willens是什么意思 willens的中文翻译、读音、例句


willens是什么意思 willens的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义和定义


2. 用法和语境


- 描述个人的性格特点或态度

- 描述某种行为或做事方式

- 描述某种产品或服务的特点或优势

- 在法律语境中表示"有意的"

3. 同义词和反义词

'willens'的同义词包括:determination, perseverance, fortitude, tenacity等,反义词则包括:weak-willed, indecisive, fainthearted, cowardly等。

4. 注意事项和常见误区

- 'willens'为德语单词,在英语中存在较少的使用情况,使用时需注意上下文语境;

- 'willens'常被误写为'willing','willful'等英语单词,需注意区分;

- 'willens'常与强调个人的毅力和决心相关,但并不一定表示积极的特质,也可能涉及到消极的行为。


1. He is a willens person who never gives up easily.(他是一个不轻易放弃的毅力强的人。)

2. She tackled the problem with a willens attitude and finally found a solution.(她以决心十足的态度解决了问题,并最终找到了解决方案。)

3. The new product boasts of its willens quality and durability.(新产品以其质量坚韧耐用的特点自夸。)

4. The defendant claimed that the accident was not willens and he had no intention to cause harm.(被告辩称事故并非有意为之,他没有意图造成伤害。)

5. Despite his willens resistance, he was eventually persuaded to change his mind.(尽管他表现出顽强抵抗,但最终被说服转变了态度。)



1. Er ist willens, hart zu arbeiten, um seine Ziele zu erreichen. (他有意愿努力工作,达到自己的目标。)

2. Trotz seiner Verletzung war er willens, am Marathon teilzunehmen. (尽管受伤,他仍有意愿参加马拉松赛。)

3. Der Direktor war nicht willens, Kompromisse einzugehen. (主任不愿意妥协。)




例句:Now, Mr. Roscoe, when you publicly accused Cheryl Willens of murder, what evidence did you have that the prosecutors didn't? (Roscoe先生 当你公开指责 Cheryl Willens时 你有什么检察官没有的证据?)


例句:Grab the attention of the jury. Cheryl Willens killed her baby, and I have learned the reason Ms. Willens was in the store at all: (Cheryl Willens杀死了她的孩子 我听说她去杂货店是为了...)


1. And you were surprised that Mr. Roscoe used your information on the air to accuse Cheryl Willens. (翻译:- 没有 你很惊奇Roscoe先生在他节目中 公开谴责了Cheryl Willens 为什么?)

2. Jamie Willens' picture had appeared in local news reports over the last few weeks, and her image had been plastered all over the Internet. (翻译:Jamie Willens的照片在过去几周 出现在当地的新闻报道中 她的照片也在网上随处可见)

3. Is Mr. Willens gonna be paying that out of his own pocket, or is your law firm gonna be helping him out? (翻译:Willens先生是自己掏腰包 还是你们事务所帮他出钱?)

4. We would need Mr. Willens to agree to not speak to the press, of course. (翻译:当然 我们需要Willens先生保证 不接受任何媒体的访问)

5. How else would I know that Cheryl Willens tried to get a third trimester abortion? (翻译:不然我怎么知道Cheryl Willens 想要妊娠晚期堕胎呢?)

6. I want to know why you made up lies about Cheryl Willens. (翻译:我想知道你为什么要编造 Cheryl Willens的虚假信息)

7. Mr. Willens would have to agree to no future civil action. (翻译:Willens先生你还得保证 不再提起民事诉讼)

8. Cheryl Willens killed her child. (翻译:Cheryl Willens杀了她的孩子)

9. I'm so sure that Cheryl Willens killed her daughter that I am now offering $100, 000 from my own pocket... (翻译:我肯定Cheryl Willens把她女儿杀了 我现在宣布从我口袋里掏出10万美金)

10. Did you e-mail him information that Cheryl Willens tried to obtain a late-term abortion at the clinic where you worked? (翻译:你有给他发过Cheryl Willens 想要接受晚期人流的消息? 当你还在诊所工作的时候)

11. So, to the best of your knowledge, do the Chicago police consider Mrs. Willens a suspect in the disappearance of her daughter? (翻译:那么 据你所知 在Willens夫人的女儿失踪后 警方有没有把她作为嫌疑人?)

12. Three months ago, two-year-old Jamie Willens disappeared. (翻译:三个月前 两岁的Jamie Willens失踪了)

13. We respectfully ask the court to compel Mr. Roscoe to reveal what other information he received about Cheryl Willens and where he got it. (翻译:我们郑重要求法庭强制Roscoe先生 提供他所获得的有关Cheryl Willens的 其他消息及其消息来源)




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