introvert是什么意思 introvert的中文翻译、读音、例句


introvert是什么意思 introvert的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. introverted personality 内向性格

2. introverted behavior 内敛行为

3. introverted thoughts 内敛思维

4. introverted emotions 内敛情感

短语:be introverted (成为一个内向的人)



1. She's a classic introvert, preferring to stay home with a good book than go out with friends.(她是一个典型的内向型人格,宁愿呆在家看书,也不愿和朋友外出。)

2. John is an introvert and doesn't like to speak in public.(约翰是一个内向的人,不喜欢在公共场合说话。)

3. Although Mary has always been shy and introverted, she has learned to overcome her fears and become more outgoing.(尽管玛丽一直很害羞内向,但她学会了克服恐惧,变得更加外向了。)

4. Being an introvert doesn't mean you don't like people, it just means you prefer to be alone sometimes.(成为一个内向的人,并不意味着你不喜欢别人,只是有时候你更喜欢独处。)

5. Some introverts find it difficult to make friends, but once they do, they tend to form deep, meaningful relationships.(有些内向的人很难交到朋友,但一旦交到,他们会建立深刻而有意义的关系。)

6. Introverts tend to be more sensitive to their environment and can get overwhelmed in noisy or crowded places.(内向的人往往更敏感于自己的环境,并且在嘈杂或拥挤的场所很容易变得不知所措。)

7. Extroverts can sometimes misinterpret introverts' quietness as being unfriendly or uninterested, when in reality they just need some alone time to recharge.(外向型人格有时会误解内向型人格的沉默是不友好或不感兴趣,而实际上他们只是需要一些独处的时间来充电。)


读音:nèi xiàng


1. She is an introvert, preferring to spend her weekends reading alone at home.


2. Being an introvert doesn't mean you're antisocial or unfriendly, it just means you need some alone time to recharge.





例句:I have a problem. I'm an introvert. (我是一个内向的人,这对我来说是一个问题。)


例句:Everything in the unsub's behavior points to an extreme introvert. (你有什么发现 疑犯所有的行为都证明 他是个极度内向的人)


例句:The extravert needs to learn to slow down, but the introvert needs to learn to speak up. (外向者需要学会放慢语速,而内向者则要学习自我表达。)


例句:I'm an introvert. (翻译:我就是一个性格内向的人。)


1. The extravert needs to learn to slow down, but the introvert needs to learn to speak up. (翻译:外向者需要学会放慢语速,而内向者则要学习自我表达。)

2. I'm an introvert. (翻译:我就是一个性格内向的人。)

3. But, as a reformed introvert, I can say that the worst feeling is standing in a group of people and having nothing to say. (翻译:但是,最恐怖的事就是站在一群人面前而不知道说什么。)

4. The same conversation that energizes the extravert also drains the introvert. (翻译:同样的交谈能让外向者荣光焕发,却让内向者精神颓靡。)

5. (Laughter) There are studies done on the frequency with which individuals engage in the conjugal act, as broken down by male, female; introvert, extrovert. (翻译:有人做过, 关于人频率的研究, 分类标准有男性、女性、 内向者、外向者。)

6. Introverts prefer -- and I must again tell you that I am as extreme an introvert as you could possibly imagine -- we speak differently. (翻译:而内向者喜欢 ——我必须再次提醒大家 我是一个十足的内向者—— 我们说话方式很不一样。)

7. For an introvert, this can be the most difficult part of dealing with an extravert. (翻译:对于内向者来说,这正是与外向者相处的最困难之处。)

8. Over the last 7 years I've made a lot of progress. Here's what I've learned about networking as an introvert. (翻译:在过去的7年里,我取得了很大的进步,是我这个内向的人对人际网络的了解。)

9. If you're not an introvert yourself, you are surely raising, managing, married to, or coupled with one. (翻译:如果你自己不是一个内向的人,你肯定在养育、管理一个内向的人,或者和一个内向的人结了婚或在约会。)

10. 'The introvert may shut out the extravert, perhaps while silently nodding, or stop trying to contribute, ' she says. (翻译:她说,“内向者也许会沉默地点头或不再多说什么话,其实内心已经在排斥外向者的讲话了。”)

11. And we all fall at different points, of course, along the introvert/extrovert spectrum. (翻译:当然了我们都会在不同点时偏向 内向者/外向者的范围)

12. I'm an introvert, but I have a core project, which is to profess. (翻译:我是一个内向的人, 最重要的事业是教书。)

13. So it means you could have these discussions in a very slow way, which is great for the extrovert to slow down and think deeply, but it's really good for the introvert as well, to be heard and to feel part of that movement for change, in a good way. (翻译:做针线活意味着用一种缓慢的方式探讨这些问题, 帮助外向者放慢脚步,进行深入思考, 同时,对于内向者来说, 他们可以被倾听,获得归属感, 这一切都是积极向上的。)

14. He was just different, became an introvert, and even helped me with the cleaning. (翻译:总之整个人不同了,又不跟别人玩 经常来教员室帮我打扫)

15. Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them. (翻译:李磊自身性格内向,他的妻子却喜欢争强好胜,而父母从小就对他的管教非常严厉,这使得他想杀了他们。)






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