




In recent years, the problem of academic fraud on campus is becoming more and more serious. More and more people begin to pay attention to academic fraud. This phenomenon first brings many adverse consequences.

Undoubtedly, it hinders the scientific development of our country. Some famous professors admit that they have plagiarized others.




Note: in this section, you can write a composition about academic plagiarism according to the Chinese syllabus given below. You should write at least one word, but not more than one word. Some teachers plagiarize other people's academic papers in order to graduate smoothly, and some college students plagiarize others' graduation theses.

All have their own reasons, and academic plagiarism is no exception. First of all, university authorities place too much emphasis on papers while awarding degrees. Secondly, modern technology makes it possible to obtain information and materials more easily than ever.

Some plagiarists are morally corrupt and unable to resist and decide to take risks. Thirdly, the censorship and punishment systems are far from strict enough, which encourages plagiarism to a certain extent. On the one hand, plagiarism causes many adverse consequences It is unfair to teachers and students who do not plagiarize if they violate the rights of the original author.

On the other hand, plagiarism may spread negative ideas and eventually damage the reputation of the University. Therefore, I suggest that the university authorities should not regard the paper as the only standard for evaluating teachers and students, and should implement a more strict examination and punishment system.




An Outstanding Student in Academic English Writing


As we strive for excellence in various fields of study, one aspect that often separates an outstanding student from others is their proficiency in academic English writing. Academic English writing is not only a critical skill that contributes to successful academic achievements but also serves as a powerful tool for effective communication in the global community. Therefore, developing this skill is of utmost importance for students who aspire to excel academically and professionally.


First and foremost, an outstanding student in academic English writing possesses a strong foundation in grammar and vocabulary. They are able to use a wide range of vocabulary appropriately and accurately, thus enabling them to express their ideas precisely. Moreover, they have a solid understanding of grammatical rules, ensuring coherence and clarity in their written work. With such proficiency, they can effectively convey complex concepts, yses, and arguments, their writing compelling and persuasive.


In addition, an outstanding student in academic English writing knows how to structure their essays effectively. They are adept at organizing their ideas into logical paragraphs and presenting a coherent argument that flows smoothly. They understand the importance of proper essay structure, including a strong introduction that captures the reader's attention, body paragraphs that provide evidence and ysis, and a conclusion that summarizes the main points and leaves a lasting impression.


Furthermore, an outstanding student in academic English writing demonstrates critical thinking and research skills. They are capable of conducting thorough research on a given topic, yzing various sources critically, and integrating relevant information into their writing. They understand the significance of evaluating the credibility and reliability of sources, thus ensuring the accuracy and validity of their arguments. Their ability to think critically and present well-supported arguments sets them apart from their peers.


In conclusion, academic English writing is a crucial skill that distinguishes an outstanding student in their pursuit of academic excellence. By honing their grammar and vocabulary, mastering effective essay structure, and applying critical thinking and research skills, these students are able to produce exceptional written work that not only showcases their intellectual abilities but also effectively communicates their ideas. Aspiring students should strive to develop and enhance their academic English writing skills to become outstanding individuals in their academic and professional endeavors.






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