whee是什么意思 whee的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

whee的意思是"人名、啊",其中文解释还有"表示高兴"的意思,在线读音是[wi:, hwi:],whee是一个英语名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到68个与whee相关的用法和句子。

whee是什么意思 whee的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释

'whee' 不是一个标准的英语词汇,它通常是一个人做出的欢快、兴奋或高兴的声音,发音类似于“嘶”、“呼”、“啊”等。

词义: 表示高兴、愉悦、兴奋等情感的感叹词。

词性: 感叹词。


1. whee and haw: 分歧,磨合 (to argue or discuss something for a long time, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision)

2. whee, whee, whee: 呼噜声,老虎或狮子咆哮声 (the sound of snoring or the roar of a tiger or lion)

3. whee, whee, whee, all the way home: 一路欢呼 (a phrase used to describe a joyful return home)

4. whee down: 飞快地往下滑动 [通常用于玩滑板或滑雪] (to slide quickly down a slope, usually while playing on a skateboard or skiing)

5. whee up: 飞快地往上爬升 (to climb quickly upward with excitement or joy)

短语: 无

发音拼写: [wi]


1. Whee, I just won the lottery! 哈哈,我中彩票了!

2. He let out a loud "whee" as he slid down the hill on his sled. 他在雪橇上呼着气,高兴地从山上滑了下来。

3. Whee, this roller coaster is so much fun! 喔喔,这个过山车太好玩了!

4. Her little brother let out a whee of excitement when he saw his birthday present. 当她的弟弟看到他的生日礼物时,他高兴地发出了一声呼哧。

5. Whee and hawing over a decision can be exhausting. 对一个决定的争论和讨论可能会很疲惫。

6. The old car made a whee, whee, whee sound as it ped down the road. 那辆旧车在颠簸的公路上发出呼噜呼噜的声音。

7. She wheed up the stairs, her heart racing with excitement. 她飞快地爬上楼梯,心里充满了兴奋。





1. The children went down the slide and shouted "whee!" all the way to the bottom. (孩子们滑下滑梯,一路上都在叫着“嘿嘿!”)

2. I rode the rollercoaster and screamed "whee!" as we went over the top. (我坐过山车,过山顶时大叫着“呼啦啦!”)

whee通常被翻译为"哟、新"的意思,还有表示高兴的意思,在线发音:[wi:, hwi:],whee是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到37个与whee相关的例句。



例句:I get up in the morning, get myself ready, and put my daughter her in the trailer, where she spends most of her time playing and yelling, "Whee!" (我早上起来,自己准备好,把我的女儿放在小拖车里面,在那儿她可以花上大部分时间玩耍,高兴地叫喊:“哟!” )


例句:He might be old, and obnoxious, and tald ton mnod, but he solved a lot of big cases whee he wee (黄飞红呢 虽然是年纪大了一点 He might be old, and obnoxious, 然后呢 又罗嗦了一点 and tald ton mnod, 可是他年轻的时候立过不少功 but he solved a lot of big cases whee he wee)


例句:Burr, the dust particles in the fixed network is possible when punctured whee caused the rupture of the mesh fabrics complete Board. (毛刺、沙粒在固网时有不定会刺布变成整板网布的。)


例句:Whee! Now, we are all going for a ride. (翻译:然后写了一些东西在我的身上! )


1. Burr, the dust particles in the fixed network is possible when punctured whee caused the rupture of the mesh fabrics complete Board. (翻译:毛刺、沙粒在固网时有不定会刺布变成整板网布的。)

2. Whee! Now, we are all going for a ride. (翻译:然后写了一些东西在我的身上! )

3. You, go and get some help. I'll watch him here. Whee-ooh! (翻译:你找人来帮忙 我在这看着他 我的天 这怎么回事?)

4. Because you filled that is whee you wade the eddoietweet for her. (翻译:因为 你帮她预约的时侯告诉我的 Because you filled that is whee you wade the eddoietweet for her.)




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