pulle是什么意思 pulle的中文翻译、读音、例句


pulle是什么意思 pulle的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性及词义:

- pulle可以作为名词,意为抓取物品的手柄。

- pulle还可以作为动词,意为用力拉、拖、拉扯。常见搭配包括pulle up(拉起来)、pulle out()等。

2. 发音:

- pulle的发音为/pʊl/,重音在第一音节。

3. 常见搭配:

- pull out:。

- pull over:让车靠边停下。

- pull together:团结一致。

- pull through:恢复健康。

- pull off:成功完成。


1. Can you help me pull the suitcase down from the top shelf?(你能帮我从顶部搬下来那个箱子吗?)

2. The team managed to pull off an unexpected victory.(该队成功完成了一次意外的胜利。)

3. He had to pull out of the race due to an injury.(由于受伤,他不得不退出比赛。)

4. The driver pulled over to let the ambulance pass.(司机靠边停车让救护车通过。)

5. It was the team's ability to pull together in times of crisis that made them so successful.(在危机时期,团队团结一致的能力使他们如此成功。)



1. He gave the rope a strong pulle and the door opened.


2. I pulle the door shut behind me.





例句:Hope you don't mind, I saw you pull up. My car's packed it in and... You couldn't give us a jump start, could you? (I saw you pull up. could you?)


例句:Go in there and pull the plug. (Go in there and pull the plug. 进去,拔掉插头吧。)


例句:Example: ontape -p -e or onbar -r -e. (示例:ontape -p -e or onbar -r -e。)


例句:Can everybody keep a Secret? (翻译:可以通过e V erybody保持发E CRET?)


1. Example: ontape -p -e or onbar -r -e. (翻译:示例:ontape -p -e or onbar -r -e。)

2. Can everybody keep a Secret? (翻译:可以通过e V erybody保持发E CRET?)

3. If that's the case, all you have to do is just reach in and pull her out. (翻译:all you have to do is just reach in and pull her out.)

4. And I tried to pull her off, but... (翻译:我曾想拉住她 但是... And I tried to pull her off, but...)

5. What are you trying to pull, Mom? (翻译:你是想偷懒吗 妈 What are you trying to pull, Mom?)

6. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

7. Apurese, apurese, vamos, vamos! (翻译:IA p火灾E,AP触发E, VAMOS,VAMOS!)

8. You pull anything like that again, (翻译:你在耍这样的把戏 You pull anything like that again,)

9. You might be able to pull it off. (翻译:You might be able to pull it off.)

10. I no longer see ourselves as collaborators, Agent Burke. (翻译:I. 我不会撤掉Neal I will not pull Neal.)

11. Then you pull that throttle (翻译:Then you pull that throttle)

12. ♪ You pull my mind away... ♪ (翻译:♪ You pull my mind away... ♪)

13. - Barry.. That means pull the truck over so I can urinate. (翻译:That means pull the truck over so I can urinate.)

14. Oggi e molto umido, non e vero? (翻译:Oggi e molto umido, non e vero?)

15. How did she pull that off? (翻译:她是怎么办到的 How did she pull that off?)


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