
关于”2021年10月自考二预测“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:October 2021 Self-taught Second Prediction。以下是关于2021年10月自考二预测的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。


关于”2021年10月自考二“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:October 2021 Self-taught Second Prediction。以下是关于2021年10月自考二的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:October 2021 Self-taught Second Prediction



Internet Crime

Internet crime has become a serious social issue. Some people use the internet to commit fraud and deception, while others use it to attack the privacy and security of others. The government and society should take measures to strengthen internet security and prevent this type of criminal behavior from happening.



Part-Time Jobs for College Students

Today, many college students choose to work part-time jobs off-campus to earn money and gain experience. Part-time jobs can provide opportunities for them to develop skills and gain experience. However, part-time jobs for college students can also hinder their academic performance. College students should prioritize their studies while reasonably arranging their part-time job schedules.



Conserving Energy

Energy is an important resource, but it's also a limited one. To protect the environment and achieve sustainable development, we should take measures to conserve energy. For example, we can use more efficient energy equipment and tools, reduce waste and unnecessary consumption. Conserving energy can not only save costs but also protect our environment and our planet.


题目:Network Addiction





Network addiction has become a common problem in today's society. People are addicted to the world of the Internet, often browsing, chatting, playing games on social media, and even sacrificing sleep time. This not only affects people's learning and work, but also poses a threat to their physical and mental health. What measures should we take to solve this problem?

Network addiction is a phenomenon of difficult behavioral control and excessive dependence on the Internet. This is mainly due to the attractive advantages of the Internet, such as convenience, speed, and entertainment. However, excessive use of the Internet can cause a series of problems, such as lack of sleep, declining academic performance, reduced communication skills, and lack of exercise. In addition, some online games and social media content can also cause psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

To solve the problem of network addiction, we should take the following measures. First, it is necessary to strengthen education and popularize the harm and prevention measures of network addiction. Let people know the correct methods and skills of using the Internet, and help them develop healthy online habits. Secondly, it is necessary to establish a healthy life management mechanism, encourage people to partite in sports and other healthy activities actively, to ensure physical and mental health. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen parental and school supervision and management to prevent children and adolescents from excessively indulging in the Internet.

In conclusion, solving the problem of network addiction requires the efforts of the whole society, including individuals, families, schools, and all aspects of society. Only by working together can we make the Internet a useful tool for us, rather than a burden.





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