prozapine是什么意思 prozapine的中文翻译、读音、例句


prozapine是什么意思 prozapine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The result indicated that the content of ABA and IAA rose and the content of ZA declined with the reduce of the relative soil water content. (结果表明,随着土壤相对含水量的降低,阿月浑子叶片ABA和IAA含量呈上升趋势,ZA含量呈下降趋势;)


例句:Ana DE Pro, chief financial officer. (首席财务官——ana de pro。)


例句:any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. (任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。)


1. any of several pines that prefer or endure moist situations such as loblolly pine or longleaf pine. (翻译:任何一种耐潮湿环境的松树,如火炬松,长叶松。)

:// (翻译://

3. Pine is knows as the Pinaceae, Pinus plants. Pine needles is the one of main by-products of pine plants. (翻译:松树是松科,松属植物的统称,松针是松树类植物的主要副产物之一。)

4. Or, are you absolutely and uncompromisingly pro-war, pro-life, pro-death penalty, a believer that the Second Amendment is absolute, anti-immigrant and pro-business? (翻译:或者你是绝对完全毫无妥协地 支持战争,反堕胎,认可死刑, 坚信第二修正案至高无上, 反移民,认可重商主义? )

5. Finally, there were the splinters of white pine under his fingernails. (翻译:there were the splinters of white pine 雪松的木屑 under his fingernails.)

6. Delivery guy came to your door about a month ago, little za. (翻译:一个月前 有个外卖小哥把小萨送到你门口 Delivery guy came to your door about a month ago, little za.)

7. She was murdered by another rider with this sword Za'roc. (翻译:他被另一个龙骑士杀死 用的是这把剑 灾厄啊)

8. 5-80-pro times four, got about a dozen more in the car. (翻译:5 -80 -PRO次4,得到了约 十几个在车上。)

9. Draft and prepare pro TOCols and reports, train sealing process validation team on pro TOCols and execute the pro TOCol. (翻译:起草方案和报告,培训制袋过程确认小组成员,使其按照要求完成过程确认。)

10. Well, he did a lot of pro-Bono work for battered women. (翻译:他参与过许多受虐妇女的志愿服务 Well, he did a lot of pro)

11. - That's called a montage - Montage - Girl, we want a montage (翻译:In anything,ifyou want to go From just a beginner to a pro)

12. Ms. Lockhart, you think he's pro-defense, and you want him to stay, and, Ms. Pine, you want him to go. (翻译:洛克哈特女士 你认为他向着辩方的 你希望他留下来 而派恩女士希望他走)

13. Satan's spear is to the tallest pine what the tallest pine is to a little, bitty wand. (翻译:撒旦之矛之于最高的松树,犹如最高的松树之于小小的魔杖。)

14. Moore is pro-immigration and pro-Chinese trade. (翻译:Moore是亲移民以及亲华贸易的代表 Moore is pro -immigration and pro -Chinese trade.)

15. Geneva Pine likes to sit on her Brady material. (翻译:Geneva Pine向来喜欢压着 那些对控方不利的材料)




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