
关于”概要写作“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Outline writing。以下是关于概要写作的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


关于”概要写作“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Outline writing。以下是关于概要写作的高中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Outline writing

How did I spend my holiday? I spent my last holiday happily. Honesty is one of the best virtues. Honest people are always trusted and respected.

On the contrary, a liar is regarded as a "liar" and treated by honest people. The day before yesterday, my class went to Jinshan by bus. I went to Jinshan by bus.

I went there three times by bus. A few hours long journey made us It was very tired, but the beautiful sea made us relive the trip to Mount Tai. I remember the first time I went to Mount Tai.

It was just like yesterday. People often said that gold and silver are the most precious things in the world. But I said that reading is more valuable because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us strength to measure an accident.

It was a rainy and windy morning, the sky was overcast, the temperature was low, and the streets were almost empty No one. On my way back to school, suddenly a speeding car came round the corner. Pollution control.

In this article, I will draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.




English Summary Writing

Summary writing is an important skill that every English student should learn. It involves condensing a longer piece of text into a shorter version while retaining the essence and main ideas. This skill is particularly useful when studying and researching, as it enables students to extract key information quickly and efficiently.


To write an effective summary, one must first read and understand the original text thoroughly. It is essential to grasp the main ideas and supporting details in order to accurately summarize the content. Once the text is comprehended, the student can start identifying the most important points and disregarding any unnecessary or repetitive information.


When writing the summary, capturing the essence of the original text in a condensed form. It is important to use one's own words while staying true to the author's intent.


Practicing summary writing regularly can greatly improve one's English language skills. It enhances reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing abilities. By summarizing various texts, students will become more proficient in identifying key points and extracting relevant information, which are essential skills in any academic or professional setting.


In conclusion, summary writing is a valuable skill for English students to acquire. It enables them to extract important information quickly and efficiently, enhancing their overall language proficiency. By practicing this skill regularly, students can improve their reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing abilities, ultimately becoming more successful in their academic pursuits.



How did I spend my holiday? I spent my last holiday happily. Honesty is one of the best virtues. Honest people are always trusted and respected.

On the contrary, a liar is regarded as a "liar" and treated by honest people. The day before yesterday, my class went to Jinshan by bus. I went to Jinshan by bus.

I went there three times by bus. A few hours long journey made us It was very tired, but the beautiful sea made us relive the trip to Mount Tai. I remember the first time I went to Mount Tai.

It was just like yesterday. People often said that gold and silver are the most precious things in the world. But I said that reading is more valuable because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us strength to measure an accident.

It was a rainy and windy morning, the sky was overcast, the temperature was low, and the streets were almost empty No one. On my way back to school, suddenly a speeding car came round the corner. Pollution control.

In this article, I will draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.






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