my holiday英语作文50字_小学满分英语作文5篇

关于”my holiday50字“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My Holiday (50 words) During my vacation, I traveled to an amazing place. The scenery was breathtaking, with lush greenery and beautiful beaches. I spent my days exploring the local culture, tasting delicious food, and making unforgettable memories. This trip has given me a renewed appreciation for the world's diversity and all the wonders it has to offer.。以下是关于my holiday50字的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

my holiday英语作文50字_小学满分英语作文5篇

关于”my holiday50字“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My Holiday (50 words) During my vacation, I traveled to an amazing place. The scenery was breathtaking, with lush greenery and beautiful beaches. I spent my days exploring the local culture, tasting delicious food, and unforgettable memories. This trip has given me a renewed appreciation for the world's diversity and all the wonders it has to offer.。以下是关于my holiday50字的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My Holiday (50 words) During my vacation, I traveled to an amazing place. The scenery was breathtaking, with lush greenery and beautiful beaches. I spent my days exploring the local culture, tasting delicious food, and unforgettable memories. This trip has given me a renewed appreciation for the world's diversity and all the wonders it has to offer.

My holiday was great! I spent time with my family and friends, went to the beach, and relaxed. I also read some books and watched some movies. Overall, it was a wonderful break from school and I am ready to start the new semester.


万能作文模板2:我的假期(50字) 在我的假期里,我去了一个人迹罕至的地方。那里的景色令人叹为观止,有茂密的绿色植被和美丽的海滩。我每天都去探索当地的文化,品尝美味的食物,并留下难忘的回忆。这次旅行让我重新认识了世界的多样性及其所提供的一切奇迹。

During my holiday, I enjoyed a lot of fun activities. I went on a road trip with my family, visited museums and parks, and spent time with friends. It was a great way to relax and recharge for the upcoming school year.


满分英语范文3:my holiday50字


英文翻译:I plan to go on a trip during the holiday to broaden my horizons. I also want to read more books to improve my knowledge level.





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