plaid是什么意思 plaid的中文翻译、读音、例句


plaid是什么意思 plaid的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 作为名词,‘plaid’通常表示一种由不同的色彩交错组成的格子纹。例如,‘a plaid shirt’就是一件格子衬衫。

2. 作为缩写词,‘PLAID’代表‘Programming Language for Artificial Intelligence Design’,即‘人工智能设计的编程语言’。PLAID语言是一种专门用于设计和实现人工智能程序的语言。

3. ‘Plaid’在金融领域中也有特定的意义,是指一种将多个银行账户整合在一起管理的服务。这个服务可以帮助用户更方便地管理自己的财务状况。


1. She wore a plaid skirt and a black turtleneck sweater. (她穿着格子裙和黑色高领毛衣。)

2. The room was decorated in a Scottish plaid theme. (客房装饰以苏格兰格子为主题。)

3. PLAID is an emerging programming language designed specifically for artificial intelligence systems. (PLAID是一种新兴的编程语言,专门设计用于人工智能系统。)

4. The financial management app Plaid allows users to link their bank accounts and see all their financial information in one place. (金融管理应用Plaid允许用户链接他们的银行账户,将所有的财务信息集中在一个位置查看。)

5. The Plaid API enables developers to build applications that interact with users' banking data. (Plaid API使开发人员可以构建与用户银行数据交互的应用程序。)




1. He wore a plaid shirt and jeans to the party. (他穿了一件格子衬衫和牛仔裤去参加聚会。)

2. The couch in the living room is covered in plaid fabric. (客厅的沙发上盖着格子布料。)

3. She bought a plaid scarf to keep her warm in the winter. (她买了一条苏格兰格纹围巾,保暖过冬。)




例句:Viv, 53, the perfect Shrek, also colored himself in green and dressed in plaid pants, the typical Shrek Costume. (53岁的卫维恩也将自己涂成绿色的皮肤,穿上史莱克代表性的格子花纹长裤。)


例句:It is picture of his two-year-old son Matthew, dressed in a red plaid outfit and sitting in front of a Christmas tree. . . (那是一张他两岁的儿子马修的照片,穿着有褶边的红色套装,坐在一棵圣诞树前。)


例句:Does the young man want the plaid or the blue flannel, like the one I made for you? (这个年轻人要格子花呢的 还是蓝色法兰绒的? 像我给你做的那件吗? 格子花呢的。)


例句:We're talking PJs of the green and red plaid, pink and red teddy variety, often accessorised with slippers. (翻译:我们讲的是那些个红绿格子相间,印有各色泰迪小熊的睡衣,且这身行头通常辅以拖鞋为标配。)


plaid一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在glen plaid(【纺织业】格伦花格呢, 厄克特格子呢 [亦作 Glen check])、Glenurquhart plaid(= Glen plaid)、plaid flannel(格子法兰绒)等常见短语中出现较多。

glen plaid【纺织业】格伦花格呢, 厄克特格子呢 [亦作 Glen check]
Glenurquhart plaid= Glen plaid
plaid flannel格子法兰绒
plaid screen[网络] 格状萤幕
plaid shirtn. 格子呢衬衫
plaid squares格子方阵
tartan plaidn. 格子花
glen urquhart plaid格伦乌夸特方格呢
malticolor plaid shirt复色长方格衬衫


1. Does the young man want the plaid or the blue flannel, like the one I made for you? (翻译:这个年轻人要格子花呢的 还是蓝色法兰绒的? 像我给你做的那件吗? 格子花呢的。)

2. We're talking PJs of the green and red plaid, pink and red teddy variety, often accessorised with slippers. (翻译:我们讲的是那些个红绿格子相间,印有各色泰迪小熊的睡衣,且这身行头通常辅以拖鞋为标配。)

3. It takes a dapper man to pull off plaid, Dr. Getz. (翻译:干净利落的人才穿得来格子毛呢 Getz博士)

4. Grunge came in, we dressed in plaid and oversized jeans. (翻译:格郎基文化开始流行 我们穿上了格子衣服和肥大的牛仔裤)

5. The Gaelic plaid actually means "blanket". (翻译:在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。)

6. Add a couple plaid skirts, and you've got the Chilton freaks. (翻译:加上两条格子花呢裙 你就等于去了Chilton)

7. Every member of a pipe band wears a kilt, a knee-length tartan, or plaid skirt, traditionally worn by Scottish or Irish men. (翻译:管乐团内的每位成员都会穿上裙长及膝的短裙或图案为格子状的裙子,这是苏格兰或爱尔兰的常规男用短裙。)

8. The Gaelic plaid actually means "blanket"。(翻译:在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。)

9. It wants only to be here tomorrow, dressed perhaps in the sleeve of a plaid shirt, nose pressed against the page:它只想明天还留在此地, 或许穿在 格子衬衫的袖子里, 鼻尖对准纸页, 尽职地多写几行。而我,则向窗外望去, 想象着布达佩斯 或是别的 我还没去过的城市。)

10. Grey plaid pants. Have bought two years ago, autumn and winter wear this will more suitable. Feel fit with Dr. Martins boots. (翻译:灰色格纹呢短裤。买了也有两年了,秋冬穿再适合不过了。感觉超级配马丁靴。)

11. Mr. Brennan is wearing a fire engine red turtleneck beneath an all-wool plaid Pendleton shirt. (翻译:布伦南先生现在身上正穿着的是 一件消防车风格的红色高领毛衣 在全羊毛彩格披肩衬托下的是 潘多腾衬衫)

12. Eddie wore blue jeans and a plaid shirt. (翻译:艾迪穿一条蓝色牛仔裤和一件彩格呢衬衫。)

13. If the parties finish only a couple of seats shy of an absolute majority, attention may turn instead to the minnows, such as the Scottish Nationalists or Wales' Plaid Cymru. (翻译:如果这些党派最后都只缺少几个席位就能超过半数的话,关注的焦点会转向那些不起眼的小党派,比如苏格兰民族党或是威尔士民族党。)

14. I pulled on my red corduroy jumper and my grey plaid wool hat before my mother could get her jacket on. (翻译:妈还没来得及穿外衣,我已穿好灯芯绒连衫裤, 戴好了灰格羊毛帽子。)

15. I've been in this pink shirt and these tight plaid pants, these old Webster loafers, this girl walking on my back. (翻译:我整天都穿着粉色衬衫 紧身彩格呢裤子 还有过时的拖鞋 女人们都盯着我看)






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