barrett是什么意思 barrett的中文翻译、读音、例句


barrett是什么意思 barrett的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'BARRETT'是一个姓氏,也是一种医学术语,表示食管黏膜的一种病变。


- Barrett is a common surname in the United States.

- John Barrett is the CEO of our company.

- Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the lining of the esophagus changes and becomes abnormal.

2. 缩写:'BARRETT'也可以是缩写词,代表不同的组织或概念,例如:

- British Association of Retail and Retail Technology (BARRETT)

- Barrett's esophagus adenocarcinoma research consortium (BEAR)

- Barrett's esophagus and cancer consortium (BEACON)

- Barrett Technology, Inc., a robotics company


- The annual BARRETT conference brings together experts in retail technology from around the world.

- BEAR is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching the link between Barrett's esophagus and cancer.

- BEACON is a global network of researchers working to advance our understanding of Barrett's esophagus and its associated cancers.

- Barrett Technology is a leading developer of advanced robotic systems.

3. 发音:'BARRETT'的发音是 /ˈbær.ɪt/,其中'B'和'T'是清音(无声音),其他都是浊音(有声音)。


- Can you spell Barrett for me?

- His last name is ounced like 'barrette', but with an 'a' instead of an 'e'.

4. 著名人物:Barrett这个姓氏也与许多著名人物有关联,例如:

- Syd Barrett, 英国音乐人,前Pink Floyd band成员

- Monte Barrett, 美国拳击手

- Tina Barrett, 英国女歌手,前S Club 7成员


- Syd Barrett's experimental music helped shape the sound of Pink Floyd in the 1960s.

- Monte Barrett was a heavyweight boxer who once fought Mike Tyson.

- Tina Barrett has released several solo als since leaving S Club 7.

5. 历史背景:'BARRETT'这个单词还可以跟一些历史事件或人物联系起来,例如:

- The Barrett M82, a sniper rifle used in the Gulf War and other conflicts

- James Barrett, an American Revolutionary War hero who led troops at the Battle of Concord


- The Barrett M82 is a powerful anti-materiel rifle that is still used by military and law enforcement agencies around the world.

- James Barrett's bravery and leadership helped secure a victory for American forces at the Battle of Concord.


barrett的中文翻译是巴列特,读音为 [ˈbærət]。


1. John Barret is a famous scholar in the field of economics.(约翰·巴列特是经济学领域的著名学者。)

2. The Barrett family has been living in this house for three generations.(巴列特家族已经在这个房子里住了三代。)

3. He was carrying a Barrett M82 sniper rifle on his back.(他背着一把巴雷特M82。)

barrett在中文中有"男子名"的意思,在英美地区还有"巴雷特"的意思,发音是['bærәt, 'bærit],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到83个与barrett相关的例句。



例句:With a guy like Barrett, you can't go in with guns blazing. (对付像Barrett这样的家伙 直接端着枪可是行不通的)


例句:He took Barrett into his car. (他让巴里特上他的车子 He took Barrett into his car.)


barrett一般作为名词使用,如在Barrett(巴雷特 男子名)、Elizabeth Barrett([网络] 巴瑞特;巴莱特;伊丽莎白)、Elizabeth Barrett Browning(伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁(人名))等常见短语中出现较多。

Barrett巴雷特 男子名
Elizabeth Barrett[网络] 巴瑞特;巴莱特;伊丽莎白
Elizabeth Barrett Browning伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁(人名)
elizabeth barrett brownings伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·布朗宁(人名)


1. I'm not Barrett Hall. My great grandfather just gave it to Harvard. (翻译:我不叫巴拉特礼堂 那只是我曾祖父送给哈佛的)

2. Well, Barrett, what brings you to church? (翻译:好呀 巴拉特 什么风把你吹到教堂这儿来了?)

3. On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink. (翻译:星期四巴雷特请我喝了一杯。)

4. The group was soon to lose Barrett to a mental breakdown and gain Gilmore's epic guitar leads. (翻译:乐团很快就由于巴雷特的精神崩溃而失去了他,加入了吉尔莫的史诗般的吉他。)

5. Well, the bible's here in Miami. (翻译:John Barrett Drake电信技术公司 首席执行官 商 圣经在迈阿密哦)

6. How well did Barrett know Mr. Melville Farr? (翻译:巴里特跟梅尔维尔·法尔先生有多熟? How well did Barrett know Mr. Melville Farr?)

7. Thank you, Mr. Barrett. Are you currently experiencing a break-in? (翻译:谢谢,巴雷特先生,您是否正遭遇非法侵入?)

8. I've been trying to reach Detective Barrett but he doesn't return my calls. (翻译:我一直在找巴瑞特探员 但是他没给我回电话)

9. Have you any idea what Barrett might have been paying to keep quiet? (翻译:你知道巴里特是付钱给谁 塞口风吗? Have you any idea what Barrett might have been paying to keep quiet?)

10. You tell Mr. Barrett to come on down to Miami like we asked him to. (翻译:你叫Barrett先生按我们说好的 自己南下迈阿密来取)

11. - Was that Barrett coming back? (翻译:-那个巴里特回来了? -是的 — Was that Barrett coming back?)

12. The neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett has become very interested in this dynamic relationship between words and emotions. (翻译:神经科学家巴雷特·费尔德曼·丽莎 对这种动态的语言与情绪之间的 关系非常有兴趣 )

13. Barrett's death, and that little hairdresser fellow Henry are bound to weigh against them. (翻译:and that little hairdresser fellow Henry are bound to weigh against them.)

14. You're known for quantity. At Radcliffe, every hall is Barrett Hall. (翻译:你太出名了 在克里夫 每一个礼堂都叫巴拉特礼堂)

15. This blackmailer as good as murdered Barrett. (翻译:This blackmailer as good as murdered Barrett.)


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