magnolia是什么意思 magnolia的中文翻译、读音、例句


magnolia是什么意思 magnolia的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: Magnolia 是一种常绿或落叶的树和灌木,属于玉兰科。它们的花通常是大而香气芬芳的,颜色从白色到淡、淡紫色和淡粉色不等。该词也可以指代玉兰属植物中任何一种类型的植物。


词组搭配: magnolia tree (玉兰树), magnolia flower (玉兰花), magnolia blossom (玉兰花), magnolia bouquet (玉兰花束), Magnolia Society International (国际玉兰协会)




1. The magnolia tree in our yard is in full bloom. (我们院子里的玉兰树正处在盛开期。)

2. The white magnolia flowers in the park emit a strong fragrance. (公园里的白色玉兰花发出浓郁的香气。)

3. The magnolia blossom is often used to make perfume. (玉兰花常用于制作香水。)

4. She received a beautiful magnolia bouquet from her lover on Valentine's Day. (情人节那天她收到了一束美丽的玉兰花礼盒。)

5. The Magnolia Society International is dedicated to preserving and promoting the beauty of magnolias worldwide. (国际玉兰协会致力于保护和推广全世界的玉兰之美。)

6. The magnolia is one of the most popular ornamental plants in the southern United States. (玉兰是美国南部最受欢迎的观赏植物之一。)

7. There is a famous magnolia garden in Suzhou, China, that attracts visitors from all over the world. (中国苏州有一个著名的玉兰花园,吸引了来自世界各地的游客。)




1. The magnolia tree in my garden bloomed beautifully this spring.(我家花园里的玉兰树这个春天开得非常美丽。)

2. She always loved the delicate fragrance of magnolia flowers.(她一直很喜欢玉兰花的淡雅芳香。)

3. The magnolia is a symbol of beauty and strength in many cultures.(在很多文化中,玉兰被视为美和力量的象征。)

4. I picked a few magnolia blossoms to decorate my living room.(我采了几朵玉兰花来装饰客厅。)

magnolia的中文解释是"木兰 、白玉兰",在日常中也代表"木兰花"的意思,发音是[mæg'nәuliә],magnolia常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到64个与magnolia相关的例句。



例句:The main constitute of Magnolia is Magnolol and Honokiol, the quality of Magnolia was decided directly by its content. (厚朴中的主要成分为厚朴酚与和厚朴酚,其含量多少直接决定厚朴的品质。)


例句:It has the best view of the magnolia trees like the blasts of trumpets heralding the approach of kings and make afraid the enemy! (它有玉兰的最佳观赏 树木像爆炸的号角... ... ...预示着国王的做法 使敌人怕!)


例句:Magnolia Trees, Brazilian Pepper Trees, Cumquat Trees, Palms, roses and Barrel Cacti make for an exotic and lush oasis. (木兰树、巴西胡椒树、金桔树、棕榈树、玫瑰、仙人掌组成了一个充满异国情调和草木繁茂的绿洲。)


例句:Magnolia grandiflora I love, love her branches, leaves, flowers. But I love it even more selfless and a great teacher. (翻译:我爱广玉兰,爱她的枝、叶、花。更爱那无私而伟大的老师。)


magnolia一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在evergreen magnolia(荷花玉兰(的木材))、genus Magnolia([网络] 木兰属)、lily magnolia(木兰)等常见短语中出现较多。

evergreen magnolia荷花玉兰(的木材)
genus Magnolia[网络] 木兰属
lily magnolia木兰
lily magnolia?紫玉兰;木兰
Magnolia acuminata[网络] 尖头木兰;渐尖木兰
magnolia acuminatas[网络] 尖头木兰;渐尖木兰\n(magnolia acuminata 的复数)
Magnolia alba[网络] 白玉兰;白兰花
Magnolia albosericean. 绢毛木兰
Magnolia alloy马格诺利亚铅锡锑轴承合金


1. Magnolia Trees, Brazilian Pepper Trees, Cumquat Trees, Palms, roses and Barrel Cacti make for an exotic and lush oasis. (翻译:木兰树、巴西胡椒树、金桔树、棕榈树、玫瑰、仙人掌组成了一个充满异国情调和草木繁茂的绿洲。)

2. Magnolia grandiflora I love, love her branches, leaves, flowers. But I love it even more selfless and a great teacher. (翻译:我爱广玉兰,爱她的枝、叶、花。更爱那无私而伟大的老师。)

3. In one corner stood a huge summer-flowering magnolia , a tower of dark foliage, splashed here and there with milkwhite blossoms. (翻译:一个角落里矗立着一棵夏季开花的大木兰树,枝叶阴暗得象一座塔,到处泼洒出一些乳白色的花朵。)

4. Objective To investigate the pharmacologic action of the Magnolia biondii Pamp volatile oil nanometer bangosome. (翻译:目的对辛夷挥发油纳米脂质体药理作用进行初步研究。)

5. The Yulan magnolia is ideal for cool, moist climates. (翻译:白玉兰是凉爽,湿润的气候条件下的理想选择。)

6. As social group's constituent, the Lily magnolia is separated from her secular with difficulty. (翻译:作为社会群体的组成部分,木兰难以脱离她的世俗性。)

7. Objective:Compare Jiang Magnolia Puerariae from different producing areas by fingerprint of GC. (翻译:目的比较不同产地姜厚朴气相指纹图谱,以确定最佳指纹图谱模式。)

8. Objective: To compare the content of Magnolia between slice decoction and dispensing granule decoction of Houpu Sanwu decoction. (翻译:目的:比较厚朴三物汤饮片汤剂与其配方颗粒汤剂中厚朴酚含量。)

9. Object To identify magnolia officinal and Campbell magnolia. (翻译:目的对厚朴和滇藏木兰进行鉴别。)

10. Objective: Compare Jiang Magnolia Puerariae from different producing areas by fingerprint of GC. (翻译:目的比较不同产地姜厚朴气相指纹图谱,以确定最佳指纹图谱模式。)

11. Lichen green looks nice. Anything but magnolia. (翻译:苔绿色的看起来不错 , 只要不是玉兰白就行)

12. Magnolia Francisca Morales Rodriguez, you betrayed my trust. (翻译:Magnolia Francisca Morales Rodriguez 枉费我对你的信任)

13. Occurrence and damages of Icerya aegyptiaca on Magnolia plants and its control (翻译:埃及吹绵蚧在木兰科植物上的发生危害及防治)

14. Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit, magnolia flower, wild chrysanthemum and Chinese licorice root. (翻译:其成份包括苍耳子、木兰花、野菊花和甘草。)

15. Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit, magnolia flower, wild chrysanthemum and licorice root. (翻译:其成份包括苍耳子、木兰花、野菊花和甘草。)






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