突然暴跌,农民就要承受重大的损失。)

15. You're hereby ordered to pay back $11,000 to the Mildred Drummond Foundation no later than June first, otherwise to incur penalties of interest. (翻译:根据条例 你必须于6月份之前 归还米尔德里德·蒙德基金11000美元 延期将支付滞留利息)






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