positivity是什么意思 positivity的中文翻译、读音、例句


positivity是什么意思 positivity的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Positivity 是一个名词,指积极乐观、向前看的态度或品质。


词组搭配:positive attitude(积极的态度),positive energy(积极的能量),positive mindset(积极的心态)




1. His positivity is infectious and always lifts my spirits.(他的积极性很有感染力,总是让我充满了精神。)

2. The team's success is due in part to their collective positivity and determination.(团队的成功在一定程度上归功于他们的集体积极性和决心。)

3. Some people are just naturally inclined towards positivity and optimism.(有些人本来就倾向于积极乐观。)

4. I find that practicing gratitude every day helps me maintain a sense of positivity in my life.(我发现每天练习感恩之心有助于我保持生活中的积极感。)

5. Despite facing many challenges, her positivity never wavered.(尽管面临着很多挑战,她的积极性始终如一。)

6. Positivity can be contagious, and spreading it can have a ripple effect in our communities.(积极性是有感染力的,传递它可以在我们的社区产生涟漪效应。)

7. It's important to surround yourself with people who radiate positivity and lift you up.(重要的是要和那些发出积极能量并让你向上的人为伍。)





1. She always tries to maintain a sense of positivity even in difficult situations. (她总是试图在困难情况下保持积极的态度。)

2. Surrounding yourself with positivity can help improve your mental and emotional well-being. (让周围环绕着积极的氛围可以帮助提高你的心理和情感健康状况。)




例句:I think you've made your way in the world by concealing your true feelings under a mask of positivity and niceness. (你隐藏住自己的真实想法 积极和善不过是假象而已)


例句:But when we push aside normal emotions to embrace false positivity, we lose our capacity to develop skills to deal with the world as it is, not as we wish it to be. (但是当我们把正常的情绪放在一边, 仅仅拥抱那些虚假的的积极时, 我们失去了与真实的世界 打交道的能力, 而这不是我们希望发生的。)


例句:"A very positive community," "a lot of positivity," which is pretty great. (“一个非常积极的社区,” “有很多积极的事物,” 这真的很棒。)


例句:If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which is your brain at positive performs significantly better than it does at negative, neutral or stressed. (翻译:如果你现在可以提高某个人的积极心理程度 那么他的大脑就会经历我们称为快乐优势论的过程 这时你的大脑在积极方面的表现 明显优于 它在消极、中立或者沮丧方面的表现)


positivity一般作为名词使用,如在person positivity bias(对人的正向偏误)等常见短语中出现较多。

person positivity bias对人的正向偏误


1. "A very positive community," "a lot of positivity," which is pretty great. (翻译:“一个非常积极的社区,” “有很多积极的事物,” 这真的很棒。)

2. If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which is your brain at positive performs significantly better than it does at negative, neutral or stressed. (翻译:如果你现在可以提高某个人的积极心理程度 那么他的大脑就会经历我们称为快乐优势论的过程 这时你的大脑在积极方面的表现 明显优于 它在消极、中立或者沮丧方面的表现)

3. And by doing these activities and by training your brain just like we train our bodies, what we've found is we can reverse the formula for happiness and success, and in doing so, not only create ripples of positivity, but create a real revolution. (翻译:通过这些行为 就像训练身体一样训练大脑 我们发现我们可以彻底改变快乐和成功的准则 通过这些事情,我们不仅可以创造出积极的影响力 还可以创造一个真正的)

4. Now here's the hard part: you then have to switch that tone to positivity. (翻译:接下来是难点: 接着你需要让语气变得积极。)

5. If you can raise somebody's level of positivity in the present, then their brain experiences what we now call a happiness advantage, which is your brain at positive performs significantly better than at negative, neutral or stressed. (翻译:那么他的大脑就会经历我们称为快乐优势论的过程 这时你的大脑在积极方面的表现 明显优于 它在消极、中立或者沮丧方面的表现 你的智商提高、创造力提高、精力也提高了 )

6. "Both recycling and the peace movement are positive movements, and people worldwide are looking to embrace positivity, " says Bedi. (翻译:贝迪表示:“回收和和平运动都是积极的,世界都愿意欢迎积极的东西。”)

7. Light a candle, close your eyes, and take a few minutes each day to invite positivity into your day. (翻译:不妨每天点根蜡烛,然后闭上眼睛,花几分钟冥想,进而让外界的积极因素融入你的身心。)

8. I'm happy, so I am healthy: Happiness tends to instill positivity towards life goals including a healthy mind and healthy relationships. (翻译:我幸福,所以我健康:幸福会给生活注入乐观,包括健康的头脑和人际关系。)

9. In the Nun Study and the Mills College research, a measure of early positive expression determined the effect of this positivity over the lifespan. (翻译:在《修女研究》和米尔斯学院的研究中,有一项早期的积极表达方法决定了对寿命的正面影响。)

10. Positivity is something worth fighting for, and the fight is not with others -- it's internal. (翻译:积极态度是我们值得抗争的东西, 这个抗争不是与别人—— 这是内部的。)

11. And I found that even scientists don't always agree, and they sometimes use the words "joy" and "happiness" and "positivity" more or less interchangeably. (翻译:我发现就连科学家 也得不出一致的结论, 他们有时候会将“快乐” “幸福”和“乐观”这几个词 互换着来用。)

12. The aim of my club is bring something interesting for the children, and enhances (improve) their positivity. (翻译:俱乐部的目的是为了带给孩子一些乐趣,提高她们的积极性。)

13. Over the course of the day, slip your colleagues three compliments, and watch the positivity ripple out across the office. (翻译:经过一天的工作,不要吝啬送你同事几句恭维的话,看着积极的影响力涉及整个办公室。)

14. So I took your advice and steered my ship with positivity. (翻译:所以我打算接受你的建议 开心一些 So I took your advice and steered my ship with positivity.)

15. The kidney tubules present strong ANAE positivity. The folliculi of gonad present very strong ANAE positivity. (翻译:肾脏肾小管呈ANAE强阳性,腺滤泡呈很强的ANAE阳性。)






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