refreshments是什么意思 refreshments的中文翻译、读音、例句


refreshments是什么意思 refreshments的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:refreshments是指提供给人们在活动或休息中解渴、品尝小食、享用点心的食品和饮料。

2. 词性:名词,可数名词。

3. 词组搭配:

- serve refreshments: 提供小食和饮料

- have refreshments: 享用点心和饮料

- refreshment table: 小吃和饮料供应台

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/rɪˈfreʃmənts/

6. 相关中文翻译例句:

- 会议期间将供应小食和饮料。 (Refreshments will be served during the meeting.)

- 我们需要提前准备好足够的点心和饮料。 (We need to prepare enough refreshments in advance.)

- 派对上提供的小吃和饮料非常美味。 (The refreshments provided at the party were delicious.)

- 客人们通过自助餐桌享用点心和饮料。 (Guests enjoyed refreshments through the self-service table.)

- 请在午间休息时间享用提供的点心和饮料。 (Please enjoy the refreshments provided during the lunch break.)

- 请告诉我们需要什么样的小食和饮料。 (Please let us know what kind of refreshments you would like.)

- 他们花了很多时间准备供应给客人的点心和饮料。 (They spent a lot of time preparing the refreshments for the guests.)




1. The conference organizers provided refreshments for the attendees during the break.(会议组织者在休息期间为参会者提供了茶点。)

2. We need to buy some refreshments for the party tonight.(今晚的聚会上我们需要买一些小吃和饮料。)

3. The hotel offers complimentary refreshments to its guests in the lobby.(酒店在大堂为客人提供免费的茶点和饮料。)




例句:...refreshments and stuff. (...点心和其它类似的 ...refreshments and stuff.)


例句:cool refreshments, cozy little hammock... a lovely water feature, and it's all mine. (凉凉的新鲜空气 舒适的小吊床 可爱的湖光 而且它是我的)

例句:Look, Hanna's here with our refreshments. Could you get the door? (看,汉娜拿着我们的点心过来了,你能去开一下门吗?)


例句:Her Royal Highness will then repair to the main company offices where refreshments and a light buffet-style luncheon will be graciously enjoyed. (翻译:公主殿下将移驾公司主办公室 享用茶点和小型自助午宴)


refreshments一般作为名词使用,如在horizontal refreshments([网络] 水平点心)、light refreshments(点心)等常见短语中出现较多。

horizontal refreshments[网络] 水平点心
light refreshments点心


1. Look, Hanna's here with our refreshments. Could you get the door? (翻译:看,汉娜拿着我们的点心过来了,你能去开一下门吗?)

2. Her Royal Highness will then repair to the main company offices where refreshments and a light buffet-style luncheon will be graciously enjoyed. (翻译:公主殿下将移驾公司主办公室 享用茶点和小型自助午宴)

3. It won't take any time at all if you have your refreshments while we conduct our business. (翻译:根本不会花时间 如果您在我们办事期间有所提神的话)

4. Then we need gas, food and refreshments - that's 36,500. (翻译:然后我们还要买汽油 食物和点心 那一共要三万六千五)

5. Light refreshments will be served during the break. (翻译:中间休息时有点心供应。)

6. They take over the entire floor, and then each room has refreshments from a different country. (翻译:他们接管 整个楼 然后每个房间 有茶点 来自不同的国家。)

7. - You've all had what you need? Then let us do what we are here for, and refreshments after? (翻译:那么,就让我们回到正题上来 完了之后再放松,好吗?)

8. Al Rose has very generously provided some refreshments for this occasion out of his own pocket. (翻译:感谢阿尔・罗斯的慷慨 大家可以享用些茶点...)

9. Then to our clubroom concept, with complimentary refreshments, a European-style breakfast buffet and an evening wine and cheese reception. (翻译:其次是提供免费娱乐设施的娱乐室、欧式自助早餐、对客人以红酒和奶酪接待。)

10. Refreshments and a lovely dance will follow. (翻译:茶点和 一个LOV伊利的舞蹈将随之而来。)

11. In Britain, the general wealthy family often four meals daily, namely breakfast, lunch and refreshments and dinner. (翻译:在英国,一般富裕人家往往每日四餐,即早餐、午餐、茶点和晚餐。)

12. Here are the refreshments you want. If you want something else, please feel free to let me know. (翻译:这是您要的茶点,还有什么需要的,请尽管吩咐。)

13. So many people came into the party that Helen had to press several of her women guests into service to help with refreshments . (翻译:许多人来参加宴会,因此海伦不得不请几位女宾帮忙上点心。)

14. And now for the real reason you came here for refreshments (翻译:现在请随意取用食品饮料 实现你们来这的真正目的)

15. Our girls will serve refreshments, do the dishes... and entertain with songs and readings. (翻译:我们的姑娘们要上点心 洗盘子... 唱歌念书让老人开心)






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