vlazovichi是什么意思 vlazovichi的中文翻译、读音、例句


vlazovichi是什么意思 vlazovichi的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Microsoft Volume Licensing customers can enter their unique VL product keys into the unattend answer file. (Microsoft批量授权用户可以将唯一的VL产品密钥输入到无人参与应答文件中。)


例句:The winners, Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, used palladium as a catalyst. (获奖者理查德-海克、根岸英一和铃木彰用钯原子作催化剂。)


例句:The winners, Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, used palladium as a catalyst. (获奖者理查德-海克、根岸英一和铃木彰用钯原子作催化剂。)


vlazovichi一般作为名词使用,如在Vlazovichi([地名] 弗拉佐维奇 ( 俄 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Vlazovichi[地名] 弗拉佐维奇 ( 俄 )


1. The winners, Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki, used palladium as a catalyst. (翻译:获奖者理查德-海克、根岸英一和铃木彰用钯原子作催化剂。)

2. Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. (翻译:理查德·赫克,根岸英一和铃木章分享了诺贝尔化学奖。)

3. Rambaldi was Pope Alexander Vl's chief architect. (翻译:兰巴迪是罗马教皇亚历山大 六世的主要建筑师)

4. "Basically, men's salaries were much higher in general, and they took a much bigger hit when the economy worsened," said Hideo Kumano, chief economist at the Dai-ichi Life Research Institute. (翻译:日本第一生命经济研究所的首席经济学家熊野秀夫说:“一般说来,男性的收入总体上会比女性高得多,在经济恶化时受到的打击也大得多。” )

5. Peter sailed his fleet down river to Azov and sealed it off from the sea. This time he built new earthworks, higher than the city walls. (翻译:彼得派遣舰队顺着河流驶向亚速,并断绝了它的海路。这次他筑起了比城墙还高的新工事。)

6. That was surely a woman's jealousy. It was just pride. Shape up, Shin'ichi! (翻译:而且 那个大叔的手掌和手指上虽然沾有血迹)

7. Now a new phenomena has emerged, land emerging near the straits of the Sea of Azov nearby, as noted in this Pole Shift ning blog. (翻译:现在又出现了新的现象,在亚述海附近的海峡出现了新的陆地。正如poleshiftning博客记录的。)

8. A region and peninsula of southern European U. S. S. R. on the Black Sea and Sea of Azov. (翻译:欧洲部分南部的一个行政区和半岛,位于黑海和亚述海沿岸。)

9. Dai-ichi and Korea Life have both already expanded into South-East Asia to unlock new sources of growth. (翻译:第一保险公司和韩国人寿公司都已经进军东南亚市场,来寻找新的经济增长点。)

10. He tailed Ichi here to Shikoku to avenge his brother. (翻译:因为弟弟死在市手上 所以才会追到四国来 打算要报仇)

11. Richard Heck of the United States and Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki of Japan were hailed for producing "great art in a test tube. " (翻译:美国科学家理查德·赫克,日本科学家根岸英一和铃木章都应邀参加“试管中的伟大艺术”的生产。)

12. Richard Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki shared the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. (翻译:理查德·赫克,根岸英一和铃木章分享了诺贝尔化学奖。)

13. The Impact of Fisheries on the Dynamics of Commercial Fish Species in Barents Sea and the Sea of Azov, Russia: A Historical Perspective (翻译:渔业对俄罗斯巴伦支海和亚速海商业鱼类动态的影响:历史观察)

14. Ukrainian peninsula between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. (翻译:乌克兰的一个半岛,位于黑海和亚述海之间。)

15. Saburo, what kind of guy is this Ichi? (翻译:三郎 你说阿一是什么样的人啊 他就是个怪物)




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