splurge是什么意思 splurge的中文翻译、读音、例句


splurge是什么意思 splurge的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an , some helpful information on the word "splurge" as an English teacher. Below are 5 aspects to consider when discussing this word or its acronym:

1. Definition: "Splurge" is a verb that means to spend money or resources in a lavish or extraant way. It can also be used as a noun to refer to an instance of indulgent spending or an extraant purchase.

2. Synonyms: Some synonyms for "splurge" include: indulge, lavish, spendthrift, squander, and splatter.

3. Etymology: The origin of "splurge" is uncertain, but it may come from the Scottish dialect word "splurge," which means to make a splashing noise. Another possibility is that it comes from the French word "épargne," meaning savings or thrift, which was used sarcastically as a term for extraant spending.

4. Usage: "Splurge" is often used in casual conversation to describe a situation where someone spends more money or resources than they should or when they make an indulgent or frivolous purchase. It can also be used in a more positive sense to describe a well-deserved treat or indulgence.

5. Collocations: "Splurge" can be used in a variety of collocations, including: to splurge on (something specific), to splurge for (a special occasion), to have a splurge (of spending), and to go on a splurge (of spending).


1. She decided to splurge on a luxury handbag for her birthday.


2. We had a splurge at the casino and won big.


3. He couldn't resist the urge to splurge on a new sports car.


4. She always makes a point to splurge for her anniversary with her husband.


5. After months of saving, he finally had a splurge and bought himself a new laptop.





1. She decided to splurge and buy herself a designer handbag.(她决定挥霍一下,买个名牌手提包给自己。)

2. After saving up for months, he finally splurged on a weekend trip to Paris.(他攒了几个月的钱,最终豪华地去了巴黎度过了一个周末。)

3. I can't afford to splurge on expensive meals every day, so I usually cook at home.(我负担不起每天奢侈地吃贵的餐食,所以我通常在家做饭。)




例句:And I got a nickel to splurge (And I got a nickel to splurge)


例句:Ask him what he'd do if he won a million dollars tomorrow. Would he quit his job, give a bunch of it away, or splurge on himself? (问问他如果明天忽然有了一百万美元,他想做什么。会不会辞掉工作,会不会捐出一部分钱,还是挥霍奢侈一番?)


例句:And as you can see from these maps of London, in the 90 years after the trains came, it goes from being a little blob that was quite easy to feed by animals coming in on foot, and so on, to a large splurge, that would be very, very difficult to feed with anybody on foot, either animals or people. (你可以看看伦敦的地图 在铁路建成后的90年 它从容易喂饱的一小点 通过动物步行到市场等方式 成长成为大型的奢侈的大都市 步行运输再也不能喂饱每个人 不论是对人还是对动物 )


例句:But it is not just the growth rates that are extraordinary about this Chinese splurge. (翻译:但是,中国肆购买奢侈品现象的不同寻常之处并不只是增长速度。)


splurge一般作为名词、动词使用,如在splurge on(挥霍, 浪费)等常见短语中出现较多。

splurge on挥霍, 浪费


1. And as you can see from these maps of London, in the 90 years after the trains came, it goes from being a little blob that was quite easy to feed by animals coming in on foot, and so on, to a large splurge, that would be very, very difficult to feed with anybody on foot, either animals or people. (翻译:你可以看看伦敦的地图 在铁路建成后的90年 它从容易喂饱的一小点 通过动物步行到市场等方式 成长成为大型的奢侈的大都市 步行运输再也不能喂饱每个人 不论是对人还是对动物 )

2. But it is not just the growth rates that are extraordinary about this Chinese splurge. (翻译:但是,中国肆购买奢侈品现象的不同寻常之处并不只是增长速度。)

3. I had a splurge and bought two new suits. (翻译:我大手大脚花了一笔钱买了两套新衣服。)

4. But they don't splurge since his dad went to prison for embezzlement. (翻译:但因为侵吞坐牢之后 他们就不再挥霍了)

5. All that has happened is the consumer has saved and not spent the fiscal handouts financed by the Obama debt splurge. (翻译:消费者不过是将通过大举借债而提供的财政施舍都存了起来,而没有花掉。)

6. I'm trying to justify it to myself by vowing it will be our last splurge. (翻译:我试图给自己宽心,发誓说买这张床是我们最后一次挥霍了。)

7. If you're more of a traditionalist and want to splurge, shake things up a bit this Valentine's Day by sending a dozen red roses. (翻译:如果您是一个墨守成规的人,如果您想要大肆挥霍,那么这个情人节,你可以稍作改变,买12支鲜红的玫瑰吧!)

8. Everywhere you look, there are symptoms of the unbalanced nature of this economy, made worse by the lending and investment splurge that was supposed to rescue China in 2008. (翻译:信贷和投资的扩张让经济更糟糕 而这一切本来应在2008年拯救中国)

9. And as you can see from these maps of London, in the 90 years after the trains came, it goes from being a little blob that was quite easy to feed by animals coming in on foot, and so on, to a large splurge, that would be very, very difficult to feed with anybody on foot, either animals or people. (翻译:你可以看看伦敦的地图 在铁路建成后的90年 它从容易喂饱的一小点 通过动物步行到市场等方式 成长成为大型的奢侈的大都市 步行运输再也不能喂饱每个人 不论是对人还是对动物)

10. China has not got to grips with its last lending splurge, let alone this one. (翻译:中国连上一次大举放贷遗留的问题都没有解决,更别提今年的大举放贷了。)

11. - And I got a nickel to splurge (翻译:- And I got a nickel to splurge)

12. She recently found a job at a real estate company after being laid off in 2008 and is now able to splurge on lunches and dinners out. (翻译:2008年被解雇的她最近在一家房地产公司找到了工作,现在可以花钱下馆子吃午饭和晚饭了。)

13. You know, sometimes you just have to splurge and get yourself something that you enjoy, live a little. (翻译:有时候该花的时候钱就得花 买些你喜欢的东西,享受生活)

14. But the revival wasn't all that it seemed, because only a fraction of the money needed for the investment splurge came from taxpayers and state funds. (翻译:那么 我们在英国的日子估计会更糟 但这次复苏并不如料想中那么美好)

15. Splurge: Shangri-La Hotel Chengdu No.9 East Binjiang Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu. (翻译:豪华酒店:成都香格里拉大酒店,成都市锦江区滨江东路9号。)






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