
关于”读后感“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Reading Reflection。以下是关于读后感的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。


关于”读后感“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Reading Reflection。以下是关于读后感的中考英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Reading Reflection

/It's a great book and you should read it to love and care. I sat on the sofa alone, thinking about what I had just read. My eyes were filled with tears of sadness, and my heart was full of angry flames.

It made my tired soul wake up. This soul has been covered by worldly cruelty and selfishness for a long time. This is my feeling after reading Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, a famous British writer.

The lack of resources in the book that I speak of, and what makes me feel different from all the good people in the world, is not only the lack of resources in the book that I speak of, but also the feeling of the lack of it in all of us Each other get some kind of spiritual stimulation, love and love. The philanthropic figures created by Dickens in his novels are just what we need in our life. They express their love and care to others, just like the drizzle falling on the ground and deeply engraved in my heart.

Mr. Brownlow is one of them. One day, he had an elaborate watch stolen by two skilled young thieves, Dodge and Charlie Bates, He naturally believed that Oliver had done it.

He was an orphan and was forced to live with a gang of thieves, because after the theft, he seized Oliver angrily and sent him to the police station, where the angry and unfair magistrate worked for him. Oliver was later proved to be innocent by a bystander sympathetically, and Mr. Brownlow injured him Poor Oliver took it to his home, where he lived happily for months as if he were Mr.






Title: A Reflection on Reading


As an English student, reading plays a crucial role in my language learning journey. It not only expands my vocabulary and knowledge but also broadens my perspective on various topics. Recently, I finished reading a book that left a deep impression on me, prompting me to ponder and reflect.


The book is titled "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho. It tells the story of a young shepherd named Santiago who embarks on a journey to find his personal legend, his true purpose in life. Along the way, Santiago meets various people who guide and inspire him, ultimately leading him to discover the importance of following his dreams.

这本书的名字是《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》(The Alchemist),作者是保罗·柯艾略(Paulo Coelho)。它讲述了一个年轻的牧羊人叫圣地亚哥踏上了寻找他的个人传奇、真实人生目标的旅程。在旅途中,圣地亚哥遇到了各种各样的人们,他们给予他指引和启发,最终使他发现了追随梦想的重要性。

Throughout the book, the author emphasizes the idea of following one's dreams and listening to one's heart. It made me realize the significance of staying true to my own aspirations, even in the face of challenges or societal expectations. It also reminded me that the journey towards achieving dreams may not always be smooth, but the obstacles encountered along the way are what make the pursuit worthwhile.


Moreover, "The Alchemist" teaches us about the power of the universe and how everything is interconnected. It reminded me to trust the process of life and have faith that everything happens for a reason. Just like how Santiago learned to understand the language of the desert and the wind, I realized that there is wisdom and guidance all around us if we open our hearts and pay attention.


Reading this book was a transformative experience for me. It reminded me of the importance of following my dreams, trusting the journey, and believing in the power of the universe. I am grateful for the lessons I learned and the inspiration it provided. It has motivated me to continue reading and exploring more books that can open my mind and nourish my soul.


In conclusion, reading is not just about acquiring knowledge, but it also has the power to transform and inspire us. The book "The Alchemist" reminded me to pursue my dreams, trust the journey, and be receptive to the wisdom around me. I look forward to embarking on further reading adventures and continuing to grow through the written word.



=====================================================J ` krowling is a world-famous writer, famous for the new Harry Potter. He is the author of a series of novels that attracted many people in the world. JK Rowling wrote novels since childhood, grew up in Chepstow, and wrote the first "book" at the age of Sisha.

The story about alibit is called rabbit. She is at Exeter University After studying French and classical literature, she moved to London to work for Amnesty International, and then went to Portugal to teach French as a foreign language. Before settling down in Edinburgh, the idea of Harry Porter appeared on the train from Manchester to London.

She said Harry Potter ======================================================================= I just read it After finishing the first Harry Potter book, I have read it five times. They are as magical and touching as before. Danger has seven quite satisfactory returns.

The roles are very wonderful and realistic. The bad people become good people, and the good people become bad people. Just like Li Fei thinks, what I like most about these books is such a message: it's normal to be different, and it doesn't matter.

I hope everyone in the school can hear this message, which may reduce bullying in school. These books are very valuable. Many people have real ideas about Harry's illegal behavior, but until now, only in this series will he break a rule for personal interests.

Most of the time, he will make a decision, that is, what is right is more important than what is written. You know what life is like. Sometimes I think children get an example of how to do the right thing, even if it involves breaking the rules in Porter's book, but at the same time, if you don't get caught and detained, the consequences of breaking the rules are there, and then a spell goes wrong and someone becomes a cat, which shows that when you make a decision to violate the rules, things may not be what you want As expected, you have to be responsible for the results.








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