holandric是什么意思 holandric的中文翻译、读音、例句


holandric是什么意思 holandric的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The Young Man of Chan Hol lies in a Mexican undersea cave before the bones' removal last month. (上个月,当他的骸骨被移走之前,“青年”仍然躺在墨西哥一个海地洞穴中。)


例句:Ricky... Ric, you're my primo amigo, common. (,瑞奇里克,你是我的Primo AMIGO,常见的。)


例句:We actually named it Cathy, and that was purely out of respect for Ric O'Barry. (我们管它叫凯西 这完全是出于对里克·欧拜瑞的尊敬)


例句:Can we go back to the part where Ric came back to life to be a college professor? (翻译:我们能再过一遍 Ric复活后居然担任 大学教授的那部分吗?)


holandric一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在holandric gene(全[限]雄基因)、holandric genes([医] 全雄基因, 全男性基因)、holandric ingeritance(限雄遗传)等常见短语中出现较多。

holandric gene全[限]雄基因
holandric genes[医] 全雄基因, 全男性基因
holandric ingeritance限雄遗传
holandric inheritance男性遗传


1. We actually named it Cathy, and that was purely out of respect for Ric O'Barry. (翻译:我们管它叫凯西 这完全是出于对里克·欧拜瑞的尊敬)

2. Can we go back to the part where Ric came back to life to be a college professor? (翻译:我们能再过一遍 Ric复活后居然担任 大学教授的那部分吗?)

3. No fewer than 10, 000 years ago, Chan Hol filled with seawater as Ice Age ice caps melted, the researchers say. (翻译:研究者称,在至少10,000年前,随着冰河时代的结束,海面的冰盖融化,海水流入并注满了“”。)

4. Jesse came to us at the RIC to be fit with these state-of-the-art devices, and here you see them. (翻译:杰西来到芝加哥康复中心 与最先进的装备匹配)

5. Vittorio provides details of what is included in the training kit and mentions the various scenarios and topics covered in the HOL. (翻译:Vittorio给出了培训包中包含的细节内容,并介绍了HOL所涵盖的各种场景与主题。)

6. Jesse came to us at the RIC to be fit with these state-of-the-art devices, and here you see them. (翻译:杰西来到芝加哥康复中心 与最先进的装备匹配 )

7. Sheriff Forbes said she's out of suspects again, but Ric is in the clear. (翻译:警长说她手头上又没嫌疑人了 但Ric是无辜的)

8. Ric died, like, 4 times before he lost his mind, and Jeremy has died a few times, too... 3, I think... so we're gonna have to... (翻译:Ric在失去理智前大概死了四次 Jeremy也死过几次了 我想是三次吧 所以我们得...)

9. HOL is more expressive than first-order logic and enables a concise description of complex properties. (翻译:HOL比一阶逻辑更有表现力,能给复杂逻辑更加简洁的描述。)

10. When Flipper Premiered in 1964, Ric O'Barry became the most famous dolphin trainer in the world (翻译:《海豚的故事》于1964年首播,里克・欧拜瑞 成为全球最富盛名的海豚驯养师)

11. And Hol, you can't keep eating me head off, telling me to leave. (翻译:霍莉 你不能再这样一刀两断 总说让我离开)

12. Thanks for not ditching the family ring after it drove Ric crazy? (翻译:简单 那破戒指把Ric逼疯了 但你没丢了它 真是好样的)

13. There's only so many Ric O'Barrys and Roger Paynes. (翻译:因为像里克·欧拜瑞和罗杰·佩恩 这样的人屈指可数)

14. Her RIC colleagues ask her 'what happenned? ' 'God said I will not live to see that' she explained. (翻译:其余三国的问她“发生什么了?”她解释说“上帝说我活不到那一天了”。)

15. Look, if Mason Lockwood can get over the fact that I killed him, can't you cut me a little slack, Ric? (翻译:Mason Lockwood都能原谅我杀了他 - 你就不能饶我一次么 Ric)




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