billions是什么意思 billions的中文翻译、读音、例句


billions是什么意思 billions的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:billions是一个表示“十亿”的数字,它是1,000,000,000的正式定义。

2. 用途:我们通常使用billions来形容非常大的数量,如货币、人口、时间等等。

3. 表达方式:我们可以使用数字或者缩写来表达billions,数字通常会被用于正式文本中,而缩写则更为口语化。

4. 注意事项:在英美两国的使用中,表示数字的方式存在一定的差异。例如,北美习惯于使用"billion"表示10的9次方,而英国则使用“milliard”表示同样的数量。

5. 相关短语:与此相关的短语包括“billions of dollars”,“billions of people”,“billions of years”。


1. The company has made billions of dollars in profits over the years. (这家公司多年来赚了数十亿美元的利润。)

2. There are billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. (银河系中有数十亿颗星星。)

3. The total cost of the project is estimated at billions of dollars. (该项目的总成本预计达到几十亿美元。)

4. Over billions of years, the Earth has undergone many changes. (几十亿年来,地球经历了许多变化。)

5. The population of China is expected to reach two billion by the year 2050. (到2050年,中国的人口预计将达到20亿。)

1. 中文翻译:数十亿,亿万

2. 读音:bɪljənz

3. 例句:

- The company made billions of dollars in profit last year. (该公司去年获得了数十亿美元的利润。)

- There are billions of stars in the universe. (宇宙中有数亿颗星星。)

- The government spent billions of dollars on infrastructure projects. (在基础设施项目上花费了数十亿美元。)




例句:Schwab and other upstarts made billions. (嘉信理财和其他股市新贵却获利数以十亿。)


例句:Pick a star-- any one of the hundreds of billions of stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, which is just one galaxy out of the hundred billion in the known universe. (选一颗星星 Pick a star -- 天上这数以百亿颗星星中的一颗 any one of the hundreds of billions of stars)


例句:But what will the sky look like billions of years from now? (然而数十亿年前的天空 又会是什么样子的呢 ? )


例句:To steal billions and billions of dollars, it has to take a very special kind of person. (翻译:窃取数十亿美元 与数十亿美元, 它具有取 一个很特别的那种人。)


billions一般作为名词使用,如在in billions(un. 十亿美元)等常见短语中出现较多。

in billionsun. 十亿美元


1. But what will the sky look like billions of years from now? (翻译:然而数十亿年前的天空 又会是什么样子的呢 ? )

2. To steal billions and billions of dollars, it has to take a very special kind of person. (翻译:窃取数十亿美元 与数十亿美元, 它具有取 一个很特别的那种人。)

3. This project could make us billions -- (翻译:这个项目可以为我们带来许多财富... This project could make us billions...)

4. Most stellar evolution takes millions or billions of years. (翻译:大部分的恒星演变 Most stellar evolution 要经历几百万或者几十亿年 takes millions or billions of years.)

5. The savings would be in the billions! (翻译:成本能节省数十亿元! The savings would be in the billions!)

6. And billions and billions And billions of bucks lf you weren`t rich at the start (翻译:赚个几十亿... 如果一开始就没有钱 你的人生就很难过)

7. A vast swathe of billions and billions of suns as you look out towards the centre of our Milky Way galaxy. (翻译:数以亿计的恒星组成一条巨大的绸带 而我看去的方向正是银河系的中心)

8. Billions of people will perish. (翻译:Billions of people will perish.)

9. Today donors are spending billions of dollars on this. (翻译:今天,捐助者正花费数十亿美金在此项目上。)

10. And it became a disease that is really killing billions of trees. (翻译:然而这衍生为一种病害, 数亿植株遭到灭顶之灾。)

11. It expanded from a tiny ball of energy smaller than an atom to a universe billions and billions of light-years across. (翻译:由一个比原子还小的极微小能量点 膨胀形成横跨亿万光年的宇宙)

12. The cyberattacks will also cost billions, says Sony. (翻译:索尼公司还透露,网络攻击也将给自己带来高达数十亿日元的损失。)

13. They're a hundred million strong and provide nutrition to billions. (翻译:他们是一亿的强者, 可为数十亿人提供营养。)

14. The country owes billions of dollars to foreign creditors. (翻译:这个国家欠外国债权人数十亿元。)

15. Prof. Zog, Why are we spending billions and billions of zilches to land a flying saucer on Earth when there is no life there? (翻译:佐格教授,既然地球上没有生命,那么为什么我们还要花费好几亿的资金向那儿发射飞碟呢? )


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