superseded是什么意思 superseded的中文翻译、读音、例句


superseded是什么意思 superseded的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释:superseded是一个动词,意思是取代、替代、取代某人职位等,这个词常常出现在、经济、科技等领域。


- The old software has been superseded by a more advanced version.

- This new law supersedes the old regulation.

- The traditional manufacturing process has been superseded by automation.

- The outdated theory of evolution has been superseded by new findings.

- The new CEO has superseded the former one.

2. 词源探究:superseded源于拉丁语“super”+“sedere”,意为“坐在之上”。它的起源可以追溯到17世纪。


- The ancient technology has been superseded by modern machinery.

- The traditional way of farming was superseded by scientific agriculture.

- This new discovery has superseded previous assumptions.

- The theories of physics have never been superseded by other scientific disciplines.

- The old model of leadership has been superseded by more collaborative approaches.

3. 用法指导:superseded是一个动词,所以它需要一个宾语,并且常常需要一个介词短语来表示被取代的对象。常见的介词有by和with。


- The new product has superseded the old one in terms of quality and design.

- The outdated textbooks have been superseded by digital resources.

- The old building was superseded with a modern one.

- This policy supersedes all previous regulations in the company.

- This new invention has the potential to supersede all current alternatives.

4. 拓展用法:除了表示取代之外,superseded还可以表示淘汰、废止、取消等意思,常常出现在法律、、科技等领域。


- The current law superseded the former one and changed the way we do business.

- The outdated practice was superseded by a more efficient one.

- The new constitution has superseded the old one and reflects the changing needs of the society.

- The old system was superseded by a better one that can meet the challenges of the 21st century.

- The old treaty was superseded by a new one that aims to promote greater cooperation.

5. 例句应用:为了更好地理解和应用superseded这个词,以下是几个常见的用例,它们涵盖了、经济、科技、文化等多个领域。


- The traditional way of doing business has been superseded by e-commerce and digital marketing.

- The old monarchy was superseded by a republic after the revolution.

- The previous administration's policies were superseded by the new one's agenda.

- The old-fashioned way of delivering news has been superseded by online media and social networks.

- The old customs and traditions have been superseded by new values and beliefs.



1. The old model of the phone has been superseded by the new one. (这款手机的旧型号已经被新型号取代了。)

2. The traditional methods of farming have been superseded by modern technology. (传统的农业方法已经被现代技术所取代。)




例句:Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine. (手工工具是过去的遗物,现在已被机器取代。)


例句:Many products are superseded in a matter of a few years by a new generation of products. (许多产品,往往不要几年的时间就有新一代的产品来代替。)


例句:However, in Visual Studio 2005, registry entries are superseded by entries in the. Addin registration file. (但是,在VisualStudio2005中,.Addin注册文件中的项取代了注册表项。)


例句:The theory has been superseded by more recent research. (翻译:这一理论已为新近的研究所取代。)


superseded一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在superseded by x(本图由X取代)、superseded map(过时地图)、superseded suretyship(被终止的担保)等常见短语中出现较多。

superseded by x本图由X取代
superseded map过时地图
superseded suretyship被终止的担保
superseded suretyship rider替代担保附加条款,替代担保责任附加条款
superseded suretyship riders[经] 替代担保附加条款


1. However, in Visual Studio 2005, registry entries are superseded by entries in the. Addin registration file. (翻译:但是,在VisualStudio2005中,.Addin注册文件中的项取代了注册表项。)

2. The theory has been superseded by more recent research. (翻译:这一理论已为新近的研究所取代。)

3. By the time the EPA had implemented such a ruling, Congress would probably have superseded it with a new law. (翻译:等到环保局执行这样一个裁决的时候,国会很可能已经用新的法令来替代这个裁决了。)

4. The imagesetter has been largely superseded by the platesetter. (翻译:照排机已基本被取代制版机。)

5. DBG files have been superseded by PDB files, which are now more commonly used for debugging. (翻译:DBG文件已经由PDB文件替代,PDB文件现在更常用于调试。)

6. The original computer timewaster has been superseded by the more alluring temptations of the web. (翻译:这款曾经的消耗时间的电脑游戏,现在已经被网页上有趣的小游戏取代。)

7. Certain provisions of these Terms may be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms located on particular pages at this Site. (翻译:这些条款的某些规定可能会由此站点特定页面上明确指定的法律声明或条款取代。)

8. The second issue is that even with laws on the books, it's often superseded or ignored by tribal customs, like in the first jirga that sold Naghma off. (翻译:其次 即使有成文法 它们也通常被部落风俗忽视甚至篡改 就像开头提到的把纳格玛 当货物出卖的族长会议 )

9. With the development of avionics, MIL-STD-1553 will be superseded in favour of Fabre Channels. (翻译:以光纤通道替代现有航电主网络MIL-STD-1553,已成为未来航电系统发展的必然选择。)

10. But this seeming is not an utter nonentity and nothing at all, but Being superseded and put by. (翻译:但这种假象,并不是空无所有、完全无物,而是被扬弃的存在。)

11. medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff; superseded by the bayonet. (翻译:中世纪的武器,有尖锋附在长杆或枪柄上,后在被刺刀取代。)

12. Executive orders made by one president can be superseded by a contrary executive order made by the next president. (翻译:某位总统制定的行政命令可以被下任总统制定的与之相对应的行政命令取代。)






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