gerontopia是什么意思 gerontopia的中文翻译、读音、例句

gerontopia在英语中代表"视力再生、老年期视力回春"的意思,其次还有"老视"的意思,读音为[美 ],gerontopia在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到68个与gerontopia相关的用法和句子。

gerontopia是什么意思 gerontopia的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Children from the ger districts cool off in the polluted Tuul River. (蒙古包区的孩子们正在已被染的图尔河中纳凉。)


例句, I can't help you. (不好意思 我不能再帮你了 Tut mir leid. Ich kann Ihnen nicht weiter helfen.)


例句:Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close. (从出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。)


例句:♪ Sar pe lal topi Rusi Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani ♪ (翻译:♪ Sar pe lal topi Rusi Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani ♪ 我带的帽子是俄罗斯的 可我的心却属于印度)


1. Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close. (翻译:从出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。)

2. ♪ Sar pe lal topi Rusi Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani ♪ (翻译:♪ Sar pe lal topi Rusi Phir bhi dil hai Hindustani ♪ 我带的帽子是俄罗斯的 可我的心却属于印度)

3. no, there were too many people. When she got out of the car, her fans were all screaming, trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs. (翻译:没有,人太多了.她一下车,歌迷们就不停地尖叫,给她献花,还抢着要她的签名。)

4. Making his rounds on a subzero day, Dorjsuren, at right, sells firewood and coal in the ger districts east of downtown but returns to the steppe near Altanbulag every summer to tend his livestock. (翻译:在城区以东的蒙古包区,温度已然在零度以下。多尔修仁白天拉着马车兜客,晚上则出售柴火煤炭。他每年夏天还要回到阿勒坦布拉格附近的大草原,照料牲口。)

5. Colonel Jager, under the United Nations military code of criminal justice, you are under arrest. (翻译:Jäger上校 根据军事法规,你被逮捕了)

6. topI question the wisdom of giving the child so much money. (翻译:我怀疑给这个孩子这么多钱是好事还是坏事。)

7. SOV will cancel his Non-Aggression pact with GER under certain conditions (翻译:苏联在某种条件下将取消与德国的互不侵犯条约)

8. Here is Salman Khan in a promotional event for his upcoming film Veer sporting T-shirt combined with a waist coat and a topi . (翻译:以下是沙尔曼汗的推广活动,为他即将上映的电影韦埃尔运动的T腰外套,一托皮联合衬衫。)

9. The later species all depend on the preparations of the earlier one, for the actions of the zebra alter the vegetation to suit the stomachs of the wildebeest, topi, and gazelle. (翻译:后来的物种都依赖于早期物种的准备工作,因为斑马的行动改变了植被,以适应角马、黄羊和瞪羚的胃。)

10. [GER] *So, I also took some. (翻译:嘛要关心这个 Wieso soll ich mich darum kümmern? 这应该叫做什么?)

11. I'm Colonel Kr.ger from State Security I deal with illegal immigration. (翻译:我是局的Kruger上校, 我负责处理非法移民事务)

12. Mr Topi, deputy leader of the ruling Democratic Party under Sali Berisha, the present prime minister, has a reputation as a moderate. (翻译:托皮属于现任萨利•贝里沙所在的执政党党,他被认为是该党温和派的一员。)

13. BAMIR TOPI, Albania 's recently elected president, may find himself doing rather more than his job description would suggest. (翻译:新上任的阿尔巴尼亚总统巴米尔•托皮也许会发现他要做的事情比宪法所要求的多。)

14. The other three species differ in the proportion of lower leaves and higher stems that they eat: zebras eat the most stem matter, wildebeests eat the most leaves, and topi are intermediate. (翻译:其他三种动物的区别在于它们食用的低处枝叶和高处茎杆的比例不同:斑马吃茎杆最多,角马吃叶子最多,而转角牛羚则介于两者之间。)

15. AIM To observe the severity of reflux esophagitis induced by duodenogastroesophageal reflux (DGER) and gastroesophageal reflux (GER). (翻译:目的观察十二指肠胃食管反流和胃食管反流致反流性食管炎的严重程度。)




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