stringent是什么意思 stringent的中文翻译、读音、例句


stringent是什么意思 stringent的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释方面: 'stringent'表示非常严格或者严厉的,常用于形容规定、政策或者标准等方面的限制或要求。

2. 语法用法方面: 'stringent'是一个形容词,常用于修饰名词或者名词性短语。它的副词形式为'stringently'。

3. 词语搭配方面: 'stringent'可用于不同的语境中,比如商务、、教育等领域,与其他单词搭配,比如'stringent regulations'、'stringent measures'、'stringent standards'等。


1. Our company has implemented stringent security measures to protect our clients' data. 我们公司已经实施了非常严格的安全措施来保护我们客户的数据。

2. The school has a stringent dress code policy that all students must follow. 这所学校有一项非常严格的着装规定,所有学生都必须遵守。

3. The government is imposing more stringent emissions standards on car manufacturers. 正在对汽车制造商实施更加严格的排放标准。

4. The university has stringent admission requirements, including high test scores and a strong academic record. 这所大学有非常严格的入学要求,包括高分数和出色的学术记录。

5. The company faces a stringent deadline to complete the project before the end of the year. 公司面临着在年底之前完成项目的非常紧迫的截止日期。

stringent的意思是严格的、严厉的。它的中文翻译可以是严格的、严密的、紧迫的。它的读音是 [ˈstrɪndʒənt]。


1. Stringent measures must be taken to prevent the spread of the disease. (必须采取严格措施来防止疾病的传播。)

2. The company has implemented stringent safety protocols to protect its employees. (公司已经实施了严格的安全协议,以保护其员工。)

3. The requirements for this job are quite stringent, so make sure you meet all of the qualifications. (这份工作的要求非常严格,所以一定要确保你符合所有的资格。)

stringent通常被翻译为"财政紧缩的 、苛刻的"的意思,其中文解释还有"紧缩的"的意思,在线读音是['strindʒәnt],stringent在英语中经常以形容词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到96个与stringent相关的例句。



例句:The complex things get more fragile, more vulnerable; the Goldilocks conditions get more stringent, and it's more difficult to create complexity. (复杂的东西变得更弱小, 更脆弱。黄金条件变的更苛刻, 而且条件会变的更难 来创造复杂性。)


例句:We have a Stringent Quality System in place that guarantees our projects to be delivered with topnotch quality. (我们有一整套严格的质量控制系统,保证所提交的项目以第一流的品质呈现给您。)


例句:in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements. (在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。)


例句:Yields superb image quality on the viewbox and helps users comply with even the most stringent environmental regulations. (翻译:可在观片箱上获得绝佳质量的影像,并有助于用户遵守最苛刻的环保规定。)


stringent一般作为形容词使用,如在stringent assumption(严格假定)、stringent cash(银根紧)、stringent control(紧缩控制)等常见短语中出现较多。

stringent assumption严格假定
stringent cash银根紧
stringent control紧缩控制
stringent factor严紧因子
stringent laws[法] 严苛的法律
stringent plasmid[机] 迫切质体
stringent regulations[网络] 严厉的规则;严格管理;严厉的规定
stringent replication紧缩性复制
stringent requirement严格要求


1. in some of China's enterprises, usually want not to break the rules of the company of clothing are not too stringent requirements. (翻译:在中国的一些企业中,一般情况下只要不公司的规章制度,对服装都是没有太过苛刻的要求的。)

2. Yields superb image quality on the viewbox and helps users comply with even the most stringent environmental regulations. (翻译:可在观片箱上获得绝佳质量的影像,并有助于用户遵守最苛刻的环保规定。)

3. He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons. (翻译:他宣布在武器的持有方面将会有更严格的控制。)

4. Wake up a heart Qimen, more stringent requirements of the disciples. (翻译:苏醒心下一阵气闷,对弟子们要求更加严格。)

5. Stringent cost control measures are Alcoa earnings expected to go beyond the main reason for Wall Street. (翻译:严格的成本控制措施是美国铝业盈利超出华尔街预期的主要原因。)

6. The stringent requirements of these examples stand in stark contrast to the instigation offence. (翻译:上述例子的严格规定与鼓动罪行的规定构成明显的对比。)

7. It requires creating a regulatory framework for the gathering, using and sharing of personal health data that's at the same time stringent and sensible. (翻译:这就需要创造一个规范的构架, 来收集、使用和分享个人健康数据, 严格且合理的规范构架。)

8. A stringent definition was requested including at least joint counts and an acute phase reactant, but excluding duration of state. (翻译:严格定义至少需要包括关节计数和急性期反应物,但需排除状态持续时间。)

9. After stringent security, into the center of the venue, the reporter feel like a fairy tale into a colorful world. (翻译:经过严格的,踏入会场中心后,记者感觉犹如进入了一个五彩缤纷的童话世界。)

10. With this ban, India would be the only country in the World to go in for such a stringent move. (翻译:根据此禁令,印度将使世界上唯一一个采取如此严格举措的国家。)

11. The UHPC community has the most stringent non-compromising low-latency and high throughput demands imaginable. (翻译:高性能计算组对程序的低延迟率有着严格的限制,且对程序的吞吐量有着极高的要求。)

12. Quality : Trina Solar adheres to international quality standards and institutes stringent quality control processes in its operations. (翻译:质量:天合光能严格遵守国际质量标准,在运营过程中实行严格的质量控制。)

13. These elements are designed to earn it a top five-star rating in the new, more stringent Euro NCAP crash test programme. (翻译:这些因素是为了赚取了顶级五星级新的,更严格的欧洲NCAP碰撞测试方案评价。)

14. Environmentally friendly solutions are also available for noise control and effluents, which meet the most stringent worldwide regulations. (翻译:我们还提供控制噪声和废水排放的高效的环保解决方案,完全符合全世界最严格的环保要求。)

15. Ms. Chan said the company's measurement standards are 'very stringent in the industry. ' (翻译:她说,公司的计算标准“是业内最严格的”。)




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