megacities是什么意思 megacities的中文翻译、读音、例句


megacities是什么意思 megacities的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和背景:首先,可以从“megacities”的定义和背景方面进行说明。这个词通常指的是人口超过1000万的城市,其特点是经济发达、人口密集、交通拥堵、环境压力大等。这些城市通常是国家或地区的、文化和经济中心,对全球的影响力也很大。


- Tokyo, as one of the world's largest megacities, faces challenges from population growth and development.

- Many experts believe that the trend towards ization will lead to the rise of more megacities in the coming decades.

- The United Nations predicts that by 2050, the global population will have increased to 9.7 billion, with over two-thirds living in megacities.

2. 经济和社会影响:其次,可以从“megacities”对经济和社会的影响方面进行说明。这些城市通常是创新和创业的热土,吸引了大量的人才和资本。同时,它们还面临着贫富分化、社会不平等、移民问题等挑战。


- New York City is one of the world's financial capitals, with a diverse economy and a thriving cultural scene.

- Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest megacity, has struggled with inequality and crime in recent years.

- Shanghai, China's biggest megacity, is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting many startups and tech companies.

3. 环境和气候变化:最后,可以从“megacities”对环境和气候变化的影响方面进行说明。这些城市通常消耗大量的资源和能源,同时排放大量的染物和温室气体,对气候变化和环境保护产生了不良影响。许多城市正采取措施减少碳排放、提升能源效率和改善城市环境。


- Beijing, one of China's major megacities, has been plagued by air pollution in recent years, leading to health problems and environmental damage.

- London, one of Europe's largest megacities, has set ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.

- Mumbai, India's financial and cultural capital, is facing the threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather events due to climate change.


1. Tokyo, as one of the world's largest megacities, faces challenges from population growth and development. (东京作为世界上最大的超大城市之一,面临着人口增长和城市发展的挑战)

2. Many experts believe that the trend towards ization will lead to the rise of more megacities in the coming decades.(许多专家认为城市化趋势将导致未来几十年出现更多的超大城市)

3. The United Nations predicts that by 2050, the global population will have increased to 9.7 billion, with over two-thirds living in megacities.(到到2050年,全球人口将增加到97亿,超过三分之二的人口将生活在超大城市中)

4. New York City is one of the world's financial capitals, with a diverse economy and a thriving cultural scene.(纽约市是世界金融之都之一,拥有多样化的经济和繁荣的文化景观)

5. Sao Paulo, Brazil's largest megacity, has struggled with inequality and crime in recent years.(巴西最大的超大城市圣保罗近年来一直在与不平等和犯罪作斗争)

6. Shanghai, China's biggest megacity, is a hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting many startups and tech companies.(中国最大的超大城市上海是创新和创业的中心,吸引了许多初创企业和科技公司)

7. Beijing, one of China's major megacities, has been plagued by air pollution in recent years, leading to health problems and environmental damage.(中国主要超大城市之一的北京近年来一直受到空气染的困扰,导致健康问题和环境损害)

8. London, one of Europe's largest megacities, has set ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality.(伦敦是欧洲最大的超大城市之一,已制定了雄心勃勃的目标,以减少碳排放和改善空气质量)

9. Mumbai, India's financial and cultural capital, is facing the threat of rising sea levels and extreme weather events due to climate change.(印度金融和文化之都孟买因气候变化而面临着海平面上升和极端天气事件的威胁)





1. Tokyo, Shanghai, and Mexico City are all megacities.


2. Megacities are facing challenges such as traffic congestion, air pollution, and lack of affordable housing.





例句:Some Chinese megacities may be in and have a seat at the table, while entire countries, like Argentina or Indonesia would be out. (有一些中国的特大城市 就可以入选,并且有自己的席位, 然而另一些完整的国家, 比如阿根廷或印度尼西亚就会落选。)


例句:So what do we need in order to make developing nation megacities into Bright Green megacities? (我们可以做点什么 把这些发展中国家里的新兴城市变成绿色城市? )


例句:Wizards envision a world of glittering, hyperefficient megacities surrounded by vast tracts of untouched nature, economies that have transitioned from atoms to bits, dematerialized capitalist societies that no longer depend on exploiting nature. (奇才们认为世界上都是 灯火辉煌的,高效率的大城市, 被周围广阔的原生态自然所包围着, 经济体从实体经济转向数字经济, 非物质化的资本主义社会 不再依赖于剥削自然。)


1. Wizards envision a world of glittering, hyperefficient megacities surrounded by vast tracts of untouched nature, economies that have transitioned from atoms to bits, dematerialized capitalist societies that no longer depend on exploiting nature. (翻译:奇才们认为世界上都是 灯火辉煌的,高效率的大城市, 被周围广阔的原生态自然所包围着, 经济体从实体经济转向数字经济, 非物质化的资本主义社会 不再依赖于剥削自然。)

2. So what do we need in order to make developing nation megacities into Bright Green megacities? (翻译:我们可以做点什么 把这些发展中国家里的新兴城市变成绿色城市?)

3. Small Chinese fishing villages like Shenzhen have become megacities with their own stock exchanges. (翻译:深圳等中国小渔村已变成拥有证券交易所的大城市。)

4. But Asia is where we really see the megacities coming together. (翻译:但是只有在亚洲 我们才真正看到大城市的互联。)

5. To meet demand in the emerging megacities, more processed food is being sold in supermarkets and less raw food in markets. (翻译:为了满足新兴大都市的需求,超市中出售的加工食物越来越多,原生态的食物越来越少。)

6. Just 600 cities, including 30 megacities, account for two thirds of global GDP. (翻译:600个城市,包括30个大城市, 就占了全球GDP的三分之二。)

7. So let's look at the other end of the spectrum: our cities and megacities. (翻译:所以让我们看一下社会群体的另一端: 我们的城市和超大城市。)






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