rainforests是什么意思 rainforests的中文翻译、读音、例句


rainforests是什么意思 rainforests的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Definition: Rainforests refer to dense forest regions, typically situated in tropical and subtropical areas, that receive high rainfall. These forests support an extraordinarily diverse range of plant and animal life, them some of the most biologically rich ecosystems on the planet.

2. Importance: Rainforests are crucial for maintaining the health of the planet's ecosystem. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, regulate the climate, prevent soil erosion and play a key role in the water cycle. They are also a source of valuable natural resources such as timber, medicines and food.

3. Threats: Rainforests are under threat from a variety of human activities, including deforestation, mining, agriculture and climate change. Deforestation alone is responsible for the loss of millions of hectares of rainforest each year, it one of the biggest environmental challenges facing the planet today.


1. The Amazon rainforest is the largest rainforest in the world, covering an area of more than 5.5 million square kilometers.

2. Rainforests are home to a wide variety of plant species, including orchids, bromeliads and lianas.

3. The destruction of rainforests is a major contributor to global warming, as it releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

4. An estimated 50,000 species of insects are found in tropical rainforests, many of which have yet to be discovered by scientists.

5. Indigenous communities around the world rely on rainforests for their livelihoods, using the plants and animals found there for food, shelter and medicine.





1. The Amazon rainforest is one of the largest rainforests in the world.


2. The destruction of rainforests is a major concern for environmentalists.





例句:Bromeliads and the frogs that live in them are only one example of the complex relationships that are bound in the rainforests. (凤梨和在它们池中生活的毒蛙 只是这一复杂关系的一个范例 雨林中如此情况比比皆是)


例句:Aren't enforced, the destruction Of the rainforests will continue ({\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}对雨林的将会持续,超过百万的物种将会灭绝 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}the destruction of the rainforests will continue and over a million species will be wiped out.)


例句:The biodiversity and the biodensity in the ocean is higher, in places, than it is in the rainforests. (海洋里生物的多样性和密度要比 雨林带还高。)


1. The biodiversity and the biodensity in the ocean is higher, in places, than it is in the rainforests. (翻译:海洋里生物的多样性和密度要比 雨林带还高。)

2. So in rainforests, you'll find some very ancient plant families. (翻译:所以在雨林里 能找到一些类非常古老的植物)

3. In the lush rainforests of Australia, birds roost in the low branches and amble across the forest floor, enjoying the shade and tropical fruits. (翻译:在澳大利亚茂盛的雨林里, 鸟类们栖息在低矮的树杈上, 从森林的地面上漫步走过, 尽情享受树荫和热带水果。)

4. They are designed to act as frames for climbing plants, creepers and "epiphytes" which clad the trees of the tropical rainforests. (翻译:之所以设计“超级树”,是为了给热带雨林里的攀援植物、匍匐植物和附生植物提供生长空间。)

5. Rainforests are the combination of this process, containing a greater variety of species than any other habitat. (翻译:雨林是这些现象的整合 比其它任何栖息地的物种种类 都更为多样)

6. But curiously, Redwood rainforests, the fragments that we have left, to this day remain under-explored. (翻译:但奇怪的是,剩下的红杉雨林 直到今天还未被充分开发。)

7. The biodiversity and the biodensity in the ocean is higher, in places, than it is in the rainforests. (翻译:海洋里生物的多样性和密度要比 雨林带还高。)

8. To the European Plant Hunters, these northern rainforests must have seemed a fantastic and mysterious lost world. (翻译:对欧洲的植物猎人而言 北方的雨林简直是奇幻美妙的失落世界)

9. The rainforests of Belize in Central America. (翻译:看到载具赖以运作的油料开始结冻 你做何感想?)

10. Well, the king cobra is literally a keystone species in these rainforests. (翻译:眼镜王蛇实际上是 这些森林中最重要的物种。)

11. And they're in diverse biomes including deserts, ice sheets, the sea, fresh water, rainforests, and the highest mountain peaks. (翻译:在各种各样的生物群落中, 包括沙漠, 冰川, 海洋, 淡水, 雨林, 以及世界最高峰。)

12. Indonesian rainforests and Australian farmland experience extreme drought conditions. (翻译:持续暖化可能催生 新一代超级风暴 在气温升高3度的世界)

13. It's not just about the Amazonas, or indeed about rainforests. (翻译:这不仅仅关于亚马孙地区,还关乎雨林本身。)

14. They grow in tropical forests like this one and they also grow in temperate rainforests, that we find in Washington state. (翻译:它们生长在这样的热带丛林里 它们也生长在温带雨林里,我们在华盛顿州可以发现这些 )

15. It's not just about the Amazonas, or indeed about rainforests. (翻译:这不仅仅关于亚马孙地区,还关乎雨林本身。)






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