emblematic是什么意思 emblematic的中文翻译、读音、例句


emblematic是什么意思 emblematic的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:emblematic是一个形容词,表示代表性的、标志性的、象征性的,通常指特定的事物、象征物或代表某种特定意义的符号。

2. 词源:emblematic源自拉丁语emblematicus,意为象征、标志,来自希腊语emblematis,意为象征、标志。

3. 用法:emblematic通常用于描述某种符号、象征物或代表某种特定意义的事物,以及这些事物对某个主题,如国家、品牌、文化等的代表性和象征性作用。

4. 示例:

- His gold watch was emblematic of his success.


- The eagle is emblematic of America.


- The red poppy is emblematic of Remembrance Day in the UK.


- The Eiffel Tower is emblematic of Paris.


- The Olympic rings are emblematic of the spirit of the Olympic Games.


5. 衍生词:emblem(n. 图章、标志)、emblemize(v. 象征、标志化)、emblematical(adj. 带有象征意义的)、emblematically(adv. 象征性地)。




1. The American flag is emblematic of the country's ideals of and democracy.(美国国旗象征着自由和的理想。)

2. The Taj Mahal is emblematic of India's rich cultural heritage.(泰姬陵象征着印度丰富的文化遗产。)

3. The rose is emblematic of love and affection.(玫瑰象征着爱情和感情。)




例句:The violence is emblematic of what is happening in our inner cities. (这种暴力行为正标示了我们市中心贫民区的状况。)


例句:The killing in Pensacola is emblematic of a lot of the violence that is happening around the world. (发生在彭萨科拉的是世界各地发生的大量暴力事件的典型代表。)


例句:Waterstone's, like New Labour, is emblematic of a changing Britain. (水石书店和新工党一样都反映着正经历变动的英国。)


例句:He could not but had been aware that the sunflower had a rich emblematic tradition. (翻译:所以他绝对坚信向日葵拥有丰富的象征意涵。)


emblematic一般作为形容词使用,如在emblematic of(是…的象征)、emblematic art(象征艺术)等常见短语中出现较多。

emblematic of是…的象征
emblematic art象征艺术


1. Waterstone's, like New Labour, is emblematic of a changing Britain. (翻译:水石书店和新工党一样都反映着正经历变动的英国。)

2. He could not but had been aware that the sunflower had a rich emblematic tradition. (翻译:所以他绝对坚信向日葵拥有丰富的象征意涵。)

3. particularly as the son of a minister in a culture which steeped in an emblematic tradition. (翻译:梵高的父亲是牧师,而且浸浴于一个充满了象征性传统的文化。)

4. The very wardrobe he so disrespectfully wears in this courtroom is emblematic of the point. (翻译:最衣橱他如此失礼在这一个法庭中穿着。)

5. Ms. Sakane is emblematic of a trend worrying US educators. (翻译:Sakane女士可作为令人担忧的美国留学教育走向的一个象征。)

6. More than any other feature of our technical civilization, these now prosaic flights are emblematic of what powers are now ours. (翻译:在所有的科技与文明中,这些史诗般翱翔的飞行器最能展示现在我们已经具有何等的力量。)

7. Make the scenarios more concrete by fleshing them out into imaginary, but plausible, news stories that are emblematic of the forces at play. (翻译:为了让场景更为具体化,让我们绘声绘色描绘出一个虚构的,像模像样的,象征着正在进行中的力量的新故事。)

8. Emblematic of this failure, one of the major chains, Winn-Dixie, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in 2005. (翻译:最大的杂货连锁店Winn-Dixie在2005年申请破产保护就是一个最明显的例子。)

9. This ancient city has turned itself in recent years into a manufacturing dynamo emblematic of India's economic rebirth. (翻译:古老的印度城市哥印拜陀近年来已转变为推动印度经济复兴的制造业活力的象征。)

10. In fact, Ms Cooper is emblematic of the shift taking place in the legal market. (翻译:事实上,库珀本人便是法律市场发生转变的一个象征。)

11. Mahmud's expedition to Somnath was written up by his Persian and Turkic court poets as an emblematic between Islam and Hindu idolatry. (翻译:在1026年1月到达了这里 占领了城市,毁坏了神像)

12. It has become emblematic of capitalism and trade in a way that other parts of the food and beverage industry have not. (翻译:它成了资本主义的代表符号,开辟出不同于其他食品饮料产业的创新贸易章法。)

13. These are all typologies that are emblematic of the type of development that has taken place in modern cities, in Port of Spain and cities all over the world. (翻译:有很多种类型学, 它们是现代城市中已发生的发展的标志, 比如西班牙港以及其他遍布全球的城市。)

14. I'm so glad that this scene made it into the movie right here because this, to me, is most emblematic of biopics. (翻译:你是乐罕先生的儿子? 德雷窦・乐罕就是我 很高兴再次见到你,德雷窦・乐罕)

15. It was probably a coincidence that the Libya vote saw Berlin siding with the Bric nations, but it seemed emblematic all the same. (翻译:在利比亚问题的投票表决中,德国与金砖国家站在了同一边,这很可能只是个巧合,但仍然具有象征意义。)


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