qiagen是什么意思 qiagen的中文翻译、读音、例句


qiagen是什么意思 qiagen的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. Qiagen是一个生物技术公司,专注于分子诊断和基因组学解决方案。

2. Qiagen是一个缩写词,全称为“Quantitative Insights And Genomics”(定量洞察和基因组学)。

3. Qiagen的产品包括但不限于DNA/RNA提取试剂盒、PCR试剂盒、基因表达分析试剂盒、细胞培养试剂盒等。


1. Qiagen is a leading global provider of sample and assay technologies.(Qiagen是全球领先的样本和分析技术提供商。)

2. The Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR Kit is designed for highly sensitive and specific detection of RNA targets. (Qiagen OneStep RT-PCR试剂盒设计用于高灵敏度、高特异性的RNA目标检测。)

3. The QIAamp DNA Mini Kit from Qiagen allows rapid and efficient isolation of DNA from a wide variety of sample types.(Qiagen的QIAamp DNA迷你试剂盒允许快速高效地从各种样本类型中分离DNA。)

4. Qiagen's GeneReader NGS System offers a complete solution for targeted sequencing of genes associated with cancer.(Qiagen的GeneReader NGS系统提供了一种针对与癌症相关的基因进行定向测序的完整解决方案。)

5. The QuantiNova SYBR Green PCR Kit from Qiagen enables highly specific, sensitive and reproducible quantification of DNA targets.(Qiagen的QuantiNova SYBR Green PCR试剂盒可以实现对DNA目标高度特异性、高灵敏度和重复性的定量。)


读音:qí liú gēn


1. qiagen是全球生命科学领域的领先厂商之一。

Translation: Qiagen is one of the leading manufacturers in the field of life sciences globally.

2. 我们需要购买一些qiagen的试剂盒来进行实验。

Translation: We need to purchase some Qiagen reagent kits to conduct experiments.




例句:We appreciate teacher Kou, LI and Qi for Wang Hanyi! (衷心感谢寇老师、、齐老师对王瀚谊的关爱! )


例句:Its taste salty, warm in nature, there are Wenshen Gujing, Qi tonic effect. (其味咸,性温,有温肾固精,补气药的效果。)


例句:Iron Hands told me, only someone with a lot of qi can ignite the fuse. (铁手大哥说过 只有功力深厚的人才能将药引点着)


例句:Switch Song Jiao to the first place, and rank Song Qi tenth. (翻译:把宋郊换成第一,把宋祁换成第十。)


1. Iron Hands told me, only someone with a lot of qi can ignite the fuse. (翻译:铁手大哥说过 只有功力深厚的人才能将药引点着)

2. Switch Song Jiao to the first place, and rank Song Qi tenth. (翻译:把宋郊换成第一,把宋祁换成第十。)

3. The concept "Qi" in TCM and gaseous signaling molecule are correlated in respects of their source and mesomeric function. (翻译:中医学“气”与气体信号分子在气的来源和中介功能方面相关。)

4. - At Siruiying Elementary I was Teacher Qi. (翻译:武六就是容不得别人在她面前吹牛撒谎 我也只能眼巴巴地看着她们)

5. I bared my chest and dropped my pants to absorb Qi for you! (翻译:把上衣都脱了上到半山腰 得了点儿元气 还想给你也来点儿呢哦对了...)

6. Xu stole the drugs of Liu Qi in Thailand. (翻译:最近泰国那边刘奇的那批货 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Xu stole the drugs of Liu Qi 就是徐文他吞的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}in Thailand.)

7. A well developed conductive layer lies in the mid-crust between Dong Ujimqin Qi and Xi Ujimqin Qi, but no obvious deep "roots" were found in Hegenshan this time. (翻译:东乌旗—西乌旗之间中地壳有一发育较好的高导层,观测中没有发现贺根山地区具有较深的“根”; )

8. Nearby of the dragon Qi, convert Long Qi's substitute already in her heart and insensibly. (翻译:身边的这个龙琦,已经在她的心中,不知不觉地成了龙琦的替身。)

9. After lodger and landlord meet, fu Qi of the rest chummage. (翻译:房客与房东见面之后,将剩余的房租付齐。)

10. Treatment of 67 Cases of Slowish Arrhythmia by Activating Yang and Invigorating Qi (翻译:温阳益气活血法为主治疗缓慢性心律失常67例)

11. 7 states reigned supreme: Qin, Chu, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qi, Yan. (翻译:被称为战国七雄的 秦 楚 韩 赵 魏 齐 燕各霸一方)

12. When Qi and her daughter were away, it was pitiful! (翻译:她们母女走了之后 好不容易才回来看上一眼)

13. If the man on the boat isn't Japanese and is someone from the Qi army (翻译:如果藏船中的不是 是戚家军的人,我们的笑话...)

14. A life force called qi circulates through the body. (翻译:一种叫做“气”的生命力在体内循环。)

15. The influence of invigorating qi and ascending qi collapse on cardiac output and nerve incretion of mouse with chronic viral myocarditis (翻译:益气升陷法对慢性病毒性心肌炎小鼠心排血量及神经内分泌影响的研究)




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