toroku是什么意思 toroku的中文翻译、读音、例句


toroku是什么意思 toroku的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He made a pact with the Bug to render Roku San defenseless. (他和虫子签下协议 让Roku San无力抵抗)


例句:Corporate coping behavior: Netflix plans to refund fees to affected users, and reminds them they can watch streaming Netflix on their PC or Roku box. (因应行为: Netflix 将会退款给受影响的用户,并且提醒用户可以在个人电脑或Roku box上透过 Netflix 观赏串流视讯。)


例句:"Our goal is to have everyone cancel their cable subscription, " Roku's Wood says. (“我们的目标是让每个人都取消订购有线电视服务”,Roku公司的伍德说。)


1. "Our goal is to have everyone cancel their cable subscription, " Roku's Wood says. (翻译:“我们的目标是让每个人都取消订购有线电视服务”,Roku公司的伍德说。)

2. Today we have suffered grave defeat at Roku San. (翻译:今天我们在Roku San遭遇沉痛的失败)

3. We break net now to take you live to Terran Command where Sky Marshal Omar Anoke will address the Federation on the Roku San crisis. (翻译:现在带您到地球司令部的现场 星际元帅Omar Anoke将向联邦演说 交待Roku San的危机)

4. Things like Roku, Vudu... cookbooks and casual wear will see a spike in the market. (翻译:Roku机顶盒 Vudu高清电影 食谱和休闲服的销量会大幅增长)

5. And that means digging here on Roku San this once peaceful farm planet that has become the new frontline of the Second Bug War. (翻译:意即在Roku San挖壕沟 这个曾经和平的农场星球 已经变成二次虫战的新疆界)

6. All in all, it's a cool device, and for $100 it's going to pose a serious threat to the Roku Netflix player. (翻译:总的来说,这是个很酷的设备,而且$100的价格将对RokuNetflix播放器产生很严重的威胁。)

7. Companies such as Apple, Boxee and Roku have offered streaming media players for web video enthusiasts. (翻译:包括苹果、Boxee和Roku等公司已经向那些网络视频的狂热爱好者提供了流媒体播放器。)

8. Aang will likely be seen in the spirit World as Korra's spirit guide, much like Roku and past Avatars were to Aang in the series' predecessor. (翻译:安昂可能会出现在灵界中指引柯菈,就像前部中罗库老头做的工作一样。)

9. When Christine worked at Sushi Roku... she wore a big engagement ring to keep guys from hitting on her. (翻译:Christine在寿司店工作的时候... 她一直戴着大个的订婚戒指,以防男人们她。)

10. The Roku San line, key to the Federation's defense knows defeat in one night. (翻译:Roku San战线 是联邦防卫的关键 昨晚吃了败仗)

11. Companies such as Apple, Boxee and Roku have offered streaming media players for web video enthusiasts. (翻译:包括苹果、Boxee和Roku等公司已经向那些网络视频的狂热爱好者提供了流媒体播放器。)

12. So I'm looking forward to purchasing one of the upcoming devices from Apple, Boxee, Roku or Google. (翻译:因此,我很期待能向苹果,Boxee,Roku或者谷歌购买一款即将面世的设备。)

13. Defeat at Roku San has fueled the anti-war movement resulting in the deaths of 144 outer-colony students and religious protesters. (翻译:Roku San的惨败 燃起反战运动 造成144名外太空殖民地的学生... ...)

14. Yes, Roku San will fall as proof of my faith. (翻译:是的 Roku San会打败仗 以证实我的信仰)

15. When you asked for the lives of so many at Roku San, I doubted. (翻译:你要求Roku San 那么多条生命 我怀疑过)




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