pattern是什么意思 pattern的中文翻译、读音、例句


pattern是什么意思 pattern的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词性和词义


- 花样,图案(常用于描述纺织品、墙纸、地毯等):I love the floral pattern on this dress. (我喜欢这条裙子上的花卉图案。)

- 样板,规律(常用于描述可被重复使用的过程或者结构):She followed a pattern for decorating her house. (她按照一种装饰房子的样板来布置。)

- 范式,模板(常用于描述程序设计中的抽象结构):This code follows a design pattern for creating user inteces. (这段代码按照创建用户界面的设计模板来编写。)

- 人类行为的某种规律或者趋势(常用于社会科学研究):There seems to be a pattern in his behavior of always arriving late. (他总是迟到,看起来他的行为有一定的规律。)

2. 派生词


- patterned (形容词,表示有图案的、有规律的):She wore a patterned scarf with her plain outfit. (她在简单的装扮中搭配了一条有图案的围巾。)

- patternless (形容词,表示没有图案或规律的):The walls in this room are intentionally patternless to create a minimalist look. (这个房间的墙壁特意没有图案,以营造极简主义的感觉。)

- pattern recognition (名词,表示模式识别,指计算机程序或人类大脑对于某种规律的自动识别):The software uses pattern recognition to identify faces in photos. (这个软件使用模式识别来识别照片中的面孔。)

3. 习语和常用搭配


- follow a pattern (按照某种规律或者样板来做):He followed a predictable pattern of always working late and sleeping in on weekends. (他按照一种可预见的模式来生活,总是加班到很晚,周末才睡。)

- set a pattern (确立一个模式或者风格):Her success at the company set a pattern for future managers to follow. (她在公司的成功确定了一个未来经理们应该遵循的模板。)

- pattern of behavior (一种行为模式):The psychologist noticed a disturbing pattern of behavior in her patient that indicated a possible mental disorder. (心理学家注意到她的患者有一种不寻常的行为模式,暗示着可能有精神障碍。)

4. 实际应用


- 纺织品和装饰品设计:设计师常常使用'pattern'这个词来描述他们的纹理或者图案设计,例如花边、印花、几何图案等等。

- 数据分析和机器学习:在数据分析和机器学习领域,'pattern'通常用来描述一些数据集合中的重复或者可的规律,例如金融市场的股票价格变化趋势、客户购买习惯等等。

- 音乐和艺术:许多音乐和艺术作品都有明显的或者隐含的'pattern',例如音乐中的节拍、旋律、进行,艺术中的线条、形状、颜色等等。

- 计算机编程和软件工程:在计算机编程和软件工程领域,'pattern'通常用来描述一些常见且可复用的设计模板,例如MVC(Model-View-Controller)、单例模式、工厂模式等等。


1. The wallpaper has a lovely floral pattern that adds a touch of elegance to the room. (这张墙纸有一种可爱的花卉图案,为房间增添了一丝优雅。)

2. The company adopted a new hiring pattern that focused on diversity and inclusion. (公司采取了一种新的招聘模式,注重多样性和包容性。)

3. The programmer used a design pattern to create a reusable code framework for the new project. (程序员使用了一种设计模式来为新项目创建可重复使用的代码框架。)

4. The study found a pattern of increased social media use among agers during the pandemic. (这项研究发现,在疫情期间,青少年社交媒体使用量增加的规律。)

5. The artist used a repeating pattern of circles to create a visually stunning abstract painting. (艺术家使用了一个圆形的重复图案来创作出一幅视觉上令人惊叹的抽象画作。)


n. 1. 图案,花样,样式

2. 模式,模型,模板

3. 规律,模式,模型

v. 1. 模仿,仿效

2. 按照模式制作


英: ['pætn]

美: ['pæt?rn]


1. The wallpaper has a floral pattern.


2. She sewed a dress using a pattern she found online.


3. There is a pattern to the way he always arrives late.


4. If you want to improve your writing, you should study the patterns of good writers.


5. The designer patterned the new collection after vintage styles from the 1920s.


pattern在中文中有"图案 、格局"的意思,其中文解释还有"型"的意思,在线读音是['pætәn],pattern是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到20个与pattern相关的例句。



例句:Changes of pattern visual evoked potential in kittens with esotropic amblyopia after treated with pattern stimulus (模式刺激治疗后斜视性弱视猫图形视诱发电位的改变)


例句:So the yod isn't really an aspect pattern so much as it is a midpoint pattern. (因此yod不是一个真正的相位格局,更大程度上是一个中点格局。)


例句:You said this was a pattern? (你说这是她的习惯 时常失踪 You said this was a pattern?)


例句:So you think this is a pattern (翻译:你觉得是菲奥娜干的 So you think this is a pattern)


pattern一般作为名词、动词使用,如在pattern on pattern(重叠式花纹)、pattern on(效仿)、pattern with(以…图案装饰)等常见短语中出现较多。

pattern on pattern重叠式花纹
pattern on效仿
pattern with以…图案装饰
dictionary pattern基准图型
diffraction pattern[化] 衍射图样; 衍射花样
digital pattern[计] 数字模式
dim pattern图案模糊(压花玻璃缺陷)
dimple pattern韧窝花样
directional pattern[电] 定向模式


1. You said this was a pattern? (翻译:你说这是她的习惯 时常失踪 You said this was a pattern?)

2. So you think this is a pattern (翻译:你觉得是菲奥娜干的 So you think this is a pattern)

3. However, some trace of the memory still exists as a pattern of neural connections deep in the hippocampus. (翻译:以神经互联的形式 as a pattern of neural connections 留在大脑的海马体深处 deep in the hippocampus.)

4. It's hard to see the pattern in the middle of the audience, it's hard to see the pattern of this. (翻译:或者你在观众的中间就看不到观众的模式 所以你很难看到他的模式)

5. Archetypal narrative pattern is an inverted U-shaped pattern, which is contrary to that of the Bible. (翻译:叙述模式原型是以倒“U”字形的圣经叙述模式展开的。)

6. The preferred data source pattern is a microflow pattern for service aggregation. (翻译:首选数据源模式是用于服务聚合的微流模式。)

7. Anybody can learn a pattern. (翻译:Anybody can learn a pattern.)

8. When working with PBE we encourage and support the use of both pattern specifications and pattern implementations. (翻译:当使用PBE的时候,我们建议并支持使用模式说明以及模式实现。)

9. Turns out my family has their own tartan pattern. (翻译:发现我们家族 有自己的格子图案 Turns out my family - has their own tartan pattern.)

10. As for the Visitor pattern, much of the reason it is so widely applicable is the fact that it complements the Composite pattern. (翻译:至于Visitor模式,它受到如此广泛应用的许多原因是它补充了Composite模式。)

11. Telling people I have a pattern is part of the pattern. (翻译:到处跟人家说我的一贯风格 就是我的一贯风格)

12. Draw the pattern of the drawer fixer on the dense board, then cut the pattern out with the fretsaw machine . (翻译:把拉手图案画在密度板上,然后用线锯机切割,如果要孔的则用铣钻床打孔,并按上螺帽。)

13. Draw the pattern of the drawer fixer on the dense board then cut the pattern out with the fretsaw machine. (翻译:把拉手图案画在密度板上,然后用线锯机切割,如果要孔的则用铣钻床打孔,并按上螺帽。)

14. So, of course, the individual organisms see nothing of the overall pattern. (翻译:当然 一个有机体 So, of course, the individual organisms 不可能看到 see nothing of the overall pattern.)

15. Burn pattern tells us he was on his back. (翻译:烧伤痕迹标明他是仰卧状态 Burn pattern tells us he was on his back.)




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