diesels是什么意思 diesels的中文翻译、读音、例句


diesels是什么意思 diesels的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义: 'diesels'是指柴油机,是一种内燃机。柴油机是利用柴油燃料,在气体压缩的条件下发生自燃,用来产生能量的机器。


- Diesel engines are commonly used in trucks, buses, and boats.

- The company has developed a new line of diesel engines with improved fuel efficiency.

- Many people prefer diesel cars because of their high torque and better fuel economy.

- The ship's diesel generator provides power when the main engines are not running.

- The mining company uses large diesel-powered machines to extract minerals from the earth.

2. 原理:柴油机工作原理与汽油机不同。柴油机利用高压把空气压缩到很高的温度,使得油气混合物自燃,产生动力。


- The diesel engine works by compressing air and then injecting fuel into the compressed air.

- The diesel cycle is more efficient than the otto cycle, which is used in gasoline engines.

- Diesel engines are able to produce more torque than gasoline engines because of their compression ignition system.

- The fuel injectors in a diesel engine deliver fuel directly into the combustion chamber at high pressure.

- The high compression ratio in diesel engines leads to better thermal efficiency and lower emissions.

3. 优点:相对于汽油发动机,柴油机有更高的燃油效率,更大的扭矩和更长的寿命。


- Diesel engines are more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines, which makes them a popular choice for commercial vehicles.

- The high torque of diesel engines makes them ideal for heavy-duty applications like towing and hauling.

- Many people prefer diesel engines because they tend to last longer than gasoline engines.

- Diesel vehicles emit less carbon dioxide than gasoline vehicles, which makes them a more environmentally friendly option.

- The use of biodiesel as a fuel source for diesel engines can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

4. 缺点:柴油机的缺点包括噪音大、震动大、排放染高、需要更护等。


- Diesel engines are generally noisier than gasoline engines, which can be a drawback in certain applications.

- The vibrations produced by diesel engines can be uncomfortable for passengers, which is why they are less common in cars and SUVs.

- Diesel engines tend to produce more emissions than gasoline engines, which can contribute to air pollution.

- Diesel engines require more maintenance than gasoline engines, which can be a challenge for some owners.

- The initial cost of diesel engines is higher than gasoline engines, which can make them less accessible for some consumers.


读音:dēi sè ér


1. 这种车用的是柴油机而不是汽油机。

This kind of car is using a diesel engine instead of a gasoline engine.

2. 今天早上,在我的祖父的农场,我学会了如何使用柴油机。

This morning, at my grandfather's farm, I learned how to operate a diesel engine.




例句:This afternoon, we heard the Graf Spee's engines. Now her diesels have started up again. (之前我们听到格拉夫·斯佩海军上将号的马达声了,现在他要起航了)


例句:I keep hearing that diesels are better now than ever before. (我总听说现在的柴油车比以往的都好。)


例句:The propulsion may be in the form of two diesels, with two shafts. (推进可能采用二台柴油发动机的形式,和双驱动轴。)


例句:With respect, sir, one American nuclear attack sub could defeat several diesels. (翻译:恕我直言,长官 一艘美国核攻击潜艇就能击败好几艘柴油潜艇)


diesels一般作为名词使用,如在rudolf diesels(鲁道夫·狄塞尔)等常见短语中出现较多。

rudolf diesels鲁道夫·狄塞尔


1. The propulsion may be in the form of two diesels, with two shafts. (翻译:推进可能采用二台柴油发动机的形式,和双驱动轴。)

2. With respect, sir, one American nuclear attack sub could defeat several diesels. (翻译:恕我直言,长官 一艘美国核攻击潜艇就能击败好几艘柴油潜艇)

3. However, for similar reductions, the sticker price of diesels would be much higher than improved gasoline and hybrid gas-electric vehicles. (翻译:但是,相同的节能量,柴油车的造价比汽油车和混和车的造价高。)

4. Marine diesel oil contains some heavy fuel oil, unlike regular diesels. (翻译:与常规柴油不同,船用柴油包含一些重质燃料油。)

5. The power center was an exciting place with four 1,020-kw Nordberg diesels to supply power. (翻译:动力中枢是个很令人兴奋的地方,有四台1020千瓦的诺德贝格柴油发电机提供电力。)

6. Ever since, carmakers have been placing their low-emission bets more on plug-in hybrids, clean diesels or pure electric vehicles. (翻译:从那时起,汽车制造商们开始把他们低排放的赌注更多的押在插电式混合动力车,清洁柴油或纯电动汽车上。)

7. Most inboards are diesels, which are generally more reliable, cost less to run and maintain, and eliminate the hazards of gasoline. (翻译:大部分舷内发动机是柴油发动机,因而更可靠,更省钱,保养更便宜,并消除了汽油的危险性。)




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