
关于”2017年成考“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:In English, 2017 Adult Education Exam can be translated as 2017 Adult Education Examination.。以下是关于2017年成考的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”2017年成考“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:In English, 2017 Adult Education Exam can be translated as 2017 Adult Education Examination.。以下是关于2017年成考的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:In English, 2017 Adult Education Exam can be translated as 2017 Adult Education Examination.

Possible 2017 Adult Education English Writing Test Topic:

Topic: The Influence of the Internet on Our Lives

Possible Outline:


- Briefly introduce the topic and state the purpose of the essay (e.g., to yze the positive and negative impact of the Internet on our lives)


Paragraph 1: The Positive Impact of the Internet on Our Lives

- Provide examples of how the Internet has made our lives easier, more convenient, and more connected (e.g., online shopping, social media, instant messaging, video calls, e-learning)

- Explain how the Internet has promoted globalization, cultural exchange, and social awareness

- Acknowledge the benefits of the Internet in promoting economic growth, innovation, and entrepreneurship

Paragraph 2: The Negative Impact of the Internet on Our Lives

- Provide examples of how the Internet has posed challenges, risks, and problems to our lives (e.g., cyberbullying, online addiction, privacy violation, fake news)

- Explain how the Internet has contributed to the digital divide, social isolation, and cultural genization

- Acknowledge the harmful effects of the Internet in undermining productivity, mental health, and social skills

Paragraph 3: The Balanced View of the Internet on Our Lives

- Provide examples of how the Internet can be both positive and negative depending on how we use it and what values we uphold

- Explain how the Internet can be regulated, monitored, and evaluated to ensure its positive impact and mitigate its negative impact

- Acknowledge the need for individual responsibility, media literacy, and ethical awareness in using the Internet


- Summarize the main points of the essay and restate the thesis in a balanced way

- Provide some recommendations for how individuals and society can leverage the positive impact of the Internet and address the negative impact of the Internet

- End with a thought-provoking question or call to action to stimulate further reflection and discussion

Possible Translation:




- 简要介绍主题并阐述文章的目的(例如,分析互联网对我们生活的正面和负面影响)



- 提供互联网如何使我们的生活更轻松、更方便、更联系的例子(例如,在线购物、社交媒体、即时通讯、视频通话、电子学习)

- 解释互联网如何促进全球化、文化交流和社会意识

- 承认互联网在促进经济增长、创新和创业方面的好处


- 提供互联网如何对我们的生活带来挑战、风险和问题的例子(例如,网络欺凌、网络成瘾、隐私侵犯、虚假新闻)

- 解释互联网如何导致数字鸿沟、社交孤立和文化同质化

- 承认互联网在生产力、心理健康和社交技能方面的有害影响


- 提供互联网如何根据我们如何使用它和我们坚持的价值观而具有正面和负面影响的例子

- 解释如何监管、监测和评估互联网以确保其积极影响并减轻其负面影响

- 承认在使用互联网方面需要个人责任、媒体素养和伦理意识


- 总结文章的主要观点并平衡地重述论点

- 提供一些建议,以便个人和社会能够利用互联网的正面影响并解决互联网的负面影响

- 以引人思考的问题或呼吁进一步反思和讨论结束




In recent years, people have been paying more and more attention to their health problems. As a result, it is of great importance for us to take measures to maintain our physical health.

First of all, we should establish a healthy lifestyle. It is essential to have a balanced diet, take regular exercise and have enough sleep. Besides, we should avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs, which can cause serious damage to our health. In addition, we should always keep our living environment clean by doing regular cleaning and ventilation.

Secondly, we should have regular medical checkups to detect any potential health problems. Prevention is better than cure, and early diagnosis and treatment can reduce the risk of serious illnesses.

Thirdly, we should develop a positive attitude towards life. We should learn to manage stress and anxiety effectively, which are the major causes of physical and mental problems.

In conclusion, maintaining good physical health is important, and we should pay enough attention to it. By following the above measures, we can live a healthier and happier life.










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