4x4是什么意思 4x4的中文翻译、读音、例句


4x4是什么意思 4x4的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:'4x4'是指四轮驱动的汽车,也可以表示四乘四的数学计算。


- I love taking my 4x4 out for an off-road adventure on the weekends.

- This math problem requires you to solve for the value of 4x4.

- The 4x4 vehicle is perfect for navigating through rough terrain.

2. 汽车行业:4x4汽车通常用于越野运动、农业和军事用途,并且有很强的通过性能。


- The 4x4 Jeep Wrangler is a popular choice for off-road enthusiasts.

- The farmer used his 4x4 truck to navigate through the muddy fields.

- The military uses 4x4 vehicles for various operations in harsh environments.

3. 数学计算:4x4表示四乘四,是数学中常见的计算方式,例如计算面积、体积等。


- The area of the square is 4x4, which equals 16.

- To find the volume of the cube, we need to multiply the length, width, and height, which is 4x4x4.

- The perimeter of the square is 4+4+4+4, which equals 4x4.

4. 运动领域:4x4也可以指一种团体比赛,例如4人的接力赛。


- The 4x4 relay race requires each team member to run 400 meters.

- The track team won the gold medal in the 4x4 competition.

- The swim team practiced their technique for the 4x4 medley relay.

5. 网络用语:'4x4'也可以是一种口语化的表达,表示某个事物或状态十分稳定,可靠。


- My new car is 4x4, so to worry about it breaking down on the road.

- The new computer system is 4x4, it runs very smoothly and never crashes.

- His friendship is 4x4, he's always there for me when I need him.




例句:User stories are typically written on 4x6 cards. (用户需求典型地是写在4x6的卡片上。)


例句:If we are both grade 4, 4 +4 is the cute. 5 +5 is... (我们两个都是4年级的话 4加4是小可爱 5加5也是)


4x4一般作为名词使用,如在X4([网络] 四;四台专用强波器;四通道)、3x4(多功能折叠梯三档四折)、dinocton 4(敌菌死)等常见短语中出现较多。

X4[网络] 四;四台专用强波器;四通道
dinocton 4敌菌死
Form 4[网络] 四年学历
framework 4Framework 4 计画(欧盟)
July 4[网络] 7月4日
Kinsey 4[网络] 金西4
NT 4[网络] 神经营养素4;人神经营养素4;神经营养因子4(Neurotrophin-4)
nylon 4[化] 尼龙4; 聚丁内酰胺


1. Boasting full-sized features in a mid-sized machine, the 2007 Polaris Hawkeye 4X4 ATV is ready to help you conquer the rugged outdoors. (翻译:拥有全尺寸的特点在一个中型机,2007年北极星鹰眼4x4亚视是随时为您提供帮助征服崎岖的户外活动。)

2. My father, Wang X iaohe he joined the Communist Party on May 4th, 1942 (翻译:我爸爸叫王孝和 他是1942年5月4日的)

3. We were trying to merge Tai Chi with... x4, x16 or x32? (翻译:我们刚刚还在试把太极融和到... 四倍,十六倍,还是三十二倍呢?)

4. This way, you get a new 4x4 matrix as a result. (翻译:采用这种方法,就可以得到一个新的4x4矩阵。)

5. Update 4: 43 PM: Now according to Kyodo, radiation is measured at 1000x normal. (翻译:更新于下午4:43:现在,据共同社报道,测量的辐射水平是正常辐射值的1000倍。)

6. rc. 4 Multiuser startup (runlevel 4), but in X11 with KDM, GDM, or XDM as the login manager. (翻译:多用户启动,在X11中用KDM,GDM,或者XDM作为登录管理器。)

7. The 4x4 Jackal has been in Afghanistan since late 2007. (翻译:自从2007年底豺狼4驱装甲车便开始在阿富汗服役。)

8. But the next closest option - 3x4 and 1x4 - works. (翻译:但是下一种可行的方式就是一个3x4和一个1x4。)

9. Volunteer: 4, 4, 8, 7, 5. (翻译:女士:44875。阿瑟: 我好像只听到5个数字。我 -- 等下 -- 44875 -- )

10. A certain number of moles of N2O4 will have reacted x let's call that x. (翻译:一定摩尔数的N2O4已经反应掉了,把它叫。)

11. Cameras 4 and 6, 4 ready by the ball, 2 by the basket. (翻译:4号机还有6号机 4号机负责跟球 2号机对准篮筐)

12. This is the first semi-final of the women's 4 X 100 metre relay, and the big news is that (翻译:这是女子100米接力 第一场半决赛 重大的消息是)

13. Listen, what do you think about a Japanese theme for the nursery? 4x05 (翻译:喂 Trace 我现在在忙 一会儿回过去...)

14. I like to drive my Monster Chevy Silverado 4x4 pickup truck. (翻译:我喜欢开我的雪佛兰四驱越野皮卡车。)

15. A Danish mile is nearly 4 3/4 English. (翻译:丹麦的1英里约等于英国的4又3/4英里。)




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