punkt是什么意思 punkt的中文翻译、读音、例句


punkt是什么意思 punkt的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:punkt是德语和挪威语中表示“点”的意思,也可用于表示时间或地点的精确点位。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 词组搭配:a) auf den punkt bringen (将话题或问题简明扼要地阐述);b) punkt für punkt (逐个说明或执行);c) punktgenau (非常准确或精准)。

4. 短语:keinen punkt haben (没有机会或希望)。

5. 发音拼写:[pʊŋkt],德语和挪威语中“p”发音为清辅音。


1. Sie traf mich um 8 Uhr am Eingangt des Parks.

She met me at the entrance point of the park at 8 o'clock.

2. Er traf den Ball punktgenau und erzielte ein Tor.

He hit the ball precisely and scored a goal.

3. Bring es bitte auf den Punkt, damit wir die Lösung schnell finden können.

Please get to the point so we can find the solution quickly.

4. Um das Problem zu lösen, müssen wir jeden Punkt des Plans sorgfältig durchgehen.

To solve the problem, we have to carefully go through every point in the plan.

5. Ich habe keinen Punkt, um an das Geld zu kommen.

I have no point in getting access to the money.


中文翻译:1. 点; 2. 句点; 3. 要点; 4. 小圆点;5. 符号



1. The teacher put a red dot as a punkt at the end of the sentence.(老师在句子末尾加了一个红点作为句子的句点。)

2. The most important punkt in this article is the conclusion.(这篇文章最重要的要点是结论。)

3. The document contains a few punkts that need to be clarified.(这份文件中有一些需要澄清的要点。)

4. The punkt bullet indicates a list item.(小圆点符号标志着一项清单。)

5. The punkt system is a tool used to yze and categorize texts.(符号系统是分析和分类文本的工具。)




例句:And, do the laundry too, punk. (你要是没事可做 就打扫一下屋子啊! 小子 再把衣服洗了)


例句:selling our T-shirts as of now. (售卖我们的T恤了 selling our T -shirts as of now.)


例句:Daft Punk is a good exemple my guitar is pure (Daft Punk is a good exemple Daft Punk是个很好的例子 我的吉他音色纯正)


1. Daft Punk is a good exemple my guitar is pure (翻译:Daft Punk is a good exemple Daft Punk是个很好的例子 我的吉他音色纯正)

2. And even then, when I was a punk kid... (翻译:就算当初我还是个小混混的时候... ...)

3. And,come on somebody had to put an end to T-Mose. (翻译:拜托 某人别再叫T -Mose了 不 T)

4. I give to you, the T-virus. (翻译:请看 T病毒 I give to you, the T -virus.)

5. You see the way they ran that punk down? (翻译:-你永远不会看到坏蛋逃脱 -那让他们自己搞个片子)

6. Hey, anytime we get to punk Crowley works for us. (翻译:anytime we get to punk Crowley works for us.)

7. # Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, tia y tio # (翻译:# Mi hermano, mi hermana, mi primo, prima, t燰 y t甐 #)

8. He's the godfather of punk. (翻译:他是鬅客摇滚乐的创始人。)

9. You don't walk around doing your hand like a punk. (翻译:你不像小混混一样甩手 在路上走来走去。)

10. Daft Punk on stage had already succeeded a demand (翻译:已经使Daft Punk在舞台上获得了一定的成功)

11. Yamamoto won't rest in peace if declared killed by a punk! (翻译:如果硬要说一个混混杀了山本 他死也不会螟目的)

12. ♪ Punk means thinking for yourself ♪ (翻译:朋克永远只想著自己 * * Punk means thinking for yourself)

13. These T-shirts keep selling. (翻译:这些T恤大卖 These T -shirts keep selling.)

14. Come here, punk. Come here! (翻译:小子,过来 Come here, you idiot!)

15. - B.A., for the last time. (翻译:like a punk. 怪头 我保证 BA, for the last time)




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