ballada是什么意思 ballada的中文翻译、读音、例句


ballada是什么意思 ballada的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Perhaps you Gentlemen from the North would like to hear an original Gaul ballad? (来自北方的先生们 你们可能会喜欢上我原创的高卢民谣)


例句:Work songs, hymns, tralling vocals and old printed ballad stories, skillingsviser, have also been popular. (劳动歌曲、圣歌和其他老版本的情歌故事,如skillingsviser也受到欢迎。)


例句:Still as a ballad hummed and lost, remember early friend and drop a tear if a troubadour that strain may chance to sing. (那么在游吟诗人歌唱的时候,记着你的旧日朋友吧,也别忘了洒一掬清泪,无论歌谣唱起唱毕。)


例句:Only to hear the greatest American band... ever to pipe out a power ballad. (翻译:只是去听美国有史以来最好的乐队... 吹奏强有力的乐曲。)


ballada一般作为名词使用,如在Ballada(人名 法 意 巴拉达)等常见短语中出现较多。

Ballada人名 法 意 巴拉达


1. Still as a ballad hummed and lost, remember early friend and drop a tear if a troubadour that strain may chance to sing. (翻译:那么在游吟诗人歌唱的时候,记着你的旧日朋友吧,也别忘了洒一掬清泪,无论歌谣唱起唱毕。)

2. Only to hear the greatest American band... ever to pipe out a power ballad. (翻译:只是去听美国有史以来最好的乐队... 吹奏强有力的乐曲。)

3. Kind of a, a power ballad, superhero crossover tale of epic proportions. (翻译:有点像是 Kind of a, 一种力量民谣 史诗角度来写的 a power ballad, superhero crossover tale 超级英雄对战 of epic proportions.)

4. This Kailash used to rattle off for my special delectation a doggerel ballad of his own composition. (翻译:这位卡拉什曾为逗乐我,对着我叽里呱啦地唱着他自己编的歪诗。)

5. And listen, 'she continued provokingly, commencing a verse of an old ballad in the same fashion. (翻译:“听着。”她挑衅地说,开始用同样的腔调念一节古歌谣。)

6. The earth hums to me today in the sun, like a women at her spinning, some ballad of ancient in a forgotten tongue. (翻译:今天,大地在阳光下,像一个坐在纺车边的女人,用一种已被遗忘了的语言,对我哼唱着几支古老的歌谣。)

7. A moment back and I had seen myself knocking at Mr. Rankeillor's door or claim my inheritance like a hero in a ballad. (翻译:没有多少时候以前,我还想象我自己好似歌谣中的英雄,敲着兰基勒先生的大门,要求我的继承权。)

8. That shuts up the audience so you can sing your ballad instead of having to scream it. (翻译:于是你便能唱你的歌曲 而不用担心被叫声打扰)

9. Prefer not to see what colorful reading fashion magazines, is nothing like listening to music to forget the popular ballad. (翻译:喜欢读书不是看什么花花绿绿的时尚杂志、喜欢音乐也不是什么听过就忘的流行小曲。)

10. A beautiful ballad written by Hins Cheung for Kenny Kwan. (翻译:这是张敬轩为关智斌写的一首很优美动听的歌曲。)

11. A well-known Elven ballad recounts a battle with Vestals, claiming that each blow they delivered felt like being slapped on the face by your mother. (翻译:一首广为流传的精灵歌谣描写了一场与神官进行的战斗,对她们的每一次攻击都好像在扇自己母亲的耳光一样令人难受。)

12. Let's say just a singer, and he's going to entertain you with a humorous ballad. (翻译:只是一个歌手 他们会唱很幽默的 歌曲让你们开心)

13. The sun in the west is near setting Quietly, Weishan Lake Playing my loved pipa singing the moving ballad. (翻译:西边的太阳就要落山了,鬼子的末日就要来到。弹起我心爱的土琵琶,唱起那动人的歌谣。)

14. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. (翻译:情窦既已开, 唏嘘声如雷, 好作美人行,狂歌咏画眉。)

15. Never open on a ballad, never end on one either. (翻译:永远不要用伤感的情歌开场,同样 也不要用它结尾)




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