
关于”一件感动的事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An touching thing。以下是关于一件感动的事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。


关于”一件感动的事“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:An touching thing。以下是关于一件感动的事的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:An touching thing

I went to Yuexiu Park yesterday afternoon. I happened to see a touching thing. At that time, someone was boating on the lake.

Maybe it was a happy family. They were taking pictures. Suddenly, the girl fell out of the boat into the water she was struggling with.

Her parents called out, "help." it was obvious that they could not swim at all. A young man rushed to the lake immediately without taking off his clothes He jumped into the water and swam quickly to the exhausted girl. Finally, he carried her to the lake.

Before they thought of thanking the young man, his parents were so happy that he disappeared http://wwwgooglecn/searchclient=affosmathon&forid=1&ie=utf8&oe=utf8&hl=zhCN&q=ebbbbefebaeaebab+ebbefadebdce.




Yesterday afternoon I went to Yuexiu Park. I happened to see a touching event there. Yesterday afternoon, I went to Yuexiu Park.

I happened to see a touching event. Someone was boating on the lake. Maybe it was a happy family.

They were taking pictures. Suddenly, the girl fell off the ground and the boat fell into the water. She struggled.

Her parents yelled, "help!" it's very clear They can't swim at all. A young man rushed into the lake without taking off his clothes. He dived into the water and swam quickly to the exhausted girl.

Finally, he took her to the lake and she was saved. His parents were so happy before they thought of thanking the young man. He was gone.


昨天下午我去越秀公园,碰巧我在那里看到了一个感人的事件昨天下午我去了越秀公园碰巧我看到了一个感人的事件,有人在湖上划船,其中可能是一个幸福的家庭,他们正在拍照,突然女孩从地上摔下来船掉进水里她挣扎着,她的父母大声喊道:“救命啊”很明显他们根本不会游泳,一个年轻人不服就立刻冲到湖里,他跳进水里,迅速游向已经疲惫不堪的女孩l,最后他把她抱到湖边,她得救了 父母在想到感谢年轻人之前是多么高兴,他已经不见了。


Yesterday afternoon, I went to Yuexiu Park to watch a touching event. Someone was boating on the lake. Maybe it was a happy family.

They were taking pictures. Suddenly, the girl fell off the boat and fell into the water she was struggling with. Her parents yelled, "help!" obviously, they couldn't swim at all.

A young man rushed to the lake and jumped into the water immediately without taking off his clothes Swimming to girl l, she was tired, and finally he took her to the lake. She was saved. Her parents were so happy before they thought of thanking the young people.

He disappeared. A lovely cat, a lovely cat, how rich life is.







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