outlast是什么意思 outlast的中文翻译、读音、例句


outlast是什么意思 outlast的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释: 'outlast'指的是持续存在或者持久地存在的意思,通常指在某种环境或者竞争中持续存在并且表现出色。

2. 语法用法:'outlast'是一个动词,通常用于被动语态中,例如:The company outlasted its compes.(这家公司在竞争中比它的对手存在得更久)

3. 词源分析:'outlast'源于16世纪的英语,由'out-'(超出)和 '-last'(持续)两个词缀组成。


1. The old building outlasted the newer ones on the same street.(这座旧建筑比同一条街上较新的建筑存在得更久)

2. The athlete's stamina allowed him to outlast his opponents and win the race.(运动员的耐力使他能够在比赛中持久存在并赢得胜利)

3. Despite its small size, the company has managed to outlast many of its larger compes.(尽管规模较小,但这家公司已经成功地比许多大公司存在得更久)

4. The battery of my phone always outlasts the day, so I never have to worry about running out of power.(我的手机电池总是能持续一整天,所以我从不担心电量不够)

5. The famous director's legacy will outlast his death, as his films will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for generations to come.(这位著名导演的遗产将在他去世后继续存在,他的电影将继续激励和娱乐一代又一代的观众)




1. His determination to outlast his compes helped him win the race. (他的决心比竞争对手更坚定,帮助他赢得了比赛。)

2. We need to buy a refrigerator that can outlast the warranty period. (我们需要购买一台能比保修期更耐久的冰箱。)

3. The team's endurance allowed them to outlast their opponents in the grueling match. (团队的耐力使他们在艰苦的比赛中比对手更坚持。)




例句:With careful helmsmanship, it will outlast the Roman occupation. (谨慎地前行 With careful helmsmanship, 他们会比罗马帝国存活地更为长久 it will outlast the Roman occupation.)


例句:The same study concluded that Jennifer Lopez will outlast the heat death of the universe. (同一研究推断,JenniferLopez将会在宇宙的热寂中存活下来。)


例句:But with October 31 approaching, it looks as if this Shanghai tradition will outlast the 2010 Expo. (但是随着10月31日的临近,看来上海人的这个习俗会比世博会长久。)


例句:CoverGirl has these outlast lip stains that I really like - I have about five in my purse. (翻译:封面女孩的长效唇彩,我现在包里就有五支呢。)


1. But with October 31 approaching, it looks as if this Shanghai tradition will outlast the 2010 Expo. (翻译:但是随着10月31日的临近,看来上海人的这个习俗会比世博会长久。)

2. CoverGirl has these outlast lip stains that I really like - I have about five in my purse. (翻译:封面女孩的长效唇彩,我现在包里就有五支呢。)

3. The same used to apply to Colombia, where drug money allowed the communist FARC guerrillas to outlast the end of the cold war. (翻译:以前哥伦比亚也有同样的问题。赚来的钱让主义FARC游击队撑到冷战结束后。)

4. Your suit, for example, will outlast your bones by decades. (翻译:比方说, 你的外衣 会比你的骨头要更持久几十年)

5. Our razor sharp plastic punches are self-sharpening and are able to significantly outlast conventional steel punches in most applications. (翻译:我们的锋利塑料冲是自激化,并能显着持续时间超过普通钢在大多数应用中拳。)

6. We have to have the same determination as these insurgents or they'll outlast us. (翻译:我们要有和这些游击队一样的决心 否则他们会坚持的最后的)

7. The old man is still in excellent health; so it's possible that he will outlast his wife. (翻译:那位老人身体还十分结实,看来他可能比他妻子在世的时间要长。)

8. It will outlast everything You think is set is stone (翻译:It will outlast everything You think is set is stone)

9. It may even outlast the second generation of Java programmers just now coming out of universities and colleges. (翻译:它甚至能比刚刚走出大学校园的第二代Java程序员走的更长。)

10. Well, it's going to outlast me. (翻译:你的意思是地下水 已被染下去。至少在我的有生之年。)

11. Ah no, my hearers, the monument is made of hardy material, but the lie it tells will outlast it a million years. (翻译:唉,错哉,听众们,纪念碑是用坚硬材料建造的,而它所晓示的谎言却将比它持久百万年。)

12. Used in wet sites which are not infested by shipworms, such mangrove piles can outlast non-treated inland hardwoods. (翻译:用在没有船蛀的潮湿地带,红树林木桩的使用寿命超过未经处理的陆地硬木。)

13. He can outlast anyone on the dance floor. (翻译:在舞场上,他比谁都能跳。)

14. These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms. (翻译:这些自然风干的花会比一束鲜花更为持久。)

15. None of this may outlast the election. (翻译:这些事情持续的时间都没有选举长。)






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