inquisition是什么意思 inquisition的中文翻译、读音、例句


inquisition是什么意思 inquisition的中文翻译、读音、例句

Inquisition 是指调查或审问行为,通常用于描述严厉的、有组织的调查行动,是三个方面的详细解释:

1. 历史上的审讯

Inquisition 一词最初用于描述15世纪到19世纪中叶教教会在欧洲和拉丁美洲对异端的调查、审讯和处决。这种活动被称为 The Spanish Inquisition(西班牙审判所),以及其他类似的机构,如The Roman Inquisition(罗马审判所)。


- The inquisition in Spain was responsible for executing thousands of people.

- The history of the inquisition is one of the darkest periods in European history.

2. 调查行动

Inquisition 还可以指任何类型的刑事调查,通常由或公司主导。它可以涉及很多不同的领域,如金融犯罪、反恐、监管违规等。


- The SEC launched an inquisition into the company's accounting practices.

- The government's inquisition into the company led to the arrest of several executives.

3. 恶意的质询或询问

Inquisition 还可以指对某人进行恶意的调查或质询,尤其是对某人的信仰、立场或个人生活的质询。这种质询或调查可能是由某个组织或个人主导,也可能是社交媒体上的攻击。


- The journalist described the interview as a brutal inquisition.

- The inquisition into the actor's personal life was criticized as invasive and unnecessary.


1. The Spanish inquisition is one of the most notorious periods in European history.(西班牙审判所是欧洲历史上最臭名昭著的时期之一。)

2. The police launched an inquisition into the company's finances.(警方对公司的财务进行了调查。)

3. The journalist's inquisition made the politician uncomfortable.(记者的质询让家感到不舒服。)

4. The student felt like they were being subjected to an inquisition when the teacher asked them so many personal questions.(老师问了学生很多个人问题,让学生感觉自己像是受到了质询。)

5. She was surprised when her innocent question led to a heated inquisition by her colleague.(她很惊讶,当她的无辜问题引发同事的激烈质询时。)





1. The inquisition was notorious for its brutal methods of interrogation.(这次审讯因其残酷的审问方法而臭名昭著。)

2. The government has launched an inquisition to investigate corruption in the police force.(发起了一个调查委员会,调查队伍中的行为。)

3. The church used the inquisition to persecute people who held different religious beliefs.(教会利用审判委员会持有不同信仰的人。)




例句:No wonder the Spanish people hate the Royal Family as much as they hate the Inquisition. (难怪西班牙憎恨皇室 像憎恨裁判所一样)


例句:In the Middle-Ages the Inquisition and witch-finders prefer certain forms of torture. (在中世纪 裁判所和猎巫者... ...对种种酷刑各有偏爱)


例句:You know, it's pretty nervy of these publishers to put us through this inquisition. (你要知道这些出版商 要调查我们,这令人紧张)

4.询问 、裁判所

例句:Some believe another account of this event exists in the official records of the Spanish Inquisition. (翻译:西班牙法庭的官方记录里 UFO研究者Maximillien De Lafayette 声称哥伦布船上的水手)


inquisition一般作为名词使用,如在inquisition by torture([法]刑讯)、inquisition procedure([法] 预审程序)等常见短语中出现较多。

inquisition by torture[法]刑讯
inquisition procedure[法] 预审程序


1. You know, it's pretty nervy of these publishers to put us through this inquisition. (翻译:你要知道这些出版商 要调查我们,这令人紧张)

2. Some believe another account of this event exists in the official records of the Spanish Inquisition. (翻译:西班牙法庭的官方记录里 UFO研究者Maximillien De Lafayette 声称哥伦布船上的水手)

3. I too was an inquisitor... but in the early days, when the Inquisition strove to guide... not to punish. (翻译:我曾经也是个裁判员... ...但是在早期的时候, 那时的裁判所主要致力于指引... ...而不是惩罚.)

4. In the name of Messer Grande, the illumined judges of the Inquisition court, you are under arrest. (翻译:根据梅萨,葛朗台的指示 根据,, 法庭的调查和研究,, 我宣布你被捕了)

5. I was trained in the Inquisition, and I am the adjudicator for every vampire territory in North America. (翻译:我在裁判所里受过培训 而整个北美洲领土上的吸血鬼 都由我来负责审判)

6. I will have no alternative but to summon the help of the Inquisition. (翻译:...我别无它法,只能请求裁判所的帮助.)

7. Boblig doesn't judge alone, after all, the inquisition tribunal has to agree as well. (翻译:Boblig 毕竟不是单独审判的, 检察院也同意这是对的.)

8. In the name of Emperor Napoleon and by the letter of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, we hereby proclaim the Spanish Inquisition abolished. (翻译:以皇帝 和《和公民权宣言》的名义 在此宣布废除西班牙裁判所)

9. My heart is filled with sorrow... but I can find no reason to contest... the just sentence of the Нoly Inquisition. (翻译:我心中充满悲哀... ...没有任何理由来反对... ...裁判所的公正判决.)

10. Gutierrez, reported him to the Inquisition after hearing (翻译:将那比作犹太教烛台 他因此被报告给法庭)

11. But soon, thanks to God and Inquisition we will purge this disease! (翻译:但现在 多亏了主的荣恩 和审判 我们终将清除恶疾)

12. Since the Inquisition, we've been dealing with problems at the individual level. (翻译:自从审讯以来,我们一直在个人层面 解决问题。你猜怎么着,没用。)

13. An inquisition of mind flayers , including a sorcerer, has infiltrated a community and is secretly enslaving the populace. (翻译:一群夺心魔,其中包括一名术士,已经渗透到某个社区,正在秘密奴化当地民众。)

14. Under duress from the Inquisition in 1633, Galileo recanted his theory that the earth revolves around the sun. (翻译:一六三三年,伽利略在裁判所的威逼之下,宣布放弃自己的地动论。)

15. Prandial Structure Inquisition of Sports Professionals Undergraduate of Capital College of P. E . (翻译:首都体育学院运动专项大学生膳食结构调查。)






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