pansit是什么意思 pansit的中文翻译、读音、例句


pansit是什么意思 pansit的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Pots and pans, mixing bowls, flatware , knives, and many kitchen sinks are made of stainless steel. (壶、平底锅、搅拌、扁平餐具、刀和许多厨房下水槽等都是不锈钢做的。)


例句:IT BEGAN on August 4th with the metallic clink of a few pots and pans. (始于8月4日,几只铁罐和铁锅叮叮当当地响。)


例句:So what we can do is use steel wool just to clean pans, and the steel wool we can cut in very small pieces, and these very small pieces we can mix to the bitumen. (我们用的就是清洁厨具用的钢丝绒, 钢丝绒可以裁成很小块, 我们把这些小块混进沥青。)


1. So what we can do is use steel wool just to clean pans, and the steel wool we can cut in very small pieces, and these very small pieces we can mix to the bitumen. (翻译:我们用的就是清洁厨具用的钢丝绒, 钢丝绒可以裁成很小块, 我们把这些小块混进沥青。)

2. Allow baby to make sounds of his own with rattles, pots and pans, and clapping his hands. (翻译:让宝宝听自己弄出的声音,比如玩拨浪鼓、瓶瓶罐罐的东西以及拍手等等。)

3. The owners of the factory, the Pans, helped her come to the States six months ago. (翻译:给我这个工作 6个月前 工厂主 潘氏夫妇 帮助她来到美国)

4. Eliot, I need you to go to the Pans' factory. (翻译:Eliot 我需要你去Pan氏夫妇的工厂跑一趟)

5. You're keeping the pans in the kitchen. I will kiss you later. (翻译:你拯救了厨房里的锅碗瓢盆 我一会儿再来亲你 恭喜你!)

6. Cast-iron gear comes in many models, such as: pans, Dutch ovens, griddles and pots. (翻译:铸铁齿轮来,在许多车型,如:锅,荷兰烤箱,锅和盆。)

7. The market is going to feel so much more comfortable being overweight equities if that pans out. (翻译:Hartnett表示,“如果确实如此,市场会更倾向于加码股票。”)

8. The project involves harvesting rainwater using special lowcost containers and digging mini-reservoirs or "earth pans" . (翻译:该项目内容包括用低成本的特殊容器收集雨水及挖掘微型水库或“地盆”。)

9. If "ifs" and "andes" were pots and pans, there'd be no work for tinkers. (翻译:如果种种“假如”能够变成深锅和浅锅,补锅匠就没有生意了。)

10. - So, guys, get pots, pans, stuff like that, okay? (翻译:- 等等 - 所以大家去拿锅碗瓢盆 之类的东西 好吗?)

11. His wife feels spiritually fettered by the pots - and - pans pattern of married life. (翻译:他妻子觉得精神方面受到了婚后家常琐事的束缚。)

12. he dabbled his fingers in ropes of tripe; he dipped them in pans of frying fish; he dodged in and out among the crowds. (翻译:他用手指去抓一串串的牛肚,或伸手去捞锅里正在炸着的鱼,他在人群中神出鬼没地来回穿梭。)

13. Greasy pans can be cleaned with the left over ground beans that you used to exfoliate and scrub your face. (翻译:吃完饭后尽是油的盘子也可以用咖啡豆来清理,道理和清洗你的脸一样。)

14. They¤re on the beds and the cots In the pans and the pots (翻译:狗狗们到处嬉戏 在床上 小狗窝 还有平底锅和壶里)

15. He knows Mama died and Papa sells pots and pans? (翻译:他知道你有一个死得凄惨的母亲吗 知道你有一个9岁就抛弃你的商人父亲吗)




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