












Respected judges and dear classmates,

Hello, everyone! I am a student from Shandong Province. Today, I would like to share some things about my hometown, Shandong, with you.

Shandong is a province in eastern coastal region of China. It is known for its rich history, culture, and beautiful natural scenery. We have many famous historical sites in Shandong, such as the Temple of Confucius and the Three Confucian Sites in Qufu, which are all world cultural heritages. Moreover, we also have beautiful mountains and spectacular beaches that attract many tourists. The culture in Shandong is also very unique. We have a long-standing Confucian cultural tradition and produce many delicious foods, such as Jianbing Guozi (Chinese pancake) and Shandong cuisine.

I am very proud to say that I come from Shandong. I love the local customs and friendly people of Shandong. I cherish the beautiful scenery and rich culture of my hometown. I believe that Shandong will continue to prosper and make more contributions to our country in the future.

Thank you, everyone!







In Shandong, the college entrance examination, also known as Gaokao, is a significant moment for every student. Gaokao is the threshold for Chinese students to enter universities and it plays a crucial role in their future development. Gaokao not only tests students' mastery of knowledge but also their thinking ability and ability to handle pressure.

Gaokao is a challenging exam, and students usually go through long periods of preparation and intense revision before the exam. They spend a great deal of time and effort studying various subjects, engaging in mock exams and practicing exercises to improve their test-taking abilities. During the preparation period, students often sacrifice entertainment and social activities and immerse themselves in their studies. They believe that only through relentless effort can they achieve excellent results.

Shandong's Gaokao system is relatively strict, as the exam covers the content of several years of study in different subjects. Students need to grasp the key points of each subject and efficiently complete the exams within limited time. In addition, Gaokao includes oral English and listening tests, which require students to have higher English proficiency.

After Gaokao, students evaluate their performance based on their scores. The scores not only determine whether they can enter their desired universities but also have a significant impact on their choice of major. For those with higher scores, they will have more options. However, for those with lower scores, they may need to reconsider their choices or find alternative paths to achieve their dreams.

In conclusion, Gaokao in Shandong is an important step for students to enter universities. It tests not only their knowledge but also their comprehensive abilities and resilience under pressure. Through Gaokao, students have the opportunity to choose their own path and strive to achieve their dreams.


This is Mr. Brown's second visit to Jinan during his stay in Shandong. He will visit several schools next week.

Mr. Brown will visit some places first. He will take a train to Taian to climb Mount Tai.

Then he will take a bus to Qufu to visit Confucius Temple. Then he will return to Jinan by bus. Then he will fly to Qingdao.

He will stay there for a few days and give a speech on American English. Finally, he will fly back to the United States from Qingdao. Mr.

Brown came to Shandong and visited some of his schools in Jinan. This is the second time he will come here next week. He will first visit some places.

He wants to take the train to Taian to climb Mount Tai. Then he will take a bus to Jinan. After returning to Jinan, he will visit the Confucius Temple in Qufu.

He will fly to Qingdao and live there for a few days. After the speech, he will give a speech in American English. He will fly back to the United States and finish his visit to China.








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