tselinnoye是什么意思 tselinnoye的中文翻译、读音、例句


tselinnoye是什么意思 tselinnoye的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:All right. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, E L, E, P, T, L, P, E, F, E, T, Z, E, T... (好 , E F L E P T P L E P F L E L E P T L P E F E T Z E T)


例句:It's smaller than a postage stamp, and it can generate power just by being attached to your shirt as you move. (比邮票还小 只要别在T恤上 别在T恤上 )


例句:So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗? )


例句:For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. (翻译:T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T -Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects.)


tselinnoye一般作为名词使用,如在Tselinnoye([地名] 采林诺耶 ( 俄、哈 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Tselinnoye[地名] 采林诺耶 ( 俄、哈 )


1. So I ask, "What would move T, technology, from the numerator -- call it T1 -- where it increases impact, to the denominator -- call it T2 -- where it reduces impact? (翻译:于是我问,“假如作为因子的 T 我们称之为 T1 我们希望这个 T1 可以扩大影响 而作为分母的 T2, 我们希望其降低影响。这可能吗? )

2. For the T-Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects. (翻译:T病毒还有未曾预见的副作用 For the T -Virus had certain, unforeseen side effects.)

3. OMG, you sell these T-shirts? (翻译:天啊 你们卖这款T恤? OMG, you sell these T -shirts?)

4. When the T-Virus spread across the Earth, it did so at the speed of the modern world. (翻译:T病毒传遍地球 When the T 西向 曼哈顿)

5. With Physicist James Hartle, he has derived a quantum wave describing a sel-contained universe that. (翻译:与物理学家詹姆斯·哈特尔一起,他已获得一个描述独立宇宙的量子波。)

6. in the complex economic world no country can be completely sel- sufficient . (翻译:在复杂的经济世界里没有哪个国家能完全自给自足。)

7. The recent researches on the pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics of selenium and sel eno-compounds were reviewed. (翻译:本文综述近年来有关硒及硒化物的药理和药效学研究进展。)

8. Effects of dietary supplementation Sel-Plex on nutrients digestion, nitrogen balance in Simmental steer (翻译:赛乐硒对西门塔尔牛营养物质消化和氮平衡的影响)

9. The T-1000 knows where we are. (翻译:T -1000知道我们的位置了 The T -1000 knows where we are.)

10. The French don't "stick their nose in your business"…they "put their grain of salt" in it (Y mettre son grain de sel). (翻译:法国人不“干扰你做事”……他们“往里面加点儿盐粒儿”。)

11. A brown coat and white T-shirt and khaki pants pair of trousers report to the information desk now, please. (翻译:- 棕色夹克。白色T恤,卡其裤... - 白T恤,卡其裤...)

12. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

13. You want your perceptions at any time T to be of the world at time T. (翻译:在“t”时间获得感知 此时外部时间也为“t” )

14. - A large conventional army. (翻译:T? A large conventional army.)

15. One glance at the leather? bound book can ensure you that it must be a best? sel ler. (翻译:翻译只需看一眼这本皮面的书就知道它一定是畅销书。)




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