
关于”及格分“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The English translation of 及格分 is passing grade.。以下是关于及格分的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”及格分“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The English translation of 及格分 is passing grade.。以下是关于及格分的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The English translation of 及格分 is passing grade.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Live in Campus or Off Campus? You should write at least 120 words and no more than 180 words.

Living in campus or off campus is a question facing many college students. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

Living in campus is the first choice for most students, because they can save time and energy on transportation. There are also various activities and facilities provided by the campus, such as library, sports field, and student clubs. It is also easy to make friends in campus and get help from teachers.

On the other hand, living off campus gives students more and privacy. They can choose the location, the type of apartment and live in a more comfortable environment. However, living far from the campus may take a lot of time and energy on transportation, and they may miss some campus activities and events.

In my opinion, living on campus is a better choice for freshman, because it can help them adapt to the college life more quickly and make more friends. But in later years, students can consider living off campus if they want more and privacy.






Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Electronic Gadgets. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




My Favorite Electronic Gadgets

Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology, people rely more and more on electronic products in their daily lives. Among all the electronic gadgets, my favorite one is the smartphone.

There are several reasons why I like my smartphone so much. Firstly, it is a portable device that can perform multiple functions. I can use it to make phone calls, send messages, take photos, listen to music, watch videos, and even read books. It is like a mini computer that I can carry with me all the time.

Secondly, my smartphone helps me keep in touch with my friends and family. I can use various social media apps to chat and share photos with them, no matter how far away they are. I can also use it to make video calls and have face-to-face conversations with them.

Finally, my smartphone is a great tool for learning and self-improvement. I can use it to access online courses, read e-books, and listen to podcasts. I can also use it to set goals, track my progress, and manage my time more effectively.

In conclusion, my smartphone is not only a device that brings convenience and entertainment to my life, but also a tool that helps me connect with others and achieve my goals. I can hardly imagine my life without it.








The passing score for the postgraduate English composition is usually around 25 points, which may vary depending on different schools and exam formats. In the postgraduate English composition, candidates are required to express their ideas accurately, use appropriate language expressions and have good grammar structures.


Possible passing-level English composition:

Title: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working from Home

In recent years, more and more people have been working from home, thanks to technological advancements and changing attitudes towards remote work. This trend has both pros and cons that need to be weighed carefully.

On the one hand, working from home can save a lot of time, money, and hassle that would otherwise be spent commuting to and from an office. It can also create a more flexible schedule that allows people to balance their work and personal life better. Moreover, working from home can reduce distractions from co-workers, office politics, and office noise, it easier to focus on tasks that require concentration. This can lead to higher productivity, creativity, and job satisfaction. Finally, working from home can be a greener option that reduces carbon emissions and helps protect the environment.

On the other hand, working from home can also have some drawbacks. First, it can be lonely and isolating, especially for people who crave social interaction and collaboration with others. Second, it can blur the boundaries between work and leisure, leading to longer working hours and burnout. Third, it can be harder to communicate effectively with team members and supervisors, especially when using virtual tools that lack the richness and nuances of face-to-face interactions. Fourth, it can require a high level of self-discipline, motivation, and accountability, which not everyone possesses naturally. Finally, it can pose some security risks, such as data breaches, cyber attacks, and physical hazards, if proper precautions are not taken.

In conclusion, working from home can be a mixed blessing that offers pros and cons that depend on individual cirtances and preferences. It is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before deciding whether to work from home or not, and to address any challenges that arise with appropriate strategies and support. With the right balance of autonomy, connectivity, and security, working from home can become a viable, enjoyable, and sustainable option for many people today.










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