tverfjell是什么意思 tverfjell的中文翻译、读音、例句


tverfjell是什么意思 tverfjell的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Okay, first I find the magic baby, then downstairs to the cafeteria for some Jell-O brick. (首先我去找孩子... 再到楼下咖啡厅喝点东西.)


例句:Yeah, the T-15s have been marked obsolete. (嗯 T -15 被淘汰了 Yeah, the T -15s have been marked obsolete.)


例句:You want to put it on a T-shin? (要给你印到T恤上吗 省省吧 You want to put it on a T)


tverfjell一般作为名词使用,如在Tverfjell([地名] 特韦尔山 ( 挪 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Tverfjell[地名] 特韦尔山 ( 挪 )


1. You want to put it on a T-shin? (翻译:要给你印到T恤上吗 省省吧 You want to put it on a T)

2. So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (翻译:于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗?)

3. Shall I print that up on a T-shirt that I could give to you? (翻译:要我印到T恤上给你吗 Shall I print that up on a T -shirt 要我印到T恤上给你吗 that I could give to you?)

4. OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (翻译:天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)

5. We were eating green Jell-O. (翻译:我们吃着绿色的吉露果子冻。)

6. Vee times tee equals Vee sub zero times ee exponent negative Cee sub five tee. (翻译:v倍的t等于V 0倍的e的负cs乘t次方。)

7. It's smaller than a postage stamp, and it can generate power just by being attached to your shirt as you move. (翻译:比邮票还小 只要别在T恤上 别在T恤上 )

8. # Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, tia y tio # (翻译:# Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, t燰 y t甐 #)

9. I'm tired of my food, forgot to bring Jell-O. (翻译:我厌倦了我的食物, 忘了带Jell -O果冻。)

10. You need Jell-O after all that bacon fat and cornmeal in the woods. (翻译:您需要Jell -O果冻毕竟那腊肉 在树林中的脂肪和玉米面。)

11. The T-1000 knows where we are. (翻译:T -1000知道我们的位置了 The T -1000 knows where we are.)

12. Threadless encourages people to compete to design T-shirts. (翻译:无线T恤公司鼓励人们竞相去设计T恤。)

13. For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. (翻译:T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T -Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects.)

14. One extremely illegal hack in T-minus now. (翻译:タ獶猭献T -minus One extremely illegal hack in T -minus now.)

15. He was the jell boss, but lost all power when the clans united as goldmoon. (翻译:对 他原是首尔南部的帝日派老大 被金门合并后 在内部斗争中惨败)




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