lich是什么意思 lich的中文翻译、读音、例句


lich是什么意思 lich的中文翻译、读音、例句

lich 是一个英语词汇,名词,用于指代一种在古代欧洲被用来标记墓地和举办葬礼的灯笼。







1. The lich was lit and placed at the entrance to the cemetery to show where the deceased was buried.(在墓地入口点燃了灯笼,以标志葬礼的地点)

2. A lichgate was erected at the entrance of the churchyard to mark the boundary between the sacred and secular worlds.(在教堂墓地的入口处竖起了一个门廊,标志着神圣和世俗的分界线)

3. A lichstone was inscribed with the name, date of birth, and death of the deceased.(在墓石上刻有逝者的姓名、出生日期和死亡日期)

4. Lichfield was once a major center of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Mercia.(利奇菲尔德曾经是英格兰麦西亚王国的一个重要中心)

5. The lich-house was used to prepare the body for burial and hold wakes.(葬礼场所用于为逝者准备身体并举行守夜仪式)

6. The lich-way wound its way through the forest to the ancient burial ground.(通向墓地的小路穿过森林)

7. The lich was a symbol of death and the afterlife in medieval Europe.(在中世纪欧洲,灯笼象征着死亡和来世)




1. The lich raised its bony hand and cast a spell on the adventurers.(那只鬼魂举起它瘦骨嶙峋的手,向冒险者们施了个咒语。)

2. Legends say that the lich was once a powerful mage who sought immortality through dark magic.(传说那个亡灵曾经是一个谋求不死的强师,以黑魔法为手段。)

3. The necromancer animated the lich's dead body, giving it a semblance of life once again.(那个死灵法师让那具尸体起死回生,重新拥有了一点点生气。)

4. The land was corrupted by the lich's evil power, causing crops to wither and livestock to die.(那片土地被那股力量染,导致庄稼枯萎、牲畜死亡。)




例句:Medievaldragon: What were the Revenants' motives to care for Arthas' fate? Will it be explained in World of Warcraft: Arthas, Rise of the Lich King? (幽灵为阿尔萨斯的命运担心的动机是什么?在《魔兽世界:阿尔萨斯,巫妖王的崛起》中会有解释么? )


例句:Eventually he became one of the Lich King's most valuable servants. (最终,他成为了巫妖王手下最有价值的仆人之一。)


例句:Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Agy +2, Int +4, Cha +2. As an undead creature, a lich has no Stamina score. (属性:从基础生物的属性上增加:力量+2,智力+4,魅力+2。作为亡灵生物,巫妖没有耐力属性。)


例句:However Hoang Van Lich now never has to worry about the weather. (翻译:现在,Hoang Van Lich再也不用为天气发愁了。)


lich一般作为名词使用,如在lich gate([英国英语](教堂墓地入口处有顶盖的)停柩门[亦作 lych gate,亦称作 resurrection gate])、Lich Ha([地名] 历下 ( 越 ))、Lich Son([地名] 历山 ( 越 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

lich gate[英国英语](教堂墓地入口处有顶盖的)停柩门[亦作 lych gate,亦称作 resurrection gate]
Lich Ha[地名] 历下 ( 越 )
Lich Son[地名] 历山 ( 越 )
Sevana Lich[地名] "塞凡湖。英语惯用名Sevan ( 亚美 )


1. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Agy +2, Int +4, Cha +2. As an undead creature, a lich has no Stamina score. (翻译:属性:从基础生物的属性上增加:力量+2,智力+4,魅力+2。作为亡灵生物,巫妖没有耐力属性。)

2. However Hoang Van Lich now never has to worry about the weather. (翻译:现在,Hoang Van Lich再也不用为天气发愁了。)

3. Yeah I reanimated him. I'm the Lich King, it's sort of what I do. (翻译:是啊我复活他了,我是巫妖王,这是我应该要做的。)

4. The Lich King watches over us minions! (翻译:巫妖王在看著我们这些仆从! )

5. Now the Alliance and Horde have come to confront the malefic Lich King and put an end to the Scourge. (翻译:现在联盟和部落开始面对的巫妖王并一劳永逸的消灭天灾。)

6. Kil 'jaeden, one of the lords of the Burning Legion, first created the Lich King to wreak havoc and terror across Azeroth. (翻译:基尔加丹,燃烧军团的一位首领,最先创造了巫妖王到艾泽拉斯去制造和恐慌。)

7. Legend: After a memorable battle with a powerful lich, Arete, a powerful psion, took the time to explore the path of lichdom. (翻译:传说:在一次值得纪念的,与强大巫妖的战斗之后,奥雷特,一个强大的心灵术士,开始去探索巫妖的领域。)

8. I knew nothing of this lich of yours, but when my diviners told me of the explosion, I feared for the integrity of the Snarl's prison. (翻译:我对你们那位巫妖一无所知,但当我的占卜师告诉我爆炸发生时,我开始担心死结囚牢的完整性。)

9. The Lich King may attempt to control elementals 11 times per day. (翻译:荔枝王可以每天尝试控制元素生物11次。)

10. The Ice trolls will be featured in Wrath of The Lich King. They reside in Zul'Drak. (翻译:冰霜巨魔将会在资料片中出现,他们现在居住在祖尔德拉克。)

11. Tell them only that the lich king is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon died with him. Now, go, leave this place and never return. (翻译:只需要告诉他们巫妖王已死,伯瓦尔.弗塔根的生命也随巫妖王而逝。现在快走,离开这个地方而且永远不要回来。)

12. Tell them only that the Lich King is dead, and that Bolvar Fordragon have died with him. (翻译:只告诉她们,巫妖王已经翘辫子了,而伯瓦尔佛塔根与他两败俱伤了。)

13. As one of the undead, Sylvanas was subject to the iron will of the Lich King. (翻译:作为不死族的一员,希尔瓦·娜斯屈从于巫妖王的意志。)

14. As one of the undead, Sylvanas was subject to the iron will of the Lich King. (翻译:作为不死族的一员,希尔瓦娜斯勉强服从于巫妖王的心志。)

15. Insider: What sort of challenges are there in this artistic transition from The Burning Crusade to Wrath of the Lich King? (翻译:那么,从燃烧远征到巫妖王之怒的艺术风格过渡里,将有些什么样的挑战呢。)




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