
关于”深圳的四季“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shenzhen's Four Seasons。以下是关于深圳的四季的三年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”深圳的四季“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Shenzhen's Four Seasons。以下是关于深圳的四季的三年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Shenzhen's Four Seasons


Spring (春季)


Spring is the most pleasant season in Shenzhen. The weather is getting warmer and the flowers start to blossom. There are many colorful floral seas in Shenzhen's parks, such as cherry blossoms, rhododendrons, peaches, and so on. In the sunny spring, many people choose to have a picnic, take a walk in the park, and enjoy the natural beauty.

Summer (夏季)


Summer is the hottest season in Shenzhen. The temperature can reach up to 35 degrees, and the air humidity is also high. But there are many beaches and swimming pools in Shenzhen that can provide relief in the hot summer. The most famous one is Shenzhen Bay Beach, which is a great place for swimming, beach volleyball, surfing, and water sports such as jet skiing.

Autumn (秋季)


Autumn is the most pleasant season in Shenzhen. The weather is getting cooler, the temperature is moderate, and the air is fresh. Shenzhen has many parks, and this season is perfect for hiking and enjoying the autumn leaves and flowers. Xiangshan Park is a very popular attraction. It has beautiful lakes, autumn leaves, and many resting areas where people can take a stroll and relax.

Winter (冬季)


Winter is the coldest season in Shenzhen, but the temperature rarely drops below 10 degrees. This season is perfect for eating hot pot and barbecue, as these are foods that many Shenzhen people love. Shenzhen has many hot pot and barbecue restaurants that allow people to enjoy delicious food and spend winter in a warm indoor environment.


In conclusion, Shenzhen has distinct four-season weather and a variety of activities that allow both tourists and residents to enjoy the charm of this city.


There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. I like spring is warm and often rains.

I can plant trees and flowers in spring. Spring is very hot. Summer is hot.

I can swim in the river. It's a good season. I can fly kites in autumn.

I can eat a lot of apples. Winter is cold. I can play with snow and make snowman.

Love all seasons because they are beautiful.




I like spring because it represents the beginning of life. I like summer because I like the hot and sticky feeling, I know, but I think I like swimming and eating ice cream. I like autumn because I like the color of winter because the snow is too beautiful to describe.

However, my favorite season is spring, trees, birds singing symbols of happiness.






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