twigger是什么意思 twigger的中文翻译、读音、例句


twigger是什么意思 twigger的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I came back with this twig... my only reminder of an unforgettable, but all too brief, Deluge. (我带回了小树枝... 我只记得大洪水永生难忘 就是太短了点)


例句:We want to buy Basketry , Garden Accessories, Baskets and Garden Accessories, Floral Vases, Twig Decor, Seasonal Decor Basketry. (我们要采购篮细工,花园配件,篮子和花园配件,是花似的花瓶,注意装饰,季节的装饰篮细工。)


例句, I can't help you. (不好意思 我不能再帮你了 Tut mir leid. Ich kann Ihnen nicht weiter helfen.)


例句:We below, hideous basis beard and merely and baldly the bloom twig is production intimidating gestures ground to await find to drop down. (翻译:我们下方,恐怖的根须和光秃秃地花枝,正张牙舞爪地等着猎物落下来。)


I can't help you. (翻译:不好意思 我不能再帮你了 Tut mir leid. Ich kann Ihnen nicht weiter helfen.)

2. We below, hideous basis beard and merely and baldly the bloom twig is production intimidating gestures ground to await find to drop down. (翻译:我们下方,恐怖的根须和光秃秃地花枝,正张牙舞爪地等着猎物落下来。)

3. She would form these very neatly out of pieces of twig, and would then decorate them with a flower or two and walk around them, admiring them. (翻译:她会用小树枝把这些整整齐齐地拼起来,然后用一朵或两朵花装饰一下它们,接着绕着它们转圈,欣赏它们。)

4. SOV will cancel his Non-Aggression pact with GER under certain conditions (翻译:苏联在某种条件下将取消与德国的互不侵犯条约)

5. He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they're fresh. (翻译:他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,抽出一根小枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候。)

6. The young Emperor was stretched on a couch of dyed lion skins, and a ger-falcon perched upon his wrist. (翻译:年轻的皇帝躺在染色的狮子皮榻上,手腕上栖着一只白色的猎鹰。)

7. Come morning, the mist condenses into drops on the edges of twig and leaf, which tinkle to the earth. (翻译:到了清晨,雾气凝结成水滴附着在嫩枝和树叶边,随着枝叶叮铃铃的落到地上,水也投入大地的怀抱。)

8. A snapped twig gives away the Cobra's position. (翻译:一声树枝折断的声音暴露了COBRA的位置)

9. "Their main defense is basically hanging on the tree, looking like a twig," Brock said, "it will even sway in the wind." (翻译:布洛克说:“它们的主要自卫手段是装成树枝挂在树上,有时甚至还能随风摇摆。” )

10. It didn't have leaves or berries, it was a brown twig-like plant which you crushed to create a kind of distillation. (翻译:这种植物没有叶子和果实 是一种褐色枝条状的植物)

11. Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close. (翻译:从出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。)

12. Give me a grigri to protect me from war. (翻译:那你给我个护身符保护我不受战争侵扰吧 Donne -moi un grigri pour me protéger contre la guerre.)

13. For as a child must grow and a twig must be trained to be straight and tall as the perfect tree--so shall you learn. (翻译:因为一个孩子必须长大,一条嫩枝必须被训练的如同完美的树一般挺拔--所以你应学习。)

14. Birch trees bend to the ground, every twig sheathed in silver ice. Frost forms exquisite patterns of lacy ferns on windowpanes. (翻译:白桦树向地面弯曲,因为它的每根枝条都被银色的冰包裹。在窗玻璃上,霜形成令人赏心悦目的带花边的羊齿植物图案。)

15. And she will keep company with any person she sees fit and you will treat her with respect, or you will not be permitted in her presence. Is that understood? (翻译:or I will snap you like a twig! 她可以跟任何合得来的人保持关系 and she will keep company with any person she sees fit 那么就不许出现在她的面前 or you will not be permitted in her presence.)


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