harps是什么意思 harps的中文翻译、读音、例句


harps是什么意思 harps的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义: Harps指的是西洋古典音乐中的竖琴,通常由梳齿、音匣、琴弦等组成。同时Harps也是一个缩写词,可以表示 Health And Retirement Plan (健康和退休计划)。

2. 来源:Harps这个词来自于拉丁文“cithara”,表示希腊的竖琴,后来在中世纪传播到欧洲各地。

3. 应用:Harps这个单词通常用于音乐领域,比如演奏、修理和制造竖琴。而缩写词Harps则通常用于企业的健康和退休计划。

4. 相关词汇:竖琴-Vertical Harp, 机械竖琴-Mechanical Harp, 爱尔兰竖琴-Irish Harp, 音乐-Harp Music, 健康计划-Health Plan, 退休计划-Retirement Plan。


1. We've hired a hart to play at our wedding ceremony. (我们雇了一位竖琴演奏家在婚礼仪式上演奏。)

2. Harps are known for their rich, resonant sound. (竖琴以其丰富的共鸣声而闻名。)

3. The harp is a difficult instrument to learn, but it is also one of the most rewarding. (竖琴是一种难以学习的乐器,但也是最有回报的乐器之一。)

4. The Harps Corporation offers its employees a comprehensive health and retirement plan. (哈普斯公司为其员工提供全面的健康和退休计划。)

5. She's been saving money for years to contribute to her Harps retirement plan. (她多年来一直在存钱为自己的哈普斯退休计划做贡献。)





1. The angel played a beautiful melody on her harp.


2. The concert featured a solo performance by a famous hart.


3. The orchestra includes violins, cellos, trumpets, and harps.





例句:While this does not indicate your harp is ruined, often people do ruin their harps trying to solve this problem . (然而这不意味着你的口琴报废了。人们经常把他们的竖琴做报废处理,来尝试解决这个问题。)


例句:Le tombeau sans nom, for 2 flutes, 2 harps & celesta. (无名墓,为长笛2,竖琴2,和钢片琴而作。)


例句:Chant pastoral, for 2 flutes, 2 harps & celesta. (牧歌,为长笛2,竖琴2,和钢片琴而作的。)


例句:With a glance of your eyes you could plunder all the wealth of songs struck from poets' harps, fair woman! (翻译:你秋波一瞥,便可以从诗人的竖琴上掠走所有歌曲的财富,美丽的女人!)


harps一般作为名词、动词使用,如在harps on(v. 唠叨)、electric harps([网络] 电琴)、frame harps([网络] 框架竖琴)等常见短语中出现较多。

harps onv. 唠叨
electric harps[网络] 电琴
frame harps[网络] 框架竖琴
French harps[网络] 法国竖琴
glass harpsglass harp\n玻璃竖琴
jaw harps[网络] 单簧口琴
jaws harps[网络] 颚竖琴
jaws' harps[网络] 颚的竖琴
jew harps[网络] 犹太人的竖琴


1. Chant pastoral, for 2 flutes, 2 harps & celesta. (翻译:牧歌,为长笛2,竖琴2,和钢片琴而作的。)

2. With a glance of your eyes you could plunder all the wealth of songs struck from poets' harps, fair woman! (翻译:你秋波一瞥,便可以从诗人的竖琴上掠走所有歌曲的财富,美丽的女人!)

3. La pluie du matin, for 2 flutes, 2 harps & celesta. (翻译:下雨的早晨,为长笛2,竖琴2,和钢片琴而作。)

4. Le souvenir de Mnasidica, for 2 flutes, 2 harps & celesta. (翻译:回忆米纳西迪卡,为长笛2,竖琴2,和钢片琴而作。)

5. This is the number one high resolution, most precise spectrograph on this planet, called HARPS, which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars. (翻译:这是高清解析度之王, 这个星球上最精确的光谱仪,叫HARPS. 实际上是用来探测 外太阳系行星 和恒星大气层中的声波. )

6. Like wind-harps, changeful, sweet, and clear. (翻译:喜欢风的竖琴,多变的,甜的,清晰的。)

7. The opposition harps on AK's Islamist roots and portrays the election as a fight between secularism and political Islam. (翻译:反对派对AK党的根源喋喋不休,将选举渲染成一场世俗力量与势力的对决。)

8. Sometimes, we like to have more this beautiful shiny orange color, but sometimes got opaque as you saw on the world record from Harps. (翻译:有时侯,我们希望有更多的这种漂亮的发亮的橙色,但有的时候还是会得到浑浊的颜色,和你看到的Harps的创世界记录的南瓜一样。)

9. This is the number one high resolution, most precise spectrograph on this planet, called HARPS, which is actually used to detect extrasolar planets and sound waves in the atmospheres of stars. (翻译:这是高清解析度之王, 这个星球上最精确的光谱仪,叫HARPS. 实际上是用来探测 外太阳系行星 和恒星大气层中的声波.)

10. If you do not care for merry meetings, if you must have peace, weary heart, we shall put our lamps out and silence our harps. (翻译:如果你无意于欢闹的聚会,如果你必须拥有宁静,疲惫的心啊,我们就熄灭灯,止息琴声。)

11. The harp has four separate pendulums, and each pendulum has 11 strings, so the harp swings on its axis and also rotates in order to play different musical notes, and the harps are all networked together so that they can play the right notes at the right time in the music. (翻译:这个竖琴有四个分开的摆, 每一个摆上有 11 条弦, 竖琴可以在它的轴上摇摆并旋转 来演奏出不同的音符, 所有的竖琴都相互联网 这样它们就可以在 正确的时间奏出正确的音符。)

12. Did not Cromwell himself try to burn all the harps in the land, murder our priests, exile our musicians? (翻译:Cromwell他自己难道没有尝试过 烧毁这片土地上所有竖琴吗 杀害我们的牧师 流放我们的音乐家?)

13. You strum away on your harps like David and improvise on musical instruments. (翻译:弹琴鼓瑟唱消闲的歌曲,为自己制造乐器,如同大卫所造的。)

14. To touch their harps of gold ...goodwill to men from heavens all gracious king (翻译:,摸金的竖琴 ,. 商誉从男人 诸天都亲切的国王)

15. [music] It came upon the midnight clear [music] That glorious song of old [music] From angels bending near the earth [music] To touch their harps of gold [music] Peace on the earth, goodwill to men (翻译:[music] It came upon the midnight clear [music] That glorious song of old [music] From angels bending near the earth)




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