deep是什么意思 deep的中文翻译、读音、例句


deep是什么意思 deep的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇意义:'deep'通常表示深的、深入的或者强烈的。它可以用来描述空间、思想、情感、声音、颜色等方面。

例如:deep water(深水)、deep thoughts(深思)、deep love(深爱)、deep voice(浑厚的声音)、deep blue(深蓝色)。

2. 词汇搭配:'deep'可以与许多其他单词搭配使用,从而形成不同的短语和表达方式。一些常见的搭配包括:deep sleep(深度睡眠)、deep breath(深呼吸)、deep tissue(深层组织)、deep cleaning(深层清洁)、deep understanding(深入理解)。

例如:She took a deep breath before speaking.(她说话前深呼吸了一口气。)The massage the worked on my deep tissue.(师对我的深层组织进行了治疗。)

3. 常用表达:'deep'可以用来表示某种感觉或者情绪的强度和深度。这些表达方式通常是比喻性的,可以让读者或听众更好地理解。

例如:I have a deep respect for my grandmother.(我非常尊敬我的奶奶。)His words cut me deep.(他的话刺痛了我。)

4. 词语变形:'deep'是一个形容词,可以通过变形形成其他词性的单词。例如,动词'deepen'(加深)、名词'depth'(深度)和副词'deeply'(深刻地)等等。

例如:The conversation between them continued to deepen.(他们之间的谈话越来越深入。)The depth of the ocean is a mystery.(海洋的深度是一个谜。)

5. 文化涵义:'deep'在许多文化和历史传统中都有特殊的意义和象征。例如,在西方文化中,'deep'通常被视为知识、文化和哲学思考的象征。

例如:The philosopher's ideas were deeply rooted in Eastern traditions.(这位哲学家的思想深深地扎根于东方传统。)


1. The diver swam into the deep water, searching for lost treasure.(潜水员游向深水区,寻找失落的财宝。)

2. His love for her was deep and profound, lasting for many years.(他对她的爱深沉而长久,绵延多年。)

3. The sound of the ocean waves was deep and soothing.(海浪的声音低沉舒缓。)

4. She felt a deep sense of gratitude towards her parents for their support.(她对父母的支持心怀感激之情。)

5. The singer's voice was deep and powerful, commanding the audience's attention.(歌手的嗓音低沉有力,吸引了观众的注意力。)



1. The water in the pool is very deep. (游泳池里的水很深。)

2. He took a deep breath and jumped into the water. (他深吸一口气跳进了水里。)

3. The wound was so deep that it required stitches. (伤口很深,需要缝针。)

4. She has a deep understanding of the subject. (她对这个主题有深刻的理解。)

5. The ocean is deep and mysterious. (海洋深邃而神秘。)




例句:♪ That we buried deep inside ♪ (♪ That we buried deep inside ♪)


例句:And you know that somewhere deep down. (你内心深处也知道 And you know that somewhere deep down.)


例句:They got their fingers real deep in Houston. (They got their fingers real deep in Houston.)


例句:♪ I am come into deep waters ♪ (翻译:# 我到了深水中 # # I am come into deep waters #)


deep一般作为副词、名词、形容词、动词使用,如在in deep(陷入困境,处于水深火热之中)、in the deep([网络] 在深处;我心深处;在心灵的深处)、the deep([网络] 深深深;深海;深渊)等常见短语中出现较多。

in deep陷入困境,处于水深火热之中
in the deep[网络] 在深处;我心深处;在心灵的深处
the deep[网络] 深深深;深海;深渊
dig deep挖深
dip deep into细想;探究;挥霍,浪费
drink deep痛饮
drink deep of大量喝下; 大量吸收
Emden Deep[地名] 埃姆登海渊 ( 太平洋 )
Farne Deep[地名] 法恩海穴 ( 北海 )


1. They got their fingers real deep in Houston. (翻译:They got their fingers real deep in Houston.)

2. ♪ I am come into deep waters ♪ (翻译:# 我到了深水中 # # I am come into deep waters #)

3. Progressive, electro, Deep House, Club House, Acid House, Euro House. (翻译:忘了派对音乐吧,Progressive, Electro,Deep House,Club House,Acid House ...)

4. ♪ Deep in the heart of me... ♪ (翻译:Deep inthe heart of me)

5. Relax your muscles and take deep breaths. (翻译:Relax your muscles and take deep breaths.)

6. What a deep voice you got. (翻译:What a deep voice you got.)

7. Then, deep breaths, Peggy... (翻译:那就深呼吸 佩吉... Then, deep breaths, Peggy...)

8. This is "Rolling in the Deep" (翻译:这是Rolling in The Deep)

9. - Michael has a deep need to help people. (翻译:-Michael has a deep need to help people.)

10. And it's made out of bedrock, and it's very, very high, and I'm sure you're probably thinking, "Why Halkun, that is a very, very deep well." (翻译:very deep well. very deep well.)

11. After I cross the deep blue sea (翻译:after I cross the deep blue sea)

12. How deep does this need to go? (翻译:追查多深 How deep does this need to go?)

13. As long as it was deep Yeah (翻译:As long as it was deep Yeah)

14. Led Zeppelin. Deep Purple. Pink Floyd. (翻译:《Led Zeppelin》《Deep Purple》 《Pink Flo d》《天堂》)

15. And I got to tell ya, deep down inside, (翻译:我想告诉你 在我心里 And I got to tell ya, deep down inside,)




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