




Q: high tax levels drive away foreign investors. Bush admits that Vietnamese planes collided with Nigerian planes. Myers Quinn likes to collect the best stories about the city.

Bill Gates and Microsoft created a prosperous poetry corner in the view of China by Bill Gates and Microsoft in the United States. Mexican racism in the U.S. government shows that retired people steal groceries and bread Old retirees steal groceries and bread Philippe Meyer yesterday paper industry will strike tomorrow / next week / next month Beijing fulfills Olympic promise will be + Princess visits bafand in August financier is killed by thieves countries spend more money on cancer research France rejects EU constitution EU constitution rejected boy found by teacher boy died of lab tax Collect, ban, plan, drive, move, investigate, protest, bat, share, watch, chop, axe, ring, bank, raise, state, pay, promise, talk, riot, attack, appeal, back, face, signature, jump, medicine.




1. My Favorite Hobby - 我最喜爱的爱好

2. A Trip to Remember - 一次难忘的旅行

3. The Importance of Friendship - 友谊的重要性

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media - 社交媒体的优缺点

5. The Benefits of Reading - 阅读的好处

6. A Memorable Childhood Experience - 一个难忘的童年经历

7. The Impact of Technology on Society - 科技对社会的影响

8. The Beauty of Nature - 自然之美

9. My Dream Career - 我的梦想职业

10. Ways to Stay Healthy - 保持健康的方法


Some people say: if the pressure is small, life will be better. I fully agree with this saying. Now the society around us is full of various temptations.

You should pay more to get what you want, including partiting in fierce competition. If you are under too much pressure, it will be a great pressure, which is not conducive to your physical and mental health, and your relationship with your family It will also collapse. Your life is like a ruin.

You will get a better life. You will get rid of the angry world, instead of strengthening. You can see beautiful flowers, warm sunshine, and sweet smile.

All of these will help you release your great pressure, hold a simple mind, and then get a simple and beautiful life and make you happy.






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